“Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.” Albert Einstein

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dictionary banned because defines words related to sex

CA school district bans the dictionary. Seriously.
FYI. This is not required, but I wondered if you had strong feelings about it.


  1. This is absolutely insane! If they had kept the dictionaries, perhaps the administration could look up the definition to ignorant. I think it is dangerous to censot this type of material, really many reading materials. If we don't teach the children properly, and allow them to make interpretations, what will become of them when they are parents themselves? Ignorance breeds ignorance.

  2. This: "If they had kept the dictionaries, perhaps the administration could look up the definition to ignorant" made me laugh out loud!

  3. Glad I could offer you a giggle :)

    Amy Caldwell

  4. Banning a dictionary is as bad as banning a language itself. And besides, any kid with half an imagination and access to TNT could put a sexual spin on just about ANY word in the dictionary. So lets just tell the kids they're not allowed to speak English anymore, that'll solve the problem!

    Benjamin Barnes
