“Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.” Albert Einstein

Monday, April 18, 2011

for 4/24: Rania Matar - Recent Projects - A Girl and her Room

Look at these--
Rania Matar - Recent Projects - A Girl and her Room-- photographs of girls in their rooms. Where are the girls from? What might the photographer, Rania Matar, be thinking or wanting to say?


  1. The girls in these photos are from all over, however, the one thing they all have in common is they're going through the phase of transformation from being a child to an adult. I think the photographer gets her message across very well in her project statement. She wanted to capture each girl in a place they felt most comfortable. The idea of them being in their rooms may come off as a little shady at first, yet after reading her explaination it makes sense.
    - Brooklin Salemi

  2. It looks like the photographer captures girls insecurities. A girls hardest time in life is when she starts her teen years. There are so many pressures from the media how to look, what to wear, how to act, etc.. These pictures just capture moments in a girls life where she feels like she at a fork in the road. This is what I got from looking at the pictures of the girls but after reading, from what I read and collected from it, was right on.

    -Tracy Ahearn
