Restrictions on Choice in States — Feministe
The article linked above summarizes the ways that state legislators across the country have been hard at work to restrict women's freedoms in the "land of the free." You might also be interested in the full original report from the Center for Reproductive Rights, where it says that "On average, more than six hundred bills are proposed annually and dozens are passed, making it increasingly difficult for women in many states to access abortion." Are women really that incapable of making a decision about whether to carry a pregnancy to term that they need (usually male) legislators to write 600 bills about it? What PUBLIC issues might legistlators be spending time on instead?
Don't for get to write 5 full lines and sign full name. For now, focus ONLY on the questions posed in THIS blog post. Stay on this specific aspect of the reproductive rights, knowing that later we will examine other sides. Also, remember to be professional, polite, and patient when you make your comment. Keep in mind to trust that everyone in the class has good intentions.
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