‘Why are girls who lose their virginity allowed to go to public school?’: "Yup, that’s a direct quote. Bambang Bayu Suseno, a legislator in Jambi, a province of Indonesia, is floating an idea among his colleagues and constituents that all girls would have to pass a virginity test in order to attend state-funded schools.
"This kind of shaming, of course, goes on all over the world, and in more subtle but still damaging ways, in the U.S., where pregnant teens or those labeled as sluts are often compelled to leave school."
I think this article is absolutely ridiculous. I think education is an important part of life and everyone should have an equal opportunity to be educated. It doesn't matter who you are and I personally think it's dumb to base whether a person can be educated on whether they are still a virgin or not. Girls who have or don't have their virginity has nothing what so ever to do with education. This is just honestly one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard and I completely disagree with it. All I have to say is that it's up to the girl if she wants to have sex or not. It's not up to anyone else and definitely not up to society. It's a personal choice and not an open for discussion choice.
ReplyDeleteI think girls who aren't virgins should be allowed to attend public school if that's what they want to do. They shouldn't be banned from public schools just because they are't virgins, that just isn't fair! And why would they only kick the girls out of the public schools and not the boys, seeing that the boys are the ones who took their virginity. Instead of kicking them out, the school should try to educate them on safe sex, the consequences that comes with having sex, or even unprotected sex. Students lose their virginity no matter what school they attend, if they don't have the people teaching them about "sex" then they don't really know anything about it, except what they see on television. The girls who is no longer a virgin should be giving the same rights as other students on which school it is that they want to attend no matter if they are virgins or not. Being virgins doesn't make them better than those who aren't, so why should they not have the same opportunity? I feel that the girls who aren't virgins should still be able to attend public schools or else there soon wouldn't be any studends attended the public schools. This day in age many girls are sexually active, so they can't stop all the girls from attending public schools.
ReplyDeleteShaletta M. Hanson
This article goes to show the thinking of many people around the world who are stuck on the idea that virginity is a commodity. In indonesia, strong religious beliefs probably are what is reflected in this person's statement. We here in the US may not see it as a religious point of view, just one of "good moral values," however, these moral values are more often than not the religous agenda being forced into our laws. Unfortunately if we as "free americans" with "seperation of church and state" have these issues, then what chance do people in other countries with less freedoms have? As far as Hillary Clinton helping out with women's issues, I really don't see it on her agenda as it wouldn't do anything significant to change the US point of view on electing her for president in the future. (But that's a different comment on a different blog.)
ReplyDeleteStewart Ferrell WS190 12pm
It really bothers me how big of a role sex plays in this generation. I have no idea how getting an eductaion relates to virginity. It makes me ask myself will I get my diploma if I loose my virginity? Private or public school, why does it even really matter? Its not fair to our children who want an education. Sexuality is a personal thing but education is a public thing & the two just dont mix when it comes down to private or public schooling.
ReplyDeleteWHAT being a virgin and obtaining an education have in common, I have no idea. This sad, misguided gentleman should be paying more attention to the fact that his country,is one of the leaders of the world, of forced prostitution for women and children; instead of focusing on his obsession with a woman's virginity.
ReplyDeleteI believe this is absolutley ridicuous!!!! Why would a girls virginity affect thier education? Why should a girl who is sexually active be punished and not receive an education? and if this was the case, why is it only females who are not allowed to attend private schools? Because women are the ones who are not supposed to have sex and are supposed to remain pure, or because there is no true way to test a males virginity so they simply dont count? This is by far one of the most upsetting things I have ever heard pertaining to the virginity movement. This just shows how ludicris the private schools religious view of being pure is. They are basically saying a female who engages in sex is not as responsible as one who is not and that they are less of a person because they did not wait to have sex. I am very affended by this article and comment from Bambang Bayu.
ReplyDeleteMaegan Kelley
This artical is doing nothing but judging girls. Basically depriving them of good education just because thy are having sex. This whole argument is ridiculous, education has nothing to do with rather or not a person is having sex. Education shoud be based on giving everyone an equal oppurtunity to learn. This bothers me because i wonder if they do the same to males because they have sex just as well as females. Education and sex should never be on the same level.