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Women at Arms - G.I. Jane Breaks the Combat Barrier - Series - NYTimes.com
What is the difference between official policy with regards to women and combat, and the reality of what women actually do in Iraq? Does anything need to change? If so, what?
My best friend is currently enlisted in the Air Force. She was on leave this past weekend and came out to Western. While she was out here she told me that we will be deploying in August. My heart sunk knowing that she will be over seas and I don't know how much communitcation I will be allowed to have with her. But I think that women in any branch of the military is becoming more and more common and is a continuing trend. Things still aren't completely even in the military as to the equality between men and women's jobs but things are progressing a lot faster in the military then in regular society. When my friend first joined the Air Force you are suppose to pick three jobs that you would like to go in for. Well one of the jobs she originially wanted was a male only job. However, now that she has completed training for Missions Specialist, the previous job she wanted had now opened up for women as well. So there are many advances in military. But also you have to think about the size of women, majority of the women are going to smaller and have less muscle mass compared to what is needed for particular jobs. The military is becoming more and more leveled in equality with each day. GO AIR FORCE!
ReplyDeleteKelsey Michelini
Kelsey Michelini
I think it's great how much woman have contributed in the military over the years. i have several female friends that are in the military and they absolutely love it, they have never said they have been harassed or treated unequally. I'm sure this isn't always the case for every female, but none on of my female friends have complained.
ReplyDeleteMany, many years ago, woman we mostly just thought of as caregivers in the military, and didn't really get in combat experience. In the article, i noticed that there are still a lot of rules for women saying that they can't do certain things. I think these rules should be changed because the women entered the military the same way that men did. so they should be able to do the same things.
Still, the advancements for women's equality has been great, hopefully there will be more.
Emily Eyler
The policy of how women are technically not allowed to participate in combat within the military is in my opinion, for lack of a better word, BOGUS. If a woman is completely qualified in every aspect of military training then I don't see what the big deal is. I personally believe that if there are military leaders wishing to keep this policy, their only reason to do so is to keep women from military glory. I bet there is some military man who thinks it would be wrong for a woman to save a fellow male soldier in combat, but in reality the male soldier being saved would be forever grateful. Over the years women have proved that they are adequate if not way above adequate to handle the same types of things as men and its time for things to change. If a female military officer is performing at a higher level than a male military officer I would rather see the female getting the job done. Instead of focusing on whether or not females should be allowed to fight lets concentrate on putting the best personnel out there to get the job done and end this war.
ReplyDeleteJoe Womack
While all these comments are very well done, thank you Joe for reading my original post carefully and responding to the specific questions of my post.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion im fine with the policy that women cant be in combat. I am actually meeting with a navy recruiter today and i am not interested in at all in any position that will put me at a high risk of danger. Im going in to do nursing not fight a war. I dont want to fight or be in all the action and being a girl i think many women would agree with me. Maybe not though, Im sure some women wanna be up front and in the action and i belive if they are skiled they should be allowed. Every job should be offered to male and females espcialy in serving the country.
ReplyDeleteMelissa Steinberg
Men are the soldiers and women are the medics plain and simple. Women personally are better at combat than most men. I know plenty of women who are involved and are going into it, such as, my bf Maisha. Naturally women can do everything except go to war and/or be in battle, especially with men. Which seems to be impossible to me because mostly men are in the army. The duties of the women in Iraq is to cook, clean, and care for the men(everybody) and the injured. I believe a lot has changed and should even more. I feel as though since women are forced into this situation then the should have the choice and/or option to do combat just as men do it.
ReplyDelete-Kendra Owens.
I think it's great that more and more women are joining our armed forces. I do however also see why women are not allowed to do some of the jobs. I do believe women are capable of doing these jobs that they are not allowed if they really wanted to. I think that they take into consideration that women are physically weaker than men, and that is why they have restrictions. I think a lot has changed regaurding inequalities of men and women, and very fast. Power to the women that can do what they are doing over there, I know I would never be able to do that.
ReplyDelete-Bailey Strand
Kelsey and Emily, a special thanks to you for going beyond requirements and reading the linked article.
ReplyDeleteSomething else to think about: if military women in Iraq are, indeed, in combat situations, why doesn't the government recognize it officially?
I think it is unbelievable how much women in the military have grown. I did a project in high school about how they are under represented in the military and it is awesome to see how much that has changed. Although they are represented better, they still do not get to participate in combat. If they have signed up to be a part of the military and are as qualified as men are, they should be able to take part in everything that men do. They should also be recognized in the same way that men do. Although I do not keep up to date with the war, I mostly hear information about the males in action instead of the females.
ReplyDelete-Keri Plica
Prior to reading this article and watching the video, I really had no idea what roles women in the military were allowed to fill and which they were not allowed to fill. After reading the article and watching the video, it was clear that current U.S. policy says that women are not allowed to take part in ground combat situations. Personally, I think that this is rediculous! If a woman is able to meet the same requirements that a man does for a certain task, I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be allowed to do the job. In my opinion, if a woman is allowed to lead men into certain battle situations, she should also be given the opportunity to fight alongside them if she wishes. However, since war broke out in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2001, many things have changed inside the military. While still going against formal policy, many women are being allowed to fight in ground combat situations and doing a great job. It seems as though these last eight or nine years have really opened a lot of doors for women in the military, and I think that it is time that U.S. policy catches up to the reality of what is actually going on.
ReplyDelete-Chad Altfillisch
I think its great women want to be in the front just as men. I know women as well as my self that would love to be in the front lines. But even if a women can carry her own weight I dont think women should be in the front lines. it can be a conflict of interest during a mission. If a women gos down it is a mans natural instinct to help her, and if that man gos helps her he lowers his guard and so on. also if you are out in the field and its cold and wet out there are some cases you need to spoon for warmth and to spoon with a girl....naked in some cases? (your gear is wet and has to dry some how) and how is that not going to turn in to something. I think there are to many compilation's for women in the military.
ReplyDeleteKathryn Turner
The reality is that women are in combat, but not in control...in a man's world so to speak. It makes me think of the troops of African American troops that fought during the Civil War. Those troops were fighting for a country that basically denied their existence as humans. Certainly today America recognizes the women in the armed forces as human, but does not recognize them publically as viable and necessary tools of war. Personally I have zero interest in being in combat. I also believe that women are capable and if they so choose to participate in that manner, it should be welcomed and recognized. I think it would be respectful and responsible for the government, as well as the armed forces themselves, to acknowledge their worth and contributions. If they are going to 'use the bodies', there should be equitable treatment.
ReplyDeleteAmy Caldwell
I think that these policies are a bit ridiculous. A women should have every right to lead and fight with her fellow soldiers. It makes no sense to me why the government would not recognize these women's efforts. The end of this article really shows how much women can make a difference. It seems like they are in desperate need for women and if they need them they are going to use them. They just need the government to back them up.
ReplyDeleteCaitlyn Parrish
According to the video, official policy for women is that they can't go into combat or they can't be on the front line. The video explained that in Iraq, there is no front line. Some of the women in the army have led groups of men into a mission. One of them stated that she don't think of the fact that she is a women, she just cares about getting the mission done. I believe policy should change because everyone knows that women can do any job that a man can do. Another woman in the video made a statement that you have to be able to lift a certain weight, but the weight doesn't know if the people are women or men. I think how this country treats women even today is ridiculous because we have come a long way and we have proven to the opposite sex that we are capable.
ReplyDelete-Julia Henderson
My cousin is currently deployed over seas and I feel like what she has told me is the truth. Not lettting women be able to be in combat is wrong because my cousin said that some women are more qualified than men over seas and its wrong to not let women be in combat. I mean if someone is more qualified to be combat than another person then wouldn't you think that they would want the more qualified person?
ReplyDeleteThe above comment is mine.
ReplyDelete-Tara Rednour
Official combat policy concerning women requires for women to stay behind enemy lines. Women cannot join the infantry, armor, Special Forces and most field artillery units. Women are used to fight in combat, but only because they have no other choice, according to legal documents written up by the military. However, the main point is that the military can no longer survive without the help of women. More official recognition of women fighting in war needs to be taken. With constant new technologies being used in warfare, more women should start being assigned to those various jobs. Although I do not personally believe that women should be fighting equally to men in combat zones, I do feel that there should be an equal amount of women serving in the varoius feilds behind combat lines.
ReplyDelete-Carmen Nunez
The official policy is that woman are not allowed to serve on ground combat. While woman in Afghanistan and Iraq engage in ground combat.Woman soldiers have contributed a lot while on ground combat. Some have rescued fellow army mates that have been injured and provided medical assistance. Some have earned silver stars and gold metal for their work done in Iraq. This article shows that women do not get the respect they deserve from government officials. Therefore I believe the official policy of woman not allowed to engage in combat ground battle should be change because woman are doing a great job on ground battles. They should have the respect by being allowed to engage in ground battle If they chose.This article open my eyes and showed me the important roles woman are in the army and how slowly their gaining recognition. GO WOMEN SOLDIERS!!-Altagrace Jean-Francois
ReplyDeleteI think that the official policy that women arent allowed to serve on ground combat is unfair. I think that women should be given the same choice as men. Yes, women are not known for serving ground combat, but some women probably would like too, but are not able too. The women do serve ground combat in afghanistan and iraq. The government sets limitations on what women can serve in the air force. I think that the policy should change and that male or female have equal rights what they want to do.
ReplyDelete-Jennifer Berg
I agree with Emily on the part when she said, "think it's great how much woman have contributed in the military over the years." Women should be recognized and should be awarded for their great efforts. But what i do not like is how some men let their prides get in the way of letting good women get their proper respect they deserve. Like this young lady in the articles, she did so much work and above it all she did it by herself. So i think that women she get the right awards and not just any low-class award because in the end in this time of century, it is the women who saves the men's lives and sometimes vice versa. Throughout all the comments, i did love this article because it evaluated women so much to the point where you would have your attention in the stories they give and tell you. I think i'm a little inspired to read more articles like this!
ReplyDeleteNyles Wortham
I think it is great that women such as these are breaking military policy to become just as involved in the armed forces as men are. Even though they're not officially supposed to do a lot of the things that men can do, they still do these things without much scrupulation from their male comrades. According to official policy, women aren't supposed to be on the front lines of combat, or even be involved in heavy ground combat at all. (This turns out to be more guidelines than official rules.) I think it would be good if the official rules changed towards women in combat, but since they already do the kind of stuff they're not supposed to, it really doesn't matter all that much.
ReplyDeleteThe above comment belongs to Emily Norma Janas.
ReplyDeleteI think that if a woman is well trained and is qualified enough to handle certain positions, then I do not see a reason why they should be denied or not allowed to. If there were situations where these official policies were bent to get women in to combat positions, then this policy can certainly amended to get women into postions they want. Women and men should be given equal choices to choose from.
ReplyDeleteSandra Odei
ReplyDeleteThe official policy is that women can not allowed to take part in combat. I really think this is not right. If a woman is just as qualified as a man then she should be able to enter into combat. I think some men are still thinking that women are not capable of leading a group into combat and they are also not capable of saving a mans life. I think women are very capable to go into combat. we have proven that we can do just about anything a man can do. So I think there should be a change in the policy. I think the military needs to let women lead women and men in combat if they are more qualified then a man. I think it should be the most qualified person leading the troops and it shouldnt depend on their gender if they are qualified or not.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAmanda DeBates
ReplyDeleteThe different between official policy with regards to women and combat is that woman are not allowed to be in combat this is dumb and unfair. Woman can be trained the same way as men and be just as equally great at what they do. I think maybe men still sometimes think women can't do the same job as them in combat but this is not true. Woman really can contribute a lot in combat and i think sometimes men need to just stop being so stubborn about it and accept it.
ReplyDelete-Alex Figura
I'm proud of the women in the military and for them risking their lives to save our country and help others. If a woman works just as hard as a man and goes through the same training they should be able to be on the same playing field as everyone else. If shes tough then she can do the work. She should be given the same opportunities as everyone else.
ReplyDelete-Jason Renacido
The official policy is that women are not allowed to be in combat. I think this is wrong because women can be trained the same as men and are just as capable of being in combat. I think that the military should allow women to be in combat if they are just as qualified as a man or even more qualified. They should not be turned down because a man does not want a women leading them in combat. I think that men also do not think that a woman can save a mans life and that its a mans job to lead and do something as serious as being in combat. I think who ever is most qualified wether its a man or a woman should be the leader. Women are doing great in the miliary so why not let them serve in combat as well if they are qualified?
ReplyDeleteTaylor Murphy
Officially women are not allowed to participate in combat. They can't serve in units like the infantry, armor, Special Forces, and most field artillery units. But Army commanders have been tricky and have been "attaching" women to combat units instead of "assigning" them. Women serve in units now where they have been barred from before. They are even more important when it comes to searching women for hidden weapons in Afghanistan and Iraq because for cultural reasons men cannot do it. I am happy to hear that women are becoming more important in the Army and are being recognized for their bravery. I think what needs to change are peoples' ideas of it being sadder if women come home in coffins then men. Both are equally sad. But I'm happy hear that the Army is opening their mind to the equality and importance of women serving in combat.
ReplyDeleteJacqueline Golevicz
The official policy that woman can not participate in ground combat is unfair and ridiculous. I can not even believe that is true. There are many woman in the Army that can fulfill and even out do the requirements. I know that rules have changed over the years in regards to woman jobs in the army, but what is the point to telling them they can't participate in combat if they want to.
ReplyDeleteDanielle Fabian
I think it is unfair that women cant participate in ground combat. I do understand that to be able to participate in ground combat you have to be able to lift a certain amount of weight. Not all women are able to lift the weight. Also, I think it is great that many more women are joining the armed forces but it is horrible that not many women are able to hold a leadership posistion. Many women can fufill are the criteria that enable them to be in power or to participate in ground combat.
ReplyDelete-Kimberly Matejka
"Women are barred from joining combat branches like the infantry, armor, Special Forces and most field artillery units and from doing support jobs while living with those smaller units. Women can lead some male troops into combat as officers, but they cannot serve with them in battle."
ReplyDeleteThis is the official policy women have in the Army, however, it was proven with clear examples such as when the woman drove through a "death zone" filled with all mines and bombs and rescued injured soldiers. It just goes to show that many women do get "attached" or (assigned) to an assignment even though the policy says otherwise. I think that women should have equal standings with men. I believe that if women are risking their lives to protect our country then they should be able to be in combat with the men if they desire to. This so called, "policy" should definitely be changed. It should be the exact same for men and women. I also believe that the government doesn't recognize some women being in combat because they refuse to. I think that the government believes that if they ignore it then it really doesn't happen, which is wrong.
--Megan Salvatori
I dont think its fair at all how women cant take part in ground combat, its a stupid policy considering that there are a lot of women out there who have contributed a lot and are well able to do what men can do if that is what they want to take part in. I do like and respect how much women actually do in the army, and how there are more and more women wanting to go into it, that takes a lot of courage for a women to go out there where she is surrounded by men who are allowed to have a greater stance that them. But you have heard a lot more stories lately about women and their stories which is really inspiring to hear.
ReplyDelete- Kelley Walsh
The difference between official policy with regards to women not being able to preform in ground combat is wrong. And the reality is that we need them there. I feel that if they are able to go through basic training and clearly have proven themselves, then they should be able to do the jobs and take on those sorts of combat tasks. I do not see why they cant. I think that men attitudes towards women in the military needs to change. They need to just accept that women may be better than them in some tasks appreciate and embrace that and move on.
ReplyDeleteKristine Tume
I do believe official policy needs to change in regards to women in combat. Although there are many women in the military who enlist to be medics or nurses, many enlist because they want to be on the front lines along with the men. If they are willing to risk their lives in combat then why stop them from protecting our freedoms? Like one of the women in the video said, I don’t see people in combat as male or female, I see them as another PERSON fighting to protect our freedoms and the government needs to do the same. The secret’s out, civilians know that women are in combat right along with men. Policies need to be changed so women are properly recognized for their sacrifice for our country.
ReplyDelete-Angie Marini
I think if your have the right to unlist in the military as citzen everyone should have the same equal rights. My friend she just got back from Iraq and loved it she said she was treated like one of the guys. Soo maybe it just depends on the situation and the leaders which is still unfair.
ReplyDeleteAndrew Schaad
I think that it unfair that women cannot participate in ground combat simply because they are a woman. It makes no sense to just assume that men can do stuff tha women cant, or to say that men are stronger than women & can do a better job than women. I think everyone should be treated equally because I'm sure it has been many cases where women have done a better job than most men at certain tasks. But I am glad that there are some women who are willing to be in the army & put themselves through the things that they go through.
ReplyDelete-Toykia Meeks
I agree that it is unfair that women cannot participate in ground combat. I also think if a woman is dedicated to the military, she should be given the same respect as a man. Women have progressed so much since the times when we weren't even allowed to join the military. The progression is not finished because of some of the restrictions women still have today, but in my opinion, it's getting there. I think the discrimination against women in the military will get better in time and on it's own.
ReplyDelete-Laura Curtin
women in the military are constantly doing more than their duties require. although our military claims that women do not serve on the front lines at all, this article is a perfect example of what can actually happen. Its as if the military expects women who are in a combat operation zone to be knitting or cooking, rather than fighting for their lives and their countries. if a women wants to go and serve on the front line, i think she should be allowed to do so. do women love their country less than men? are they less capable? the answer to both is no, and i believe that any woman that wants to go and serve for her country either in reserve or on the front lines should be allowed to do so.
ReplyDeleteI think that women should have the choice of fighting right on the front line. Alot of their duties come pretty close anyways, or might even be more dangerous. I think it is kind of degrading to women not letting them fight on the front line. It is almost saying that women cant do it, or might not even want to. I think that when women are in training and during the getting ready process, they are doing and learning all of the same stuff as the men, so why not let them put it to use??
ReplyDelete-Shawna Nicole Sabo
I agree that it is wrong that women cannot participate in ground combat. Women are trained how men are and for them to not be able to participate in combat is unfair. I do agree that women have a choice if they want to do ground combat and we should get the same respect as men in that situation. I am proud of women because we have come a long way. We have come a long way from the times when we weren't aloud to like even leave the house. Women are becoming more powerful and its a good thing.
ReplyDelete-Ashley Gabelmann
ReplyDeleteI think it's great that more and more women are joining the military. The official policy is that woman are not allowed to serve on ground combat. I do think this is unfair because some women may be just as skilled as the men who are out there fighting. Also, many of the duties women take on are just as dangerous. However, I do believe that there are legitimate reasons for it. Still, I believe that women in the army do a lot more than what people think they do. I feel that women will continue to have more and more opportunities within the military with time.
ReplyDelete-alexa arent
I think that with more and more women joining the military its giving women closer to equality in that this world is equal for men and women and they should be able to do whatever job they want. Some women are even more skilled at combat than some men so I think its a good thing more and more women are joining the military.
ReplyDeletewow i never really knew that women weren't allowed to participate in combat. I don't think that is right at all. I personally think women are just as strong as men and should be able to do everything that they do. Now that i think about it you really don't hear a lot about women soldiers in the media. Although they say women have come a long way in the military and army, i still think that they haven't come all the way and still have a lot to work on as far as being completely equal as men.
ReplyDeleteMeagan Savage