Students wanted to know more about the 14-year old blogger in the feminist sweater. Here's her blog:
style rookie
She says, "My goal for this school year was to wear outfits that confuse the people I'm surrounded by every day, challenge beauty ideals..."
This little girl is very inspiring. Even though at such a young age i don't think she should know about feminism and all of its affects on people and our surroundings. But what I like about her is that she isn't scared to make a statement about how she feels, which is a truly wonderful thing.
Her blog had me hooked! I could not stop reading it, and looking at all of her pictures. She is such an interesting and well-written young girl. A few times I had to remind myself that she was only 14 years old...crazy! I absolutely LOVE that she wears whatever she wants, wherever she wants. It is so inspiring to see a young girl do something so "risky." She is at the time in her life when looks matter more than anything to most girls. Instead, she cares about what she is wearing, but for different reasons. She tries to convey different personalities and messages through her clothing. She is not trying to impress anyone, rather she is wearing anything she thinks is cool. I love it!!