This post, File under “heartbreaking” and “you can help”,
is about Sofia, a woman with severe anorexia who's insurance company stopped covering her treatment.
She will die without the treatment.
Is this a concern for feminists and/or Women's Studies? Consider what the The Fat Nutritionist says:
"Eating disorders prey on some of the most marginalized members of society: girls, women, gay men, as well as people who suffer from depression, OCD, or illnesses that make eating a pain in the ass to begin with. They prey on people of all skin colours and ethnicities. They prey on people who’ve been tormented into believing that fat is a fate worse than death. And they kill people who don’t have the money to get better."
Here is the link to her fund raising page, where she tells her story.
When will pampered Americans give up the Illness Excuse? Someone who refuses to eat is not "suffering from a disease". Such people do not have, say, tumors, but rather has chosen a life strategy that most people find unreasonable. Young as she is, she must learn that SHE is responsible for her health. She has food and chooses not to eat it? How is that anyone's decision, but hers? It is just like abortion or anything else: she owns her body, for good or ill. Good for the insurance company for protecting their clients from irresponsible people!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, how helpful are shrinks if it takes endless "therapy" just to persuade a dumb kid to eat? Does this sound like "hate speech"? Is it unpleasant? What is unpleasant is how Oprah-ized Americans are. Everything in life is "problem" to be attacked by sensitive "experts" whose only real claim to expertise is having gone to grad school to become "sensitive".
Ultimately Sophia will either eat or she will die, and us fellow Americans must unfortunately respect whatever choice she makes.
Meanwhile, do not insult me with maudlin posts of victimology.