“Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.” Albert Einstein

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

for 10/4: Teacher Unjustly Punished For Revealing Her Sex-Work Past

If one has been a sex worker, is it possible for her or him to move on to do something else? Will society accept her/him?
Before you answer, read this link:

Teacher Unjustly Punished For Revealing Her Sex-Work Past

Once you've been a sex worker, are you a sex worker for life, or can you have other skills and talents and do other things?

Monday, September 27, 2010

for 10/4: Vital Signs - Obesity Costs Women More, Study Finds - NYTimes.com

Read the following link about the ways obese women are discriminated against more than obese men:

Vital Signs - Obesity Costs Women More, Study Finds - NYTimes.com

Why is obesity more socially accepted in men than in women?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

For 9/27: ‘Why are girls who lose their virginity allowed to go to public school?’

‘Why are girls who lose their virginity allowed to go to public school?’: "Yup, that’s a direct quote. Bambang Bayu Suseno, a legislator in Jambi, a province of Indonesia, is floating an idea among his colleagues and constituents that all girls would have to pass a virginity test in order to attend state-funded schools.

"This kind of shaming, of course, goes on all over the world, and in more subtle but still damaging ways, in the U.S., where pregnant teens or those labeled as sluts are often compelled to leave school."

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

For 9/27: Style rookie

Students wanted to know more about the 14-year old blogger in the feminist sweater. Here's her blog:
style rookie

She says, "My goal for this school year was to wear outfits that confuse the people I'm surrounded by every day, challenge beauty ideals..."

Video - Girl Effect

Video - Girl Effect:

Monday, September 20, 2010

For 9/27: Honors & Awards « Jean Kilbourne

Honors & Awards « Jean Kilbourne

Jean Kilbourne of Killing us Softly is a leader in her field, having received some 2 dozen prestigious awards.

What are the natures of the various organizations who have granted her awards?

for 9/27: Video: Dear Prudence: Cat-Calling Creeps @SpokenWord.org

Video: Dear Prudence: Cat-Calling Creeps @SpokenWord.org:
In the above-linked animated video (it may load slowly, be patient) a young woman asks for advice about how to handle sexual harassment on the job. Prudence has some good suggestions. Do you have others to offer? Also, can you think of other ways to handle cat calls with humor?

For 9/27: Nicki Minaj’s ‘Pink Friday’ Is Due Out in November - NYTimes.com

Nicki Minaj’s ‘Pink Friday’ Is Due Out in November - NYTimes.com

Anyone want to try a feminist commentary of Nicki Minaj's song "Monster?"

Here's what the NYtimes says about her performing and writing in collaboration with her male colleagues:
"That Ms. Minaj’s verse was better than Jay-Z’s and Mr. West’s was an accomplishment. (“Can we just talk about Nicki’s verse???????!!!!!!!!!” Mr. West posted to Twitter. “I toooooooooooooooold yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallll!!!!!!!!!!!!”) That her contribution to the song was weirder than Bon Iver’s is just par for the course.
"Over the last two years no rapper has stretched the boundaries of the form more than Ms. Minaj, who is due to release her first album, “Pink Friday” (Young Money/Cash Money/Universal), on Nov. 23. On “Monster” alone she raps in Jamaican and British accents, with a sneer and with a quaver, while growling, and with Barbie-doll naïveté: just a few bits from her vast toolkit."

Thursday, September 16, 2010

For 9/20: Is Christine O'Donnell a spokesperson for what Valenti calls the "virginity movement?"

Christine O’Donnell Marches On, With Baggage - NYTimes.com:
O'Donnell will be running for a US Senate Seat. Does she represent the "Virginity Movement?"

Consider these quotes from the above-linked article:

"Ms. O’Donnell, 41, who grew up in New Jersey and has lived in Delaware for roughly a half-dozen years, spent the 1990s helping run a sexual morality movement aimed at fellow Gen Xers.

Ms. O’Donnell has taken positions against federal financing for stem cell research, is opposed to abortion even in cases of rape.

In the 1990s, Ms. O’Donnell, a Roman Catholic who for a time considered herself an evangelical, founded SALT (the Savior’s Alliance for Lifting the Truth”) and appeared on MTV’s “Sex in the Nineties” to explain the values of chastity.

For 9/20 Can Animals Be Gay? - NYTimes.com

Can Animals Be Gay? - NYTimes.com: Scientists have a heterosexual bias. consider these quotes from the NYT Magazine article:

"Speaking on Oahu a few years ago as first lady, Laura Bush praised Laysan albatross couples for making lifelong commitments to one another. Lindsay C. Young, a biologist who studies the Kaena Point colony, told me: “They were supposed to be icons of monogamy: one male and one female. But I wouldn’t assume that what you’re looking at is a male and a female.”

It turned out that many of the female-female pairs, at Kaena Point and at a colony that Young’s colleague studied on Kauai, had been together for 4, 8 or even 19 years — as far back as the biologists’ data went, in some cases. The female-female pairs had been incubating eggs together, rearing chicks and just generally passing under everybody’s nose for what you might call “straight” couples.

In recent years though, more biologists have been looking objectively at same-sex sexuality in animals — approaching it as real science. For Young, the existence of so many female-female albatross pairs disproved assumptions that she didn’t even realize she’d been making and, in the process, raised a chain of progressively more complicated questions.

After all, Fisher had also declared that “promiscuity, polygamy and polyandry are unknown in this species.” Lesbianism apparently never occurred to anyone — even enough to be cursorily dismissed. As Brenda Zaun recently told me, “It never dawned on anyone to sex the birds.”

She found that 39 of the 125 nests at Kaena Point since 2004 belonged to female-female pairs, including more than 20 nests in which she’d never noticed a supernormal clutch. It seemed that certain females were somehow finding opportunities to quickly copulate with males but incubating their eggs — and doing everything else an albatross does while at the colony — with other females.

Often, biologists are forced to assign sexes to animals by watching what they do when they mate. When one albatross or boar or cricket rears up and mounts a second, it would seem to be advertising the genders of both. Unless, of course, that’s not the situation at all. “There is still an overall presumption of heterosexuality,” the biologist Bruce Bagemihl told me. “Individuals, populations or species are considered to be entirely heterosexual until proven otherwise.” While this may sound like a reasonable starting point, Bagemihl calls it a “heterosexist bias” and has shown it to be a significant roadblock to understanding the diversity of what animals actually do.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

For 9/20: Benjamin Franklin . Wit and Wisdom . Name that Ben | PBS

Benjamin Franklin . Wit and Wisdom . Name that Ben | PBS: I was curious about a student comment that B. Franklin used feminine pseudonyms. PBS.org (a solid source) confirms he did, but PBS also confirms my point that he was not doing it because female writers were more respected, but, instead, because he wanted create a distinct "persona" for his piece and adopt a different point of view. For women, using a male pseudonym could have meant the difference between being published or not, or making a living or not. These crucial issues were not at stake for Franklin.

The blogesphere is full of discussion about how difficult it is for women writers to get recognition for their works, and to be paid as well as a man who writes the same quality works. Here's just one example.

For 9/20: G.O.P. Leaders Say Delaware Upset Hurts Senate Hopes - NYTimes.com

G.O.P. Leaders Say Delaware Upset Hurts Senate Hopes - NYTimes.com:

Christine O'Donnell is a former "abstinence educator." If she were to win a national Senate Seat, would she push the "Virginity Movement?"

For 9/20: YouTube - Christina Aguilera & Lil Kim - Can't hold us down

YouTube - Christina Aguilera & Lil Kim - Can't hold us down

What are your reactions to this song? What about the song itself--the beat, melody, poetics-how do you like it?

Here's the lyrics:

So what am I not supposed to have an opinion
Should I be quiet just because I'm a woman
Call me a bitch cos I speak what's on my mind
Guess it's easier for you to swallow if I sat and smiled

When a female fires back
Suddenly big talker don't know how to act
So he does what any little boy will do
Making up a few false rumors or two

That for sure is not a man to me
Slanderin' names for popularity
It's sad you only get your fame through controversy
But now it's time for me to come and give you more to say

This is for my girls all around the world
Who've come across a man who don't respect your worth
Thinking all women should be seen, not heard
So what do we do girls?
Shout out loud!
Letting them know we're gonna stand our ground
Lift your hands high and wave them proud
Take a deep breath and say it loud
Never can, never will, can't hold us down

Nobody can hold us down
Nobody can hold us down
Nobody can hold us down
Never can, never will

So what am I not supposed to say what I'm saying
Are you offended by the message I'm bringing
Call me whatever cos your words don't mean a thing
Guess you ain't even a man enough to handle what I sing

If you look back in history
It's a common double standard of society
The guy gets all the glory the more he can score
While the girl can do the same and yet you call her a whore

I don't understand why it's okay
The guy can get away with it & the girl gets named
All my ladies come together and make a change
Start a new beginning for us everybody sing

This is for my girls all around the world
Who've come across a man who don't respect your worth
Thinking all women should be seen, not heard
What do we do girls?
Shout out loud!
Letting them know we're gonna stand our ground
Lift your hands high and wave 'em proud
Take a deep breath and say it loud
Never can, never will, can't hold us down

[Lil' Kim:]
Check it - Here's something I just can't understand
If the guy have three girls then he's the man
He can either give us some head, sex her off
If the girl do the same, then she's a whore
But the table's about to turn
I'll bet my fame on it
Cats take my ideas and put their name on it
It's aiight though, you can't hold me down
I got to keep on movin'
To all my girls with a man who be tryin to mack
Do it right back to him and let that be that
You need to let him know that his game is whack
And Lil' Kim and Christina Aguilera got your back

But you're just a little boy
Think you're so cute, so coy
You must talk so big
To make up for smaller things
So you're just a little boy
All you'll do is annoy
You must talk so big
To make up for smaller things

This is for my girls...
This is for my girls all around the world
Who've come across a man who don't respect your worth
Thinking all women should be seen, not heard
So what do we do girls?
Should out loud!
Letting them know we're gonna stand our ground
Lift your hands high and wave 'em proud
Take a deep breath and say it loud
Never can, never will, can't hold us down

This is for my girls all around the world
Who've come across a man who don't respect your worth
Thinking all women should be seen, not heard
So what do we do girls?
Should out loud!
Letting them know we're gonna stand our ground
Lift your hands high and wave 'em proud
Take a deep breath and say it loud
Never can, never will, can't hold us down
Spread the word, can't hold us down

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

For 9/20: More troubling data about women writers

Any English majors in 190? If your female as well, this article suggests the cards are stacked against you. Read this:
More troubling data about women writers

How have writings by men come to be more revered than writings by women?

Toni Morrison at CSO

Toni Morrison - Rental Event - Tickets & Events - CSO:
This is sold out, but it looks really good.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Global Gender Gap

If you have questions about the methodology behind the Global Gender Gap report, you can find the entire report here.

Radish Magazine - Healthy living from the ground up

Radish Magazine - Healthy living from the ground up This article quotes me talking about why I decided to not buy any new clothes for a year.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Leading cause of death during pregnancy? Murder by partner. Comment by 9/13

A student in class wanted to comment on this fact on the Blog. What do you make of this fact?

For references to this statistic and others, check out the NOW page with the statistics on Violence Against Women.

Also, check out the government's Bureau of Justice Statistics, where it says:

Female murder victims are substantially more likely than male murder victims to have been killed by an intimate

In recent years -

  • About one third of female murder victims were killed by an intimate.
  • About 3% of male murder victims were killed by an intimate (and here you have to factor in that studies show that in about half of these the woman is acting in self-defense.)
  • Of all female murder victims, the proportion killed by an intimate has been increasing.
  • Of male murder victims, the proportion killed by an intimate has dropped.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

YouTube - Ciara - Like A Boy. Comment by 9/13

YouTube - Ciara - Like A Boy
A student sent me the link to this video. Why does the lyrical voice want to be a boy?

Name It. Change It. Comment by 9/13

Name It. Change It.:
What are the makers of this video trying to say?

Think this video is an exaggeration? Check out what Hillary went through on the campaign trail.

Using Facebook can lower exam grades - Tech News - IBNLive

Using Facebook can lower exam grades - Tech News - IBNLive:
One simple way to improve your scores? Turn off FB.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sign full name and write at least 5 full lines. EC option for 9/13: Discussion Question

How does our society, historically and currently, define the difference between a miscarriage and a stillbirth? As a society, why do we not practice funerals with burials for miscarriages?

EC option for 9/13: Restrictions on Choice in States — Feministe

Restrictions on Choice in States — Feministe
The article linked above summarizes the ways that state legislators across the country have been hard at work to restrict women's freedoms in the "land of the free." You might also be interested in the full original report from the Center for Reproductive Rights, where it says that "On average, more than six hundred bills are proposed annually and dozens are passed, making it increasingly difficult for women in many states to access abortion." Are women really that incapable of making a decision about whether to carry a pregnancy to term that they need (usually male) legislators to write 600 bills about it? What PUBLIC issues might legistlators be spending time on instead?

Don't for get to write 5 full lines and sign full name. For now, focus ONLY on the questions posed in THIS blog post. Stay on this specific aspect of the reproductive rights, knowing that later we will examine other sides. Also, remember to be professional, polite, and patient when you make your comment. Keep in mind to trust that everyone in the class has good intentions.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Wax Paper: Home Birth Science or Propaganda?

The Wax Paper: Home Birth Science or Propaganda?

Home Birth Science or Propaganda?

Studies, like the Wax Paper, that include high-risk ACCIDENTAL out-of-hospital births are going to show worse outcomes than studies that exclusively evaluate low-risk PLANNED out of hospital births with a skilled midwife. These more relevant studies show no difference in risk to the baby.

If someone tells you about a study that shows higher rates of deaths for babies born at home please ask them if they are comparing apples to oranges.


  1. Does the data in this study include ACCIDENTAL out-of-hospital birth?
  2. Why should that make me vote against PLANNED out-of-hospital births with midwives?
  3. Doesn't this study really mean that I SHOULD vote for this bill, to make sure women PLANNING out-of-hospital births have access to midwives.
  4. Why are you trying to trick me by mixing apples and oranges without telling me about the oranges?

Don't be fooled by BAD SCIENCE that

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Women's Salaries Back On Top For Younger Set : NPR

This IS big news, but it doesn't mean women have achieved it all--read/listen to the entire article.
Women's Salaries Back On Top For Younger Set : NPR

EC option for 9/6: Women MCs: Doing double what a dude could do

Women MCs: Doing double what a dude could do
I've watched about 10 minutes of this video about the history of women MCs and really like it so far. What do you think?
How are they taking a feminist approach to this video?

EC option for 9/6: Nicki’s World « The Crunk Feminist Collective

Remember to sign name and write at least 5 full lines for each comment. If you're interested in Nicki Manaj, this article might interest you:
Nicki’s World « The Crunk Feminist Collective

In your comment, discuss what you like or dislike about Minaj and how this article from Crunk Feminist Collective might change the way you view her work.