Christine O’Donnell Marches On, With Baggage - NYTimes.com:
O'Donnell will be running for a US Senate Seat. Does she represent the "Virginity Movement?"
Consider these quotes from the above-linked article:
"Ms. O’Donnell, 41, who grew up in New Jersey and has lived in Delaware for roughly a half-dozen years, spent the 1990s helping run a sexual morality movement aimed at fellow Gen Xers.
Ms. O’Donnell has taken positions against federal financing for stem cell research, is opposed to abortion even in cases of rape.
In the 1990s, Ms. O’Donnell, a Roman Catholic who for a time considered herself an evangelical, founded SALT (the Savior’s Alliance for Lifting the Truth”) and appeared on MTV’s “Sex in the Nineties” to explain the values of chastity.
For someone to "push" their causes, morals, values, and religion on their constituents is appalling to me. Then, coupled with taking a woman's right of reproductive choices away, is not only a conflict of interest; but is severely out of touch with women's issues, as well as setting women's rights back to the 19th Century; when women had no voice or virtually no say in society. She also did not put much thought into a rape victims'feelings, situation or position; just what she believes due to her personal belief in religion. She can follow her religion, but at the expense of a rape victim? I find that absurd. I would like to introduce her to the countless number of rape victims that not only have to relive this experience; but then to be reminded of that crime for the next 18 years as they raise that child? I dont think so. CATCH up with the 21st Century, Ms. O'Donnell; and quit treading on me, and MY choices
ReplyDeleteMarje Hood
Marje Hood
After I initially posted this, the very next morning, there was Ms.O'Donnell in the news, because she refused to appear on the Bill Maher show, "Politically Incorrect". It is quite refreshing to KNOW that MY first impression of this lady was CORRECT....So full of hippocracies-then blames them on her childhood/older facets of her "life"; I believe this is all to make a name for herself, again; to get more votes in the upcoming election. Yes, she has appeared on the show 22 other times,why not this time? NOT TO mention, People I know who Preach about important issues..PRACTICE, to some respect if not 100%; WHAT they preach.