“Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.” Albert Einstein

Monday, November 8, 2010

for 9/15: New study confirms that women give more money than men

I keep thinking about this news:
New study confirms that women give more money than men

They mean percentage-wise, of course.

If we take the study's conclusion at face-value, what theories do you have that would explain women giving a higher percentage of their income than men?

1 comment:

  1. I think women are more apt to give money because they can identify with poverty more. They have a clearer understanding of what it's like to be a single parent, and have an innate sense for care giving. Obviously there are exceptions to every rule, but whether it is because of cultural expectations, a biological need, or how we raise are girls, women inherently understand that money is crucial for survival. It also seems as if women give to others before they give to themselves. Mothers will go without in order to provide for their children. In the big picture of what we call society, the structure of our country says women must sacrifice for everyone and everything. Perhaps there is a level of guilt if they don't give. After all that is what we are taught from a very young age; share your toys, share your clothes, split an ice cream cone, essentially give away what you have because it's the right thing to do. Women are taught to save and share, and on the flip side of that, traditionally men are taught to spend their money on cars, houses, etc. Yes, they have been labeled as the bread winners, but that is changing. And often women are responsible for bill paying, grocery shopping, and budgeting family incomes, so they know how difficult life can be to live without.

    Angie Petersen
