Read this essay by a young, white, straight man:
INSTEAD of saying whether or not you agree with the essay, think about exactly what it is he's saying and HOW he's making his arguments. What, to you, are his strongest points? Is there any way he could make his arguments stronger?
What are LGBTQ people?
not only do I agree with what he is saying, but in a way we cant control whats going on around us, yes we can stand up for what we believe in but in the world will still spin. we may not like some the things that are going on but we can still stand for what we believe in. I think he brought up very good points through out this entire paper.
ReplyDeleteHis strongest points are explaining all the hardships people go through that middle class citizens do not have to live through. He needed to further isolate though what makes it easier to be a white straight male. For example, the military women are not allowed certain jobs in military. Majority of generals in the army are white males. So his argument is good he just needed to find examples that really show the favoritism towards white men.
ReplyDeleteJoey Guikema
I like how the male made his argument. He realizes how lucky he is and I believe the way he went about making his points was well said. The entire essay he says how he will not have to deal with the hardships that women and people of other than white ethnicity have to deal with. I think this is a good way to get his point across because it shows that people out there realize what other people have to deal with and it shows that people are willing to do something about it. I personally would like to see him start a blog or something of that nature to show us that this isn't just a one time essay and proves that this is something he is truly passionate about..
ReplyDeleteJoe Womack
He does have a blog: in the linked post, click on his name at the end.
ReplyDeleteI think he made very good points. He is being very honest and admitting that he does have it alot better than females, or certain races or sexual orientations. I thought it was a good way to get his point across to all kinds of genders, sexualities, and races, because he is pointing out what these people have to go through, and that he almost feels guilty for being a straight while male that gets unearned opportunities handed to him because he is a straight white male.
ReplyDelete-shawna nicole sabo
I liked a lot to see that a man was finally admitting that they have it a lot easier in this primarily male-dominated world in which we live. It's not very often that men will actually admit to this, but that was his point, and it was very interesting to read. He is very wise for someone of 17.
ReplyDelete- Emily Janas
For being a 17 year old kid, I was really surprised at how he was able to see just how lucky he is to have the particular lifestyle that he does. I think he raises a lot of good points that I don't normally think we would see a male raising. Being that he started his article saying that he didn't invent patriarchy, sexism, or discrimination, I thought that he did a great job of going through each of them and giving specific examples of how a straight, white, American male is given the upper hand in today's society. While he was able to recognize the advantages that he and others have, I think he was trying to show us that we have a responsibility to try and change things and make the world a more equal place to live.
ReplyDelete-Chad Altfillisch
Yes--level the playing field a bit.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading his essay i believe he is talking about the advantages of being a white male. His strongest aregument is that he has the upper hand on being hired,choosing his job and a higher pay then woman. For him being white he doesn't have any negative sterotypes against him like being a thief and other negative sterotypes. He's grown up in a positive enviornment without violence and extreme poverty. He's immmune of contracting HIV. He makes these strong argument by displaying real life situations that agree with his statements-Altagrace Jean-Francois
ReplyDeleteI agree with what he is saying and i think he has a good point. Some people don't try to be racist or sexist, but the thought is always in the back of their head. It could be more a reaction to how they were brought up. People all have different perspectives and opinions on certain situations. Instead of blaming others or saying that its always been this way, we should instead take responsibility. We should try to change things for the better.He gave some great examples of this. I like how he admits to having some thing easier in life than others.
ReplyDelete-alexa arent
I think that this was a well-written essay. He points out reasons on why he has the advantages he does being a white male. A strong point he makes in the beginning of his essay is about people should not judge based on race, gender, sexual orientation, etc and so, therefore we are not the same, we naturally have advantages in society due to stereotypes. He discusses and gives examples of this throughout his essay to make his argument.
ReplyDeleteKristine Tume
I appreciate this young man's efforts to recognize the many different forms of discrimination. However, I don't think that he said anything unique. Of course he did not invent the current situation, and I applaud his effort to simply address that it does exist. I think he could have further illustrated what he IS in a position to do, rather than being the 'victim' himself. Even though he did not create the situation, his 'team' so to speak has been in the drivers seat. I often hear white men express that there is a prejudice towards them...I don't always buy that. If you are not part of the problem, you can be part of the solution. I would have liked to see this young man make some suggestions for others in his position to follow.
ReplyDeleteAmy Caldwell
This young man's comments seem to be well thought out and presented well. Its surprising that he notices the certain advantages his race and sex give him in this world. I'm glad he realizes how well he has it here. I know stereotypes influence peoples' opinions a lot, but nothing will change until everybody forgets about them and just sees people for who they are, not based on how they look. And even though other races might have more negativity pointed at them, I think it is important for everybody to realize that even a white, straight, middle-class man could be stereotyped too. He might be seem as privlidged, like he didn't have to work for his position or he is living off what his parents worked hard for. Everybody is stereotyped in some form or another.
ReplyDeleteJackie Golevicz
I agree with Amy that the young man showed and talked about different sorts of ways on how discrimination of different types of people does occur at different plces and happens towards different people. I also agree with the boy in the article that straight, gay, bi, white, black, hispanic, etc., your going to all be treatd differet as individuals and your going to be commented on based on how you act and how you look basd on others opinions.
ReplyDeleteNyles Wortham
To answer your question specifically, LGBTQ stands for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgendered, and Questioning.
ReplyDeleteI feel that the entire essay is a strong point in itself just because the topic can get you thinking but I do not think that he made particularly good evidence for each. I feel like he has pointed out a few of the issues but hasn't made any real contributions to helping them. Saying this, I guess you can say that I completely agree with Amy on this one. In order to make the essay stronger I think he should make more of an effort to make these prejudices/discriminations obsolete and write about that.
Caitlyn Parrish
I thought his essay was very good. I think his main points would have to be explaining the hardships that people have to go through that he doesn't have to deal with. Also I think a good main point is just his viewpoint on this topic. You don't see many 17 year boys concerned with such complex topics and taking such an interest in them. I also like how he says that we can changes things if we try. Overall, I think he did a really good job writing this essay and maybe just with a little more experience in the real world he would be able to make an even bigger impact.
ReplyDeleteAmanda DeBates
I think that this was a really good essay. I think some of his stongest points were him pointing out males making more money than women and also the statistic rates about African Americans and Lationos and their HIV rates. And especially him talking about women having abortions. He would never have to go through any of this and like he said, he is just lucky I guess. He did a good job explaining pretty much everything and I agree with everything that he said.
ReplyDelete_Toykia Meeks
I think that the boy had a very good essay. His main point was well though out. I think that being him being a young straight white boy that he has time to grow and experience alot more in the world. He has made a good impact withthis essay, but i think that as he gets older he will be able to make an even bigger impact on the world. Since he is only 17 and consurned about these topics that he in the future will be able to give a bigger impact.
ReplyDeleteMichele Salvatori
I think the essay was really good. His main point was that he, being a white male, has many more advantages than the people of different races and females. I found it some what shocking that he admitted he has more advantages and does not have as many problems to deal with such as HIV, unsafe abortions, living below the poverty level. He made it seem as if he has many more opprutunties offered to him in life because he is a white male, and I defintaly agree. I think we should all try to change the stereotype and make an impact on society.
ReplyDeleteKimberly Matejka
I believe his strongest points in this essay was providing evidence on how everyone is not equal and why. But this is something that takes 100's of years to change and that it can't be changed in 1 day. At least people are realizing how unequal life is for some people. Everyone has different things in their life that are hard to handle and are different from theirs. Ex) the shoplifting example, and how he would be treated differently in a store because of his race.
ReplyDeleteDanielle Fabian
It interesting to see a male's perspective on this issue. Many men do not publically voice their opinions. This young man makes a valid point in saying that things are not equal and probably never will be equal. Its a difficult situation for some people who believe in the idealistic society. And he bring forth points that are not always so clearly represented.
ReplyDeleteKelsey Michelini
This essay was very interesting and to the point. At the beginning, I was unsure if I would agree with what he was saying. His strongest points include the different ways that society view "minorities". It is typical to hear how women, African Americans, or gay/lesbians to voice their opinions but it is very crucial to also hear the outlook from a white, straight male. Altogether, the use of statistics and examples help prove his point and essentially make the essay.
ReplyDelete-Keri Plica