For the most part, American men and women talk about food differently. I'm not one of those young ladies that feels embarrassed about eating delicious or high calorie foods, but my roommate is one of them. She feels as though there's something wrong with her for fulfilling her voracious appetite. While she would usually say something like, "I'm so fat; I shouldn't have eaten that brownie", my boyfriend would say "man, that brownie was incredibly good". I wish there were less of a social construction on which foods are "feminine" and which foods are "masculine".
I think that men and women definately talk about food differently. Some women think that eating a cheeseburger and fries is a lot of food and can't believe they ate all that, while men sometimes have cheeseburgers, fries, pizza, etc. I think a main difference with food between men and women is the amount of food we eat. Also, I sometimes say afer I eat very bad somedays that I shouldn't of ate this or that today. While most men don't even hesitate about what they had in the day.
Men and Woman do talk about food differently because woman are more self conscience about what they eat and what guys will think. They think men will look at them differently because they ate so much food. But that is not always the case for example her brother doesn't think it's a big deal. I guess it all depends on the man figure that your going to about to about what your ate.
I do think that men and women talk about food differently because men and women are different. I have to agree that women are a lot more self conscience about what they eat and say around guys. My roommates and I act completely different when its just the three of us hanging out, but as soon as a guy comes around we act a little more lady like. I think women think a lot more about what they are eating, while men really dont care what they eat. Women will always be a little more self conscience about what they eat and who they talk to about it. And men will always eat what they want and be able to talk about it to whoever they want to.
I think that men and women do talk about food differently. Men don't have conversations with each other about how much they're eating or about how they pigged out last night. Once i read this article it hit me that i do the same thing. I've never really noticed i guess, but i do exactly what this articles says. I talk about what i've eaten or how much i've eaten with my friends, even my guys friends, but they don't really have anything to say about it. If a man were to go over every single item of food he have for supper that night, he would probably get a strange look from his friends like "why are you telling me this?'. When women do that their friends are just like "Oh my god me too, i had this and this." So yes, men and women definitely talk about food differently.
I also think men and women talk about food differently. I also do exactly what this articel says, i talk about how much food i ate and how bad i feel. Im not hoping for a respond of its ok or me too i just feel better if i tell someone ha. I know when i talk to my boyfreind about it he usually has nothing to say or he also will chuckle...more because i think hes confussed on why im telling him not because hes amazed or grossed out. Hes not used to haveing some one tell him everything they ate because guys dont talk about that kind of stuff. I also think that food has gained a gender. Salads are for girls and big cheeseburgers are for boys. I dont agree but thats how it is. Melissa Steinberg.
I think that men and woman have very different views on food. In my family if there is food we are going to eat it, and not think all the time about how we should not of have eaten it or how we cannot eat for the rest of the day because it was way too much calories. Yes the women in my family Woman do tend to watch what they eat more than men however when my cousin’s watch what they eat they watch it enter their mouths. Women tend to be more self conscience about what they eat and what guys will think when they are eating and sometimes not even notice it.
Men and women definetely talk about food differently. I feel as if men don't worry as much about how much they eat or what types of food. I think women not only are self conscience about getting fat, but also about what other people will think of them as they eat specific foods or large amounts. I know I have talked about how much food i ate afterwards, but it is usually to other girls. If i made the same comments to a guy, there would certainly be different responses.
Men & women most definitely talk about & interact differently with food. I also think that men & women of size are treated differently. It is expected or customary for a man to be big, and have the ability to 'throw their weight' around. Big football players are revered for their mass on the field. They may be considered a 'teddy bear' or jolly (Santa??) Sitcoms portray lovable portly men with svelte sharp witted women. Women are categorized differently in this regard. Women are expected to be petite and munch salads. There is a double standard in terms of overweight people...which may have a correlation to their respective relationships with food. I believe that there are metabolic differences as well, but even females themselves perceive 'pigging out' as a grotesque feature. I used to hate eating in from of other people because I am fat. I don't like the disapproving looks... Ultimately we all just have to be comfortable with ourselves, and try to be tolerant & kind to those that are different from us :)
I am going to agree with Amy on the fact that the images proposed my the society based on men and women's figures are completely different. It seems as though women feel as though they have to be the skinniest, and be the size 0 that everyone "seems" to want. Many times it is not always based on what you eat but also deals with the type of metabolism that people have.
I would agree for the most part that men and women take a much different perspective on food. I also definitely agree with Kelsey that the type of metabolism that a person has is definitely a key factor in what gets eaten. Being a guy with a high metabolism, I never really get concerned with what I am eating. If it sounds good, I am probably going to eat it. In my experience, though, girls are very self-conscious about this sort of thing. I also have some friends that are guys that worry about what they are eating and complain about how they feel like a fatty and so on. In these cases, though, it seems like these guys are usually called a girl or something like that with a feminine conotation because only girls are supposed to worry about that sort of thing.
Males are natural fatties when it comes to eating food. They never watch their weight because they just work it off or it goes to their muscles. Women, when we walk a restaurant, we want to see the calories on every item because it is more important to us to watch our calorie intake. It is much easier for males to store that food in the correct places because all males want to be muscular. Women don't want to walk around looking masculine because that looks less feminine. It is ok for a male to say, "I am still hungry. I'm going for seconds." But it seems like it is a total violation is a female does the same thing. It is just how our society is set up. Julia Henderson
I think men and women have totally different opinions when it comes to food. Most men are athletic and eat anything they come across and Women are more cautious of their body, so they watch what they eat. But I think it all depends on one’s metabolism. I have come across some women who eat a lot and never been to the gym but looks great. But all the same, women are more careful with anything they eat.
Men and women do think about food differently. In most cases, women try to loose weight, while men try to gain it, so men don't feel bad if they eat a big, high calorie meal. Also most women don't want to appear unattractive by eating a large, unhealthy meal in front of a guy, where as a guy doesn't care at all. I know some guys who actually find it attractive if a girl can eat almost as much as a guy. Plus, its easier for women to gain weight rather than to loose weight, so they try to eat better and work out more.
Of course men and women think differently about food(for the most part.)! Women are often more conscious about what they eat and the amount, because their bodies are most often designed to gain weight more easily and retain fat for future pregnancies. Due to the media's portrayal of stick thin women being ideal, many women fear gaining weight. I too have had the experience of shamefully listing the unhealthy amounts of food I have eaten in a day to my boyfriend, only to find that he did not think of it in a negative way. If I say that I want a candy bar, he'll simply exclaim, 'Well get it'. Sadly, I always think more about the long term affects that little candy bar will have on my body in the future than my boyfriend probably ever has.
I do think women and men talk about food differently. Here is an example. Same scenario for a man and a woman going to a taco bell. A man might say, dude I am gonna dominate three cheesy gordita crunches. However I do not believe a woman would say that. This is just one example of how males and females view food differently and talk differently.
I do feel that SOME men and women talk about food differently. Some women feel guilty about how much they've ate and feel that they need to discuss it to make them feel better about themselves. For men, eating a lot of food is an accomplishment and is seen as "manly". i on the other hand, is not like most women and I don't care about how much food I eat. I love food, I consider myself a "foodie" and love to talk to other women who share my same passion for food. Not all women are self-conscious and see food as the enemy. Just like how not all men love greasy fries and burgers. -Angie Marini
I think most men and women talk differently about food. Alot of the girls i am friends with talk about how mad they are that they just ate, for example, fried food. The girls that are complainign about what they ate are not overweight, or even close to it. There really are feminine foods, if you think about a first date at a restuarant the girl ill almost always order a salad because it is a more feminine dish than, for example, a steak.
OK pigging out when you then of it is more of a guys thing but i growth up in a rural small town area where we pig out on every guys and girls. I don't think it should be awkward to talk about what kind of food we ate and how much we ate of it. Andrew Schaad
Guys and girls definitely talk about eating differently. Girls are more conscious about what they eat rather than guys. Actually, I was hanging out with a guy friend on Thursday night and all he could talk about was getting a big mac, fries, and a shake from McDonalds. Had it not been past 8pm/lent, I would have only said I wanted a side salad, or something similar. Sometimes girls are praised by how much they eat, and sometimes it looks bad. Because women are most often portrayed as being stick thin in the media, and because they are constantly concerned with weight, they often fall victim to the guilt by food. -Keri Plica
HAHAHA., I think this article was hilarious because my friend and I was just doing this theother day...We'll binge off of so much food just piggin out and then be like, "Man we're gonna be so damn fat it's REDIC." lol so we wont eat or we'll eat small., go to the rec. and stay in the sauna for hours because we think we're getting fat lol...Whereas if I'm with my fiance he encourages me to eat and he loves me for who andhow I am. I'll say no im fat, or im getting fat, and it'll make him so angry because he doesn't feel its true and i over-exaggerate. I feel like girls do this because we're brain washed by the media telling us whats hot and whats not instead of doingus and using our own minds...
I thought that this was a really great and interesting article. I fee that women and men talk about eating food very differently. Girls watch what they eat more than guys because it is in our nature. I feel like I eat completely different than my boyfriend does. He could sit there and pig out on whatever he wants and not gain a single pound but if I do that then I would gain like 5 pounds. I tell him that I need to diet more and hes like no you dont you look fine the way you are.
Yes, I believe women think about food differently than men. at least i know me and my friends do. Most guys aren't as worried about what they look like and if they are it is way easier for them to loose a few pounds compared to girls. This is why i think we have this problem. Women can get larger quicker and keep the weight on longer. Plus on top of this we have the stresses of looking good for guys and the media persona of what is attractive verse not. Should women necessarily think this way? Maybe to be healthy but not to be beautiful. Here in America we Don't think of fat as a good thing.. but in other countries fat may be considered real beauty, if you are too skinny that could be considered ugly.
I think there is a difference between "male" and "female" foods. For example, I love salad. Whenever I go out to eat, I usually get a salad. However, my guy friends think of salad as a "girl" food. I think most foods that are healthy are considered "girl" food, by some people. I also think men and women talk about food differently in the way that men comment on the taste of the food and women sometimes comment on the calories or fat in the food.
I thought the article was pretty funny because it's pretty true. Although I personally don't complain about how much I eat my friends do. Of course everyone has those days where it just feels like you eat and eat and eat, but you don't really hear boys talk about those days. It was funny cause boys really don't feel guilty about what they eat like girls do. I think that men and women deffinitely talk abotu food differently just for the simple fact that men do typically eat more than women. -Bailey Strand
I think that women and men think about food differently because women are more conscious about their bodies and weight gain because they gain weight faster than men and in different spots that men. Men are not as worried about what they look like and men will eat what they want but they work out to look good. Girls are worried about what they look like so they try to eat healthy and watch what they eat.
I definately think men and women talk about food differently...I think it kind of has to do with the man or woman. Like me, I dont care what guys say about what I might be eating, I will eat like a guy when Im around guys! I dont care. But there are women out there that act like food is gross or wont eat in front of guys. Most guys talk about certain foods like they couldnt live without them! But it also depends on the man or woman. -Shawna Sabo
i def think that men and women talk differently about food, becuase in a lot of causes women are so worried about their weight and are always trying to get thinner where as men dont really care what they eat because they will either go work out or are trying to get bigger. but the amount of food women and men eat are different, men eat way more of what ever they want it seems like.
Everyone Brings up valid points and it seems to be universal that their is different things that men and women talk about in food and what they are expected to eat. For women it is the healthy food fruits and veggies and portrayed in today's media worrying about calories and fat. For men it is find the biggest greasiest thing you can find and shove it in your mouth so two very different characteristics.
I think that women care too much about their figure and that girl in the magazine. they worry about their diets and looking good. Guys also care about their shape and being buff, even if they do not admit it. Some women like me do not care about eating food especially when around other guys, but some women will not eat around guys and then fill themselves up after a date or something.
i think that men and women do talk about food differently. Women are more likely to watch what they eat and worry about thier appearance because of what they feel men might think. Also, its not really socially acceptable for a women to just pig out all the time, we are for the most part expected to eat light and be danty. Men on the other hand are expected to eat what they want when they want with no worries.
For the most part, American men and women talk about food differently. I'm not one of those young ladies that feels embarrassed about eating delicious or high calorie foods, but my roommate is one of them. She feels as though there's something wrong with her for fulfilling her voracious appetite. While she would usually say something like, "I'm so fat; I shouldn't have eaten that brownie", my boyfriend would say "man, that brownie was incredibly good".
ReplyDeleteI wish there were less of a social construction on which foods are "feminine" and which foods are "masculine".
-Emily Janas
I think that men and women definately talk about food differently. Some women think that eating a cheeseburger and fries is a lot of food and can't believe they ate all that, while men sometimes have cheeseburgers, fries, pizza, etc. I think a main difference with food between men and women is the amount of food we eat. Also, I sometimes say afer I eat very bad somedays that I shouldn't of ate this or that today. While most men don't even hesitate about what they had in the day.
ReplyDelete-Jennifer Berg
Men and Woman do talk about food differently because woman are more self conscience about what they eat and what guys will think. They think men will look at them differently because they ate so much food. But that is not always the case for example her brother doesn't think it's a big deal. I guess it all depends on the man figure that your going to about to about what your ate.
ReplyDeleteDanielle Fabian
I do think that men and women talk about food differently because men and women are different. I have to agree that women are a lot more self conscience about what they eat and say around guys. My roommates and I act completely different when its just the three of us hanging out, but as soon as a guy comes around we act a little more lady like. I think women think a lot more about what they are eating, while men really dont care what they eat. Women will always be a little more self conscience about what they eat and who they talk to about it. And men will always eat what they want and be able to talk about it to whoever they want to.
ReplyDeleteAmanda DeBates
I think that men and women do talk about food differently. Men don't have conversations with each other about how much they're eating or about how they pigged out last night. Once i read this article it hit me that i do the same thing. I've never really noticed i guess, but i do exactly what this articles says. I talk about what i've eaten or how much i've eaten with my friends, even my guys friends, but they don't really have anything to say about it. If a man were to go over every single item of food he have for supper that night, he would probably get a strange look from his friends like "why are you telling me this?'. When women do that their friends are just like "Oh my god me too, i had this and this." So yes, men and women definitely talk about food differently.
ReplyDeleteEmily Eyler
I also think men and women talk about food differently. I also do exactly what this articel says, i talk about how much food i ate and how bad i feel. Im not hoping for a respond of its ok or me too i just feel better if i tell someone ha. I know when i talk to my boyfreind about it he usually has nothing to say or he also will chuckle...more because i think hes confussed on why im telling him not because hes amazed or grossed out. Hes not used to haveing some one tell him everything they ate because guys dont talk about that kind of stuff. I also think that food has gained a gender. Salads are for girls and big cheeseburgers are for boys. I dont agree but thats how it is.
ReplyDeleteMelissa Steinberg.
I think that men and woman have very different views on food. In my family if there is food we are going to eat it, and not think all the time about how we should not of have eaten it or how we cannot eat for the rest of the day because it was way too much calories. Yes the women in my family Woman do tend to watch what they eat more than men however when my cousin’s watch what they eat they watch it enter their mouths. Women tend to be more self conscience about what they eat and what guys will think when they are eating and sometimes not even notice it.
ReplyDelete-Kara Burroughs
Men and women definetely talk about food differently. I feel as if men don't worry as much about how much they eat or what types of food. I think women not only are self conscience about getting fat, but also about what other people will think of them as they eat specific foods or large amounts. I know I have talked about how much food i ate afterwards, but it is usually to other girls. If i made the same comments to a guy, there would certainly be different responses.
ReplyDelete-alexa arent
Men & women most definitely talk about & interact differently with food. I also think that men & women of size are treated differently. It is expected or customary for a man to be big, and have the ability to 'throw their weight' around. Big football players are revered for their mass on the field. They may be considered a 'teddy bear' or jolly (Santa??) Sitcoms portray lovable portly men with svelte sharp witted women. Women are categorized differently in this regard. Women are expected to be petite and munch salads. There is a double standard in terms of overweight people...which may have a correlation to their respective relationships with food. I believe that there are metabolic differences as well, but even females themselves perceive 'pigging out' as a grotesque feature. I used to hate eating in from of other people because I am fat. I don't like the disapproving looks... Ultimately we all just have to be comfortable with ourselves, and try to be tolerant & kind to those that are different from us :)
ReplyDeleteAmy Caldwell
I am going to agree with Amy on the fact that the images proposed my the society based on men and women's figures are completely different. It seems as though women feel as though they have to be the skinniest, and be the size 0 that everyone "seems" to want. Many times it is not always based on what you eat but also deals with the type of metabolism that people have.
ReplyDeleteKelsey Michelini
I would agree for the most part that men and women take a much different perspective on food. I also definitely agree with Kelsey that the type of metabolism that a person has is definitely a key factor in what gets eaten. Being a guy with a high metabolism, I never really get concerned with what I am eating. If it sounds good, I am probably going to eat it. In my experience, though, girls are very self-conscious about this sort of thing. I also have some friends that are guys that worry about what they are eating and complain about how they feel like a fatty and so on. In these cases, though, it seems like these guys are usually called a girl or something like that with a feminine conotation because only girls are supposed to worry about that sort of thing.
ReplyDelete-Chad Altfillisch
Males are natural fatties when it comes to eating food. They never watch their weight because they just work it off or it goes to their muscles. Women, when we walk a restaurant, we want to see the calories on every item because it is more important to us to watch our calorie intake. It is much easier for males to store that food in the correct places because all males want to be muscular. Women don't want to walk around looking masculine because that looks less feminine. It is ok for a male to say, "I am still hungry. I'm going for seconds." But it seems like it is a total violation is a female does the same thing. It is just how our society is set up.
ReplyDeleteJulia Henderson
I think men and women have totally different opinions when it comes to food. Most men are athletic and eat anything they come across and Women are more cautious of their body, so they watch what they eat. But I think it all depends on one’s metabolism. I have come across some women who eat a lot and never been to the gym but looks great. But all the same, women are more careful with anything they eat.
ReplyDeleteSandra Odei
Men and women do think about food differently. In most cases, women try to loose weight, while men try to gain it, so men don't feel bad if they eat a big, high calorie meal. Also most women don't want to appear unattractive by eating a large, unhealthy meal in front of a guy, where as a guy doesn't care at all. I know some guys who actually find it attractive if a girl can eat almost as much as a guy. Plus, its easier for women to gain weight rather than to loose weight, so they try to eat better and work out more.
ReplyDeleteJackie Golevicz
Of course men and women think differently about food(for the most part.)! Women are often more conscious about what they eat and the amount, because their bodies are most often designed to gain weight more easily and retain fat for future pregnancies. Due to the media's portrayal of stick thin women being ideal, many women fear gaining weight. I too have had the experience of shamefully listing the unhealthy amounts of food I have eaten in a day to my boyfriend, only to find that he did not think of it in a negative way. If I say that I want a candy bar, he'll simply exclaim, 'Well get it'. Sadly, I always think more about the long term affects that little candy bar will have on my body in the future than my boyfriend probably ever has.
ReplyDeleteI do think women and men talk about food differently. Here is an example. Same scenario for a man and a woman going to a taco bell. A man might say, dude I am gonna dominate three cheesy gordita crunches. However I do not believe a woman would say that. This is just one example of how males and females view food differently and talk differently.
ReplyDeleteThe above comment was Joe Womack
ReplyDeleteI do feel that SOME men and women talk about food differently. Some women feel guilty about how much they've ate and feel that they need to discuss it to make them feel better about themselves. For men, eating a lot of food is an accomplishment and is seen as "manly". i on the other hand, is not like most women and I don't care about how much food I eat. I love food, I consider myself a "foodie" and love to talk to other women who share my same passion for food. Not all women are self-conscious and see food as the enemy. Just like how not all men love greasy fries and burgers.
ReplyDelete-Angie Marini
I think most men and women talk differently about food. Alot of the girls i am friends with talk about how mad they are that they just ate, for example, fried food. The girls that are complainign about what they ate are not overweight, or even close to it. There really are feminine foods, if you think about a first date at a restuarant the girl ill almost always order a salad because it is a more feminine dish than, for example, a steak.
ReplyDeleteKimberly Matejka
OK pigging out when you then of it is more of a guys thing but i growth up in a rural small town area where we pig out on every guys and girls. I don't think it should be awkward to talk about what kind of food we ate and how much we ate of it.
ReplyDeleteAndrew Schaad
Guys and girls definitely talk about eating differently. Girls are more conscious about what they eat rather than guys. Actually, I was hanging out with a guy friend on Thursday night and all he could talk about was getting a big mac, fries, and a shake from McDonalds. Had it not been past 8pm/lent, I would have only said I wanted a side salad, or something similar. Sometimes girls are praised by how much they eat, and sometimes it looks bad. Because women are most often portrayed as being stick thin in the media, and because they are constantly concerned with weight, they often fall victim to the guilt by food.
ReplyDelete-Keri Plica
HAHAHA., I think this article was hilarious because my friend and I was just doing this theother day...We'll binge off of so much food just piggin out and then be like, "Man we're gonna be so damn fat it's REDIC." lol so we wont eat or we'll eat small., go to the rec. and stay in the sauna for hours because we think we're getting fat lol...Whereas if I'm with my fiance he encourages me to eat and he loves me for who andhow I am. I'll say no im fat, or im getting fat, and it'll make him so angry because he doesn't feel its true and i over-exaggerate. I feel like girls do this because we're brain washed by the media telling us whats hot and whats not instead of doingus and using our own minds...
ReplyDelete_Kendra Owens_
I thought that this was a really great and interesting article. I fee that women and men talk about eating food very differently. Girls watch what they eat more than guys because it is in our nature. I feel like I eat completely different than my boyfriend does. He could sit there and pig out on whatever he wants and not gain a single pound but if I do that then I would gain like 5 pounds. I tell him that I need to diet more and hes like no you dont you look fine the way you are.
ReplyDelete-Tara Rednour
Yes, I believe women think about food differently than men. at least i know me and my friends do. Most guys aren't as worried about what they look like and if they are it is way easier for them to loose a few pounds compared to girls. This is why i think we have this problem. Women can get larger quicker and keep the weight on longer. Plus on top of this we have the stresses of looking good for guys and the media persona of what is attractive verse not. Should women necessarily think this way? Maybe to be healthy but not to be beautiful. Here in America we Don't think of fat as a good thing.. but in other countries fat may be considered real beauty, if you are too skinny that could be considered ugly.
ReplyDeleteKayla O'Neill
I think there is a difference between "male" and "female" foods. For example, I love salad. Whenever I go out to eat, I usually get a salad. However, my guy friends think of salad as a "girl" food. I think most foods that are healthy are considered "girl" food, by some people. I also think men and women talk about food differently in the way that men comment on the taste of the food and women sometimes comment on the calories or fat in the food.
ReplyDelete-Laura Curtin
I thought the article was pretty funny because it's pretty true. Although I personally don't complain about how much I eat my friends do. Of course everyone has those days where it just feels like you eat and eat and eat, but you don't really hear boys talk about those days. It was funny cause boys really don't feel guilty about what they eat like girls do. I think that men and women deffinitely talk abotu food differently just for the simple fact that men do typically eat more than women.
ReplyDelete-Bailey Strand
I think that women and men think about food differently because women are more conscious about their bodies and weight gain because they gain weight faster than men and in different spots that men. Men are not as worried about what they look like and men will eat what they want but they work out to look good. Girls are worried about what they look like so they try to eat healthy and watch what they eat.
ReplyDeleteTaylor Murphy
I definately think men and women talk about food differently...I think it kind of has to do with the man or woman. Like me, I dont care what guys say about what I might be eating, I will eat like a guy when Im around guys! I dont care. But there are women out there that act like food is gross or wont eat in front of guys. Most guys talk about certain foods like they couldnt live without them! But it also depends on the man or woman.
ReplyDelete-Shawna Sabo
i def think that men and women talk differently about food, becuase in a lot of causes women are so worried about their weight and are always trying to get thinner where as men dont really care what they eat because they will either go work out or are trying to get bigger. but the amount of food women and men eat are different, men eat way more of what ever they want it seems like.
ReplyDeleteKelley Walsh
Everyone Brings up valid points and it seems to be universal that their is different things that men and women talk about in food and what they are expected to eat. For women it is the healthy food fruits and veggies and portrayed in today's media worrying about calories and fat. For men it is find the biggest greasiest thing you can find and shove it in your mouth so two very different characteristics.
ReplyDeleteJoey guikema
I think that women care too much about their figure and that girl in the magazine. they worry about their diets and looking good. Guys also care about their shape and being buff, even if they do not admit it. Some women like me do not care about eating food especially when around other guys, but some women will not eat around guys and then fill themselves up after a date or something.
ReplyDeleteKristine Tume
i think that men and women do talk about food differently. Women are more likely to watch what they eat and worry about thier appearance because of what they feel men might think. Also, its not really socially acceptable for a women to just pig out all the time, we are for the most part expected to eat light and be danty. Men on the other hand are expected to eat what they want when they want with no worries.
ReplyDeleteMeagan Savage