Video: Dear Prudence: Cat-Calling Creeps @SpokenWord.org:
In the above-linked animated video (it may load slowly, be patient) a young woman asks for advice about how to handle sexual harassment on the job. Prudence has some good suggestions. Do you have others to offer? Also, can you think of other ways to handle cat calls with humor?
I think she should write to the general manager or whoever is at a higher level then the boss that she talked to about the sexual harrassment and didn't do anything about it. I would consider ignoring some of the statements because as a cop of any sort, your going to hear harrassment from all sorts of people, because your a cop and cops just get people in trouble rather than try and help them out, 99% of the time at least. If a man was to ever get vigor or touch the lady cop, i would immediatly taze or hit him, because event though i dont like cops, I believe no one should have to listen to any sexual harrassment.