I think this is great news: People, especially men, who have sex to express affection, report experiencing more pleasure than those who do it just for status.
Research shows sex is more fun when you do it for its own sake.
What stereotypes does this research defy?
I totally agree with this study, I think that what makes it more fun is that you can be realistic and truthful with your partner. Expressing passion also puts a little more UMPH into it because you don't feel self conscious about how you look, how he looks, and if you are doing anything that is emberassing; you can just let yourself go with the flow and if something is wrong you can always let your partner know. There is no fear of your partner judging you and then there is no awkard morning after where you have to sneek out. Although I've never had sex with a stranger or a one night stand, I do have a boyfriend that has been with me for over 2 years now, and I can personally say that my experiences match this study.
ReplyDeleteSex is something that makes relationship stronger,that makes you feel completly with your partner,not embarresed or worry if you are doing something wrong,it should be more for pleasure more then is for fun,that makes you feel good about your self,and unfortunetly theres few people out there that take sex as a really meaninful thing.As the study says mentioning ''jersey shore'' all of them just use they're time to find someone to have sex with,not even for plesure is just for fun to make themselfs think that they look ''good''. Because the image of most of the mens wants to have those days are if they get more girls then his friends does..he is ''the man'' ''you should be his friend because he is cool,he is good with girls''. i think sex is used in good and bad ways, you just gotta remember who you are and how u take it this situation,just remind to do what is the best for you.
ReplyDeleteJessica Miller
I agree and think this study should be filed under the "no duh" category, consensual sex between two people is always more enjoyable when it is wanted. I think this article makes a good point by saying that we focus and paint males as these "horny heartless dudes". I think the general problem with all stereotypes like this is if we keep talking about them like this then how are they suppose to be broke,if we keep talking about it doesn't it make it more difficult to remove ourselves from. On another note, If people are looking to the Jersey Shore as a moral compass or as a way the general American society feels then no article or study can help them, they are doomed and should pick up a book or find a hobby. Overall nice job good article.
ReplyDeleteNick Jezierny