Students in Women and Creativity are really enjoying this article, so I though you my like to have the option of commenting on it as well, but before you offer your opinion on these hauls, make sure you understand Chloe's point of view: we might expect feminists to criticize the makers of these videos as vain, but what is Chloe really saying? If Chloe does have a problem with the hauls, what is it?
Haul monitors: Young women, YouTube and price of beauty
In this article, I do not think that Chloe is calling hauls vain, but he does have a good point on how much money women spend on make-up and clothing. He also mentioned why there are not music hauls or book hauls. I think that is a good point because not many people go and make book hauls and post videos on youtube. Make-up and beauty is so popular today because of the media. I think that clothing styles has a huge effect on people because we are surrounded by images from the media daily. I think the amount of money spent on make-up and clothing is a ridiculous amount of money, and I never actually thought about how much money is really going into beauty products and clothing.
ReplyDelete-Jennifer Berg
The problem that Chloe has with the hauls is that women are not taking the time to really think about the amount of money they spend regularly on cosmetics and clothing. Women grow up believing that beauty products and the clothing they wear will affect the way they are treated by others, so they don't see a problem with spending large amounts of money on them. Chloe understands that women want to look good but believes that it is improtant for women to take the time to think about whether it is worth financially.
ReplyDelete-Susana Campos
I think that the problem Chloe has with hauls is that the teens in the hauls are not expressing themselves the right way. There talking all about beauty and fashion and not about their intelligence. At the end it says Chloe doesn’t believe self-expression and empowerment can be bought. That is the main reason I don’t think she likes theses videos, because the girls in the videos are expressing themselves and feeling powerful by buying things and posting them online.
ReplyDeleteMelissa Steinberg.
The message that Chloe is trying to get through is that these teenage girls are trying to by self-expression, and using an enormous amount of money to do so. She made a valid point in saying that self-expression cannot be bought. Teens aren't realizing what could be done with all this money that is being spent on material things to make themselves look beautiful. These video hauls are a perfect example of how much the mass media affects teen's lives and how they are affecting them in the wrong kind of way.
ReplyDeleteEmily Eyler
I deffinitley do not think that chloe is bashing on the industries, or calling them vein. I think she is just saying that woman spend way too much money on cosmetics that they really do not need. I think it kind of just puts a perspective on the issue. I think she just wants people to know that these industries market to women and can set higher prices because in our culture women velieve that they need these things. Howver, I also think that Chloe realizes that women do want to look good, but that they are expressing it and spending too much money on it.
ReplyDelete-Bailey Strand
I do not believe that Chloe is calling out the industries. I think she is trying to point out how young women express themselves in the wrong way. I feel she tries to get the point across that these girls are not spending their money correctly. Women always try and make themselves beautiful because of celebrities. To me it is like these haul videos are an example of how the mass media is effecting young womens lives. These women need to realize that they do not need all of this stuff to feel or look beautiful and they need to be spending their money on more important needs and not wants.
ReplyDeleteI do not think that Chloe is bashing the industry. What I believe Chloe is trying to say and show us is that girls express themselves not in the right way. I think she has a good point about how much money girls spend on make up and clothes.She also makes the point how there are no book or movie hauls. In this society so much money is going into clothing and makeup when this money could be used on so many other things. Chloe made a very good point by saying that self-expression cannot be bought.
ReplyDeleteTaylor Murphy
According to Chloe,buying beauty products and tshowing them off to veiwers on the internet is the only way in which a woman can feel empowered and beautiful. Advertising and the media convince women of this. Young women feel that in order to get famous in America, they have to parade their lives, and purchases in front of thousands of viewers to become famous or
ReplyDeletenoticeable. Although I fully agree with
Chloe's opinions in the article and closing points, I feel that his consistent reassurance of 'not telling anyone what to do with their money and empowerment' made him seem indecisive about his points.
-Carmen Nunez
I believe what Chloe is trying to say is that these haul videos are pointless just as well as the commercials for the materials in them. These girl's are basically buying what the industry is telling them to buy. Chloe is obviously saying that advertisements are convincing women/girls to buy products and show them off on youtube to make them feel good and apart of society. Chloe isn't bashing these industries, he's just simply stating facts as to how the media has poisoned our minds to do and believe what they want is thekey to fame and beauty.
ReplyDelete-Kendra Owens-
I agree and belive that Chloe is saying that these haul videos are not worth watching. I do not think that she is saying anything bad about these videos but in her opinion she does not think that they are worth watching. She is saying that girls and women are easily convinced about whatever these haul videos have in them. I think that a lot of people are convinced of the way these haul videos show beauty and they want to be just like them.
ReplyDelete-Tara Rednour
I believe that Chloe is not trying to put the industries down however she is saying that the movies/ videos are not worth watching. The videos are basally saying look at what I have that you don’t, so therefore you want to go out and get that item that was shown. A lot of women to spend a lot of money on themselves trying to look “perfect,” when in fact there is no perfect. There will always be something wrong or something that could be a little bit better, people need to look at whatever they have and be thankful for their possessions.
ReplyDeleteIn this article I feel that Chloe is judging everyone that enjoys buying clothes and makeup. I am personally one of those girls that love to get new clothes and makeup and I should not be judged for that. As for the haul videos, why do people care so much? Just don't watch them. There are plenty of other videos that people make that deserve to be criticized. If girls want to spend their money on material items, them let them and stop judging. Its their choice not yours. If these girls want to make videos about their possessions, who cares! Move on.
ReplyDeleteAllysa Lybarger
Chloe is basically saying that, there are other ways young women and teenagers can express their beauty rather than spend money on products to feel beautiful. I do not think that Chloe has a problem with haul videos, she was just stressing on the fact that young women and teenagers put price on beauty due to the ways it is portrayed in the media
ReplyDeleteSandra Odei
This haul video is worthless and not worth watching. Younger girls should express their natural beauty. And not with tons of makeup and all that other stuff.
ReplyDeleteAndrew Schaad
ReplyDeleteI agree with Andrew. I believe haul videos are dumb! Who seriously has time on their hands to this type of stuff and to actually watch it. I think girls that make haul videos should get a life or find something else to do with their life. If they go on youtube and brag about how much they spent on make up then thats just screaming "im stuck up, and i have money". I think people that do this need a reality check. No one cares about what make up you buy. It is who you are as a person not about the things you have.
ReplyDelete-Jason Renacido
these videos are about the products, they are about being better than someone else. youtube has made the average person in to a minor celebrity and there is no feeling quite like cultivating a youtube channel that has over 10k followers. its intoxicating knowing that so many people are listening to you, so many care about what you bought that day, or how much it cost you. This also opens up a new arena for competition, who has the best makeup, shoes, and dresses. The new world is of the internet is one where you can share the most mundane and asinine things with the entire world via the magic of youtube or other video sites, has made everyone believe that they can become an E-celebrity.
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of people who like to shop and I am one of them, but I am not going to go on youtube and make a video out of it. I rather walk around with my new stuff on and people comment on it rather than putting up a video and hoping that I get famous. There also shouldn't be a price for beauty because we are teaching little girls the wrong things and that is why everyone wants to change how they look.
ReplyDeleteJulia Henderson
Clhoe is trying to say that women are out there spending a ton of money on make up and things that really arent that important and there getting the wrong idea about it and it is happening from a rage of young girls to older ones. and Haul videos are just pointless other than the fact that it makes people feel like this is what they need to do to be part of society today and that is so true because people will do things in order to feel like they fit in.
ReplyDelete-Kelley Walsh
This girl is trying to tell people that buying all this makeup and stuff is not needed. Its kinda getting out of hand of how much women are spending on these things. That and clothes. If a woman feels she needs to buy these things just to look good thats not really right in todays society.
ReplyDeleteChance Hill
I think that the problem that chloe has with the haul monitor videos is the fact that women don't realize that all the money they use on make up and accessories can be spent on something a lot more productive. She didn't really put down the haul videos but she did point out a really good point.
ReplyDeleteMeagan Savage