“Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.” Albert Einstein

Monday, February 1, 2010

Required for 2/8

BREAKING: Scott Roeder Found Guilty Of Murdering Dr. George Tiller

Read the above link. If you like, log on to NYTimes.com and do a search for "Scott Roeder" to see if you can find out what Roeder was thinking when he plotted to kill Tiller.

Comment on this quote from Nancy Keenan: "Dr. Tiller was a tireless advocate for reproductive health who called on us to 'trust women' to make the personal, private decisions that are best for them and their families."

(Make sure your comment is at least 5 FULL lines)


  1. I think that Nancy Keenan had it exactly right by saying that Dr. Tiller was an advocate for reproductive health and that he thought it was the women's choice. I do not think that any life should be taken away from a person for helping out other people. If a woman chooses abortion, then she has a reason to do so and that should not be any one else's business. Just because he was a doctors who preformed abortions, it doesn't make him a bad person. I think that Scott Roeder is a hypocrite for murdering Dr. Tiller. If he is so against abortion and is so "pro-life", then why would you murder someone yourself and take away their life?
    -Bailey Strand

  2. This is appalling to me that Scott Roeder brutally murdered Dr. Tiller. I do not think Scott Roeder had any place at all to have that strong of feelings to Dr. Tiller who was only doing his job. I'm not saying I think abortion is fine but to kill someone because there job is to do abortions is wrong. Many people disagree every single day but just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean you go murder them. I understand Scott Roeder was very pro-life but so are many other people. What happened was out of line.

    Alex Figura

  3. To me, Dr. Tiller was just doing his job. He was just fulfilling the wishes of woman who felt like this was the right move in their lives. It's not up to anyone to decide if what Dr. Tiller was doing was wrong or not. His life shouldn't have been ended because of his choice of profession. Scott Roeder didn't know these woman that came to Dr. Tiller for help, and he also didn't know Dr. Tiller, so he had no right to get involved, and definitely had no right to end his life.

    Emily Eyler

  4. I think it is very sad to hear that people would go this far to kill for a point, the fact Scott Roeder thought he could take it into his own hands to kill Dr. Tiller for doing his job is terrible. I agree with the three other people who have commented on this, saying he had no right to do what he did. This was taken way too far! I may not like people’s views but a person should never kill over their personal views. Scotts deserves life.
    Kathryn Turner

  5. I am upset, because Scott Roeder gives pro-life advocates a bad name. Roeder is an extremist and should not be considered the typical pro-life. To put it in perspective, it is the same as extremist Muslims who are on a jihad to eradicate the Western Culture and result to suicide and car bombings. It is the same most Muslims are nothing like, but those few extremists give the whole religion a bad image, and Roeder is giving pro-life advocates a bad image

    Joey Guikema

  6. I don't know why Scott Roeder felt that he had the right to take the law into his own hands. I'm saying that abortion will ever have a law passed in regards to being illegal. But no one has the right to shot someone because of being a doctor. Dr. George Tiller performed abortions for many different people and since medical records are confidential no one can say for certain the reason behind the abortions. For all we know the may have been for medical reasons such as danger to the mother. Tiller committed "murder" as Roeder would say of several fetus's however, does that make it okay to take law back to when the law was an "eye for and eye"? Just because Tiller was a doctor who performed abortions doesn't make it okay to kill him based on his profession.

    Kelsey Michelini

  7. I think that Scott Roeder had no right to kill Dr. Tiller. Although he may have felt strongly about abortion, many other people feel strongly about the matter, but do not go as far as to take someone's life. I also believe that by killing Dr. Tiller, Roeder was participating in something he was obviously against, which is killing. Also, although I believe that the only reason a woman should get an abortion is due to medical reasons, Dr. Tiller was only doing his job and Roeder's actions were definetly wrong and unjust. Accepting the fact that not everyone has the same beliefs is a part of life.

    -Laura Curtin

  8. I think what Scott Roeder did were terrible and had no right to murder Dr. Tiller. Roeder needed to think about how many people have different opinions on abortion, and that Dr. Tiller was only doing his job. Its not fair to think about Dr. Tiller getting murdered and losing his life for the work he does.
    -Jennifer Berg

  9. In the end it seems that Doctor Tiller lost his life for doing something he felt was right. I admire Doctor Tiller for helping women acheive a safe abortion rather than denying someone in need. I believe his murder was a travesty and its a shame that someone died for just doing what felt was the right thing. Apparently this extremist thought strongly enough about abortion that he felt he had to personally murder Doctor Tiller. However usually after something like this happens people tend to band together and it only makes the pro-choice argument stronger.

    Joe Womack

  10. I think no matter what Dr. Tiller was doing, no one had the right to take his life. He was rendering services to people who needed one. I am surprised Scott Roeder even had the chance of a parole. He has to pay dearly for his crime. Even if he thought that what Dr. Tiller was doing was not right, He was just doing his job.

    Sandra Odei

  11. I feel that this situation is kind of ironic. Scott Roeder killed a doctor who participated in giving abortions because he did not believe that it was right. However, in the midst of trying to get the Doctor to understand that killing is wrong, he murdered him. I think he should not have an opportunity for parole because he committed a serious crime and should be punished accordingly.

    -Keri Plica

  12. I strongly believe one that Scott Roeder should get life in prison, without the chance of patrol!! It is absurd that he could kill someone so harshly for something that had to do with WOMEN not men and he is getting off this easy. The way he also admitted to killing him point blank also makes him look very proud for standing up for his belief , so why not pay the full price. I can not believe that it was a man who decided to act out against the doctor for giving abortions. The man shouldn't be the one to decide whether or not a women should get one. she carries the baby, and takes care of it as well. This doctor also shouldn't be judged for doing his job.

    - Kayla O'Neill

  13. It astonishes me that somebody like Scott Roeder, who is so pro-life, could end a life. Its very hypocritical to murder somebody and then fight against abortion. Dr. Tiller did nothing wrong in rendering his services to women seeking an abortion; it is his job. Since I am pro-choice, I have great respect for Dr. Tiller because he allows women to receive a safe and legal procedure. I am not surprised though that the person who killed Dr. Tiller was a man; most advocates against abortion are men. Men shouldn't be allowed to decide what women can and cannot do with THEIR bodies, especially in this case. Scott Roeder shouldn't even have a chance at parol. He took a human life brutally and shouldn't be allowed out into the public ever again. He ended a life so his life should end in prison

    Jackie Golevicz

  14. This story truly astonishes me. I cannot fathom how someone could kill someone else so harshly because he was doing his job. Keri Plica, you took the words right out of my mouth. Dr. Tiller was performing abortions because it was his job but because Scott Roeder believed in his cause so much he killed Tiller? How does this even make sense? This scenerio makes me think of the saying, "bombing for peace, is like screwing for virginity." I just don't understand how someone could think of this as an okay thing to do. He really shouldn't have gotten off so easy.

    -Caitlyn Parrish

  15. One point I noticed out of the article was that Dr. Tiller was one of the nation's only doctors to perform late-term abortions to woman that wanted them. As I understand it there arnt many doctors that will perform late term abortions. Scott Roeder being an extremist for pro life probably thought he would save more lifes in the end. But either way what scott Roeder did was terribly wrong.

    Danielle Fabian

  16. Scott Roeder murdered a man, plain and simple. Murder is murder no matter how someone tries to spin it around. Woman have a choice in what they decide to do, killing a man for doing his job is not justified by any means. I can see if he was fighting for his life then it would be okay, however to kill a man just because he is doing is job is ridiculous. If he was wife beater, an addict, heck even drug dealer, murder is still not vindicated. There is no way to replace this man and his family is now one fewer due to this extremist actions.
    -Kara Burroughs

  17. I think that Scott Roeder's actions were unconscionable. The act of pre meditated murder is morally repugnant, let alone endangering other bystanders. All because he doesn't think that women have the right or sense to make decisions about their own bodies. The two mens families are now forever fractured.
    Nancy Keenan's quote is a kind tribute to Dr. Tiller's efforts. Thank goodness there are doctors that provide these services in a safe and legal manner. In that sense they are saving the lives of women that could die from "back alley" abortions. Perhaps instead of killing physicians that provide needed medical care, anti choice advocates could volunteer at youth organizations, and make a difference in a childs life. Their time would be better spent and appreciated.

    Amy Caldwell

  18. All in all, the situation described between Scott Roeder and Dr. Tiller blows my mind. First of all, besides the fact that Roeder obviously had problems, I find it hard to believe that someone as pro-life as himself was able to justify killing someone. In my opinion, Dr. Tiller was not to blame in this situation at all. Even though I don't necessarily think that abortion is ok in every situation, I can't fault him for doing his job. Being that abortion is legal, and the decision is up to the women, he was just fulfilling the duties of his job as best he could. On the other hand, the fact that Roeder was given the opportunity for parole after 25 years is unbelievable to me! I don't see how a man who admitted to murder would even be allowed the chance of being released.

    -Chad Altfillisch

  19. I think that Nancy Keegan was right on. Like many have previously commented, Dr. Tiller was just doing his job; performing abortions, to some people like Scott Roeder did not agree and decided to take matters into his own hands. Women should have the choice to have an abortion or not and the fact that Dr. Tiller would perform late pregnancy abortions that were very risky at that point in time to women who wanted them is very meaningful. I think that giving Roeder the option for parole is disgusting and he should rot in prison for life!
    Kristine Tume

  20. I agree with Nancy Keegan's statement about Dr. Tiller "providing an essential and legal health service to women." Scott Roeder had strong feelings against his job, but women went to Dr. Tiller because they wanted to have this done; they were not forced by Dr. Tiller he simply respected their decision.
    -Susana Campos

  21. I have to agree with Susana and Nancy Keegan's statment about Dr. Tiller. Dr. Tiller was just providing a legal health service for women. Dr.Tiller was doing his job, he helped women who needed help and they trusted him. And For Scott Roeder, if he is so pro-life then how could he have taken another life? He acted against what he believed hin. He was pro-life for an unborn baby, but not pro-life for someone already living?
    Amanda DeBates

  22. I would have to agree with Nancy Keegan's statement. Dr. Tiller was just doing his job by providing this option of abortion to women. I agree with Amandas statement that he was helping women who needed help and trusted him. Alot of people like Scott Roeder do not agree but most people would not take it to the extremes like Roeder did. Women should have the choice if they want an abortion whether it was at the beginning or the end of the pregnacy. We dont have to agree with it but we should respect other womens choices and Dr Tillers job by providing this option.

    Taylor Murphy

  23. I agree with the quote from Nancy Keenan. It was Dr. Tiller's job, and Roeder had no right to take Tiller's life for doing his job. It's a little extreme that he found it necessary to take the life of Tiller to prove his point. There are many pro-life people who are able to handle their views in a more civilized way. I agree with Tiller's thought that we should 'trust women', and he was helping many women.

  24. I was very surprised to read this article. This is something that I have never even heard of happening. I think that this guy deserves the maximum punishment because clearly, this doctor was only doing his job. It's sad to see that people use their own personal beliefs and try to make others feel the same way. Just because this doctor does Abortion procedures, does not mean he believes in them. He is just simply doing his job. I just think that this man had no right to kill Dr. Tiller because if a woman chose to get an abortion, that was her decision. He had no control over women wanting to get rid of their child. He is not the one responsible for it. I believe he was just helping women into making the decision that they chose to make.
    -Toykia Meeks

  25. I agree with Nancy Keenan. I believe that Dr. Tiller was indeed a man who could be called an advocate for a woman's reproductive health. And, I also think that it was definitely wrong that he was murdered. Scott Roeder, his killer, is contradicting his stance on being an anti-abortionist. If he believes that destroying unborn lives is wrong then why is he destroying a fully grown man? However, I understand that he might get the impression that by stopping Tiller, he really just stopped thousands of abortions from being performed. However, in reality that is not the case because many women could go to other doctors and/ or do it themselves.

  26. I think that what Scott Roeder did to Doctor Tiller was terrible. If Scott was against abortions meaning that he is against killing unborn babies, then why does he think killing people at all is ok. Just becasue Doctor Tiller did abortions does not mean that he was for abortions. Doctor Tiller was just doing what his job entails. I think that Scott Roeder over reacts and murders the doctor without thinking about what his actions will do.

    -Michele Salvatori-

  27. I believe that it is wrong to kill point blank period. I think that Scott Roeder was a hypocrite who contradicted his-self. If he didn't like the fact that Doctor Tiller performed abortions, which is killing why would he turn around and kill himself. This is another example of people not thinking before they do things.

    Meagan Savage

  28. the murder of Tiller is deff really shocking to me, it just doesnt seem right that someone should get killed for the fact of just doing his job and helping women out who are in need of it. And also the fact that if he is so against killing a baby when here he is killing a living person, it doesnt make sense if he is trying to prove a point because there are women who get abortion for really good reasons and he killed a person because he doesnt like what he does.

    -Kelley Walsh

  29. Nancy Keenan's comment describes how devastating the loss of Dr. Tiller is for the pro-choice community. Keenan's comment shows how Dr. Tiller respected women's rights to her own body. The comment also emphasizes how Dr. Tiller understood how personal the decision to have an abortion is for a woman.

    -Angie Marini

  30. Although Dr. Tiller was an abortionist that does not mean that he should have had his life taken. Dr. Tiller's profession was completely legal and I'm sure that he enjoyed helping women. No one should impose their beliefs on others, especially when they feel that the consequence is death. I was also surprised to read that Roeder will be up for the chance of parole in 25 years...
    -Carmen Nunez

  31. There is no need to kill someone just because you don't like what they do. To think that people will kill you just because you are doing your job is shocking. This is why people can not go to college to do what they love because there are people in the world that don't agree with them and are going to try to stop them. It is not this doctors fault that the woman decided to get an abortion. In our world today, unless you want every woman to perform an abortion an illegal way, then there has to be someone to perform the safe abortion. This is the same as stopping a child from going to school just because his or her parents cannot afford to pay for them. This has to stop.
    Julia Henderson

  32. I think that it was wrong for Roeder to kill Dr. Tiller. Dr. Tiller was just doing his job and he should not be punished for that. I know that Roeder is able to have his own opinion but he does not need to kill someone for not agreeing with his opinion. Tiller is just doing what his patients want him to do. His patients want an abortion and that is his job to give them what they want. Roeder was wrong to kill Dr. Tiller and Roeder can have his own opinion like I said before but these people do not need to act on their opinions.

    -Tara Rednour

  33. I agree with a lot of people. Dr. Tiller was just doing his job and what people wanted him to do. I don't agree he had to of been killed for that. Roeder had no right to kill him just because he didn't like what Tiller did. I feel it is wrong. There are a lot of people out there that do abortions so you cannot just blame one person for everything.

    -Ashley Gabelmann

  34. I do not think that anyones life should have been taken for this whole procedure. This woman chose to get this done, the doctor did not force anything upon her. The doctor just put the option out there and this woman chose it. The doctor should not have been killed for doing what he was asked to do by a willing patient.

    -Shawna Sabo

  35. I know this will sound repetative, but I am completely okay with that. I think it is just that Roeder was sent to prison; as he deserves it, but to comment on the quotation, I think it is great that Dr. Tiller was such an advocate for a woman's personal and private decision. Not only did he do his job, but by this quotation, he supported his practice. It is too bad that he had to die for what he believed in, but maybe it will make people think differently. On a side note, I find it ironic that, after everything Roeder supposidly stood for in is anti-abortion thinking and I think it is safe to say anti-killing, that he turned around to kill another person. Sounds to me like this man's thinking is a tad off...hhmmmm.
