I think universities should take more into the care of their students. As a student at wiu I picked this college and will be spending 4 years here. I want to feel safe at "home" according to westerns Regulations for Student Conduct: The following actions/behaviors shall constitute violations of the Code of Student Conduct and will subject any student committing a violation to disciplinary sanctions including separation from the University or any lesser sanction authorized by the Code: 1. Violating published Board or University policies, rules, or regulations including, but not limited to, the policies on racial harassment, sexual harassment, campus disruption, and drug and alcohol abuse.& 3.Committing acts of sexual assault (stranger, date, or acquaintance), sexual abuse, or other forms of coerced sexual activity. (Refer to Policy Statement A at the close of this document for the Western Illinois University Policy on Sexual Assault.) I think through this wiu has taken its students in to consideration. And has really tried to make us feel safe by providing escorts, or other means. This article has giving great advice about college assaults. If I or someone I knew was assaulted I would want the college to provide help in anyway. And if colleges are worried about a assault making them look bad how bad would it look when they did nothing about it and the girl died? Colleges need to take care of their students we picked to go to that school for a reason and if we don’t feel safe then it makes the college look bad.
I find it very hard to believe that rape is swept under the rug, and flat out dropping complaints so much at universities. I would want to see a lot more evidence of this, than just the Russell case. Rape is a very serious issue and I doubt many universities would make light of any rape allegation. I know WIUs policy and I like all the help they offer students, such as the drunk bus and escorts to ensure students safety.
I would to believe that what this girl went through at UVA wouldn't happen at any other university. Obviously this university just isn't really concerned about rape issues on their campus, and they would rather cover it up and keep it under wraps then accept that their university isn't perfect and help protect their students. I personally feel safe here at Western, 1) because its a smaller town so the crime rates aren't as high and 2) i think they do a great job of offering ways to keep the students safe. This article personally kind of shocked me, because you are supposed to feel safe when you go to college, you shouldn't be afraid to go your university to report something that happened to you.
I don't find it hard to believe at all that 95% of rapes on campus go unreported. This may be a bit personal, but unfortunately, as a freshman, I was sexually assaulted in one of the dorms. I reported this to OPS right away, and went through the frightful process, but I felt absolutely no alleviation from the officers or complex director. There I was, a wreck, traumatized and horrified, and the higher-ups acted as though I wasn't being honest or worth talking to, especially after hearing the absurb story accused gave them (who was unquestionably drunk, but for some reason OPS was oblivious to that). After explaining the policies and disciplinary proceedings, and having me explain what happened multiple times (yikes), I finally dropped the charges. It was ridiculous. I was NOT going to go through that experience again, espically in court. It's fantastic that this issue is being brought to peoples' attentions. WIU definately could use some safer dorms, more effective policies, and empathetic complex directors/residence assistants.
I also think that it is hard to believe that rape cases are just "pushed under the rug". It's different when someone chooses not to tell anyone about the incident but I do not think that is the universities fault. I do think that universities do all that they can to keep its students safe on campus. I believe Sexual assault is a very hard thing to convict becasue a lot of the time there is no evidence and its just one person's word agaisnt another. I think though that universities and authorities are trying to make campuses safer for everyone.
I don't think it is hard to believe that rape goes unreported. Most people who get raped are embarrassed about it and could possibly get judged by the situation. I believe universities do their very best to keep their campuses as safe as possible. If someone does report something then yes the university should provide help for that individual(s). I feel safe here and I think most people do too.
I Believe alot of rapes are swept under the rug at some schools. Here at Western I have never heard of a rape incident...maybe becuase there sweeping them under the rug. My sister attends Depaul in Chicago and I hvae seen flyers letting studeent know a rape had happened and where at and any other important information so they are aware of whats going on. I think that is the right thing to do. What happened to the girl at UVA is rediculous, I dont think a rape victim should ever have to feel like the victim again by the school board or anyone or have to keep quiet about what happened. The school should not give her a hard time about what happened but instead help her. Melissa Steinberg.
I would like to think that rape isn't just swept under the rug but I just don't think that will ever be possible. Someone somewhere is always going to. I, as well, have never heard of a rape incident here at Western and even at Bradley University, where I previously attended had never heard of one. The fact is rapes are always going to be hard to prove because in most cases it's going to be one person's word over anothers. Often times alcohol is used which is just another ingredient being put into the mix. However, I think that it is the schools responsibility to help its students no matter what happens. Caitlyn Parrish
I think that rape is a very big deal. Rape should never be swept under the rug. Most the time if someone is raped, they usually know their rapist. Most often then not, alcohol is connected with rape. I have yet heard about a rape incident here at Western, but it could be going on, but no one talks about or wants to believe that it is happening. Schools should help their students if this were to happen and not turn them away as if its no big deal.
Sexual assult is a very serious matter. When someone has to go though such a trama in their life, it always helps to know that their school is there to back them up. I have not heard of a rape that has happened here at Western Illinois University but we are not notified if there was such an action. I think that Western should notify their students if a rape were to happen to keep everyone aware of what is happening. Rape is a crime and should not be taken lightly.
I would hope rape is not pushed under the rug. I have never heard of a rape at Western. But it could happen anywhere and anytime. I have seen guys be "pushy" at parties and the bars especially when they want to hook up with girls so something like that could end up in a rape. Rape would be hard to prove because there are two people with two stories...so who do you believe?? I think that college campuses are trying to make things safer for every one. At western, if we feel unsafe we can call ops to walk us to our dorm and at UofI they have something called a rape wistle where every girl on campus goes to a rape meeting at the beginning of the year and they tell you how to use the rape wristle and if you feel unsafe you blow it. I do not know how good this may work, but it is something yhst colleges are doing to make their campus safe.
I believe that many rapes do go unreported. Rape is something that can change your whole life. Most times people who have gotten raped can not even talk about it without having terrible flashbacks. I feel like rape should be reported and taken very seriously. I feel safe at Western especially because we have emergency buttons all over the campus. You have to be smart about the people your around and most of the time you can't trust anybody. No one should feel like there rape should be swept under the rug if it happen to you. I feel like Western is a safe campus and I have yet to hear about any rapes here.
I agree with many of the previous comments and I, too feel like rape should not be put under the rug. It is a very serious and traumatic experience. I have heard that there have been rapes here at Western in the past but no one ever knows about it. It is not certain if they are true or not or if it is hearsay. I think that college institutions need to make support groups or facilitate some program to serious issues like rape more approachable and helpful so that way people who have been victims will feel more comfortable to come forward and speak on it. Kristine Tume
I agree that a lot of rapes do go unreported. Rape can be hard to convict and the victim feels a lot of fear or embarressment. Also, there is lack of help from officials sometimes. This is sad because rape is such a serious matter. Not only the physical factors, but a person has to go through the rest of their life dealing with the tramatic emotional effects. It should not be swept under the rug. You should be able to feel safe and comfortbale on your college campus. I feel that WIU offers good safety services.
I feel like some points made in the article was ok, whereas, other points i just didnt agree with. yes, women are mainly victim's of rape, but men can be as well. i feel like as a world we should unite and help our people learn and teach eachother about ways to protect themselves and get out of avoidable situations. i feel like sometimes we put ourselves into situations that could be avoided. rape is not ok but like many other crimes it is something that happens, and its mainly by people who know eachother and put themselves in dumb situations. i feel like some things will never change they can only get worse or better, and if noone shows an interest in helping then whats the point?
I think that the fact that this is happening is crazy. As students, we know the statistics about rape, sexual assault, etc on campus because they have been talking about it for the longest time. One of the reasons why students get hurt on campus is because they walk around campus by themselves. Personally, when my friends and I go out, I expect for all of us to come back together. Many people go to parties and get togethers with many people, but then they come back to the dorm by themselves or with a dude whom they met at the party. Then they wonder why they get hurt. It's because they are not making the correct decisions. Julia Henderson
If sexual assault cases, such as the Russell case are occurring at universities, we would have to rethink rape statistics altogether. I don’t find it hard to believe that certain Universities would keep sexual assault complaints a secret. If all of those reports did surface, it would mean a bad reputation for university, and would be less appealing to tuition paying students and parents. I do agree with the other comments on how WIU has tried to create a safe environment for students.
I really think Universities should be very concerned by rape. I think schools should be there for the women who get raped and not push them under the rug. I think some universities do keep some sexual assaults a secret for sure. I have to agree that it would give universities a bad reputation if there were so many sexual assaults then no one would want to go there. But I do think schools should have some type of support for people who are involved in a sexual assault hands down.
This report did not shock me as much as it has shocked the other commenters. I do not find it hard to believe that the university would try to undermine the trauma of rape to save their good name. Ultimately, a university is a money maker. People have these wonderful notions that residence hall staff does all that they can to make their residents feel safe and at home because they care about the students. And I'm not saying that they don't care about the student's safety because they do. But if they didn't do this, and many students heard about multiple rapings happening in their dorms, then would students be returning next year and paying more money to live there? Probably not. It is in the university's best interest to look out for themselves and keep all instances of rape very hush hush. What I took away for this report was that if I were to be sexually assaulted, I would call 911 and not OPS. It is best to have the actual Macomb police, who have no affiliation with WIU, to deal with such a delicate matter. That way, it will be treated like a rape case like any other, and not one affiliated with the university.
Rape is and issuse that should be reported more. Rape is an event that can haunt a person. And not only that but mess with their everyday life, mental status, and self of steam. I beleive here at westrn women and men are safer then other schools. Andrew Schaad
I agree with Angie in her recognition of universities being a business. They are. They want to make money (who doesn't?) They indeed generate revenue, and do so by attracting students...especially athletes. This article covered a lot of different facets. I find the notion of a university operating outside the jusrisdiciton of the law, and self governing a bit frightening. It scares me because academia is its own entity to begin with...the bureaucracy and politics alone are suspect. I think that often times, even on the high school level, athletes are treated with preference overall.
I am not surprised that many of these types of cases are brushed off. It is bad for business, so to speak. I also think the idea of facing the man that raped you in a mediation is horrible! Having to retell your story to persons of authority is awful too...as if you hadn't been through enough! I am sorry for what these and other victims have been through. I hope that these types of articles help improve the systems that are currently in place.
It was hard to believe that the university seemed to not care as much about the rape issue. They would rather have the victim just see a mediator to solve their problems. Rape is a serious issue and it is a very serious crime. I think UVA should have done a better job protecting its students and should have done a better job in trying to catch the perpetrator. All rape victims should be treated fairly as well as anyone else. They should be taken very seriously and not leave the situation idle.
I was suprised that the university did not take the rape issue that serious. A lot of people who are victims of rape always feel betrayed and alone, and this univeristy is doing nothing to help. A lot of rape reports will have an effect on admission in the college and could definately hurt the college. I think tho that is should be taken serious and no rape issues should go unnoticed. Rape can affect a persons entire life if let alone and not taken care of.
I dont think that Western rapes are swept under the rug, however i think many rapes are unreported just because of all the things the rape victim has to go through. usually rape victims have to tell their story numerous times and the people they tell it to usually look for a change in their story so they can just tell them they are lying about the situation. also by telling the story over and over it makes the victim relive the traumatizing situation many times. i think many people dont report rape is because they were drinking. if there is alchol involved many people dismiss the story and just think they werent sober so they dont have a good recallection of what happened.
I don't feel that rapes are swept under the rug, but rather just not talked about. Many victims don't report them for various reasons like being scared and lack of help. I feel that Western has done a decent job of letting us all know that there are safety precaustions for us to take and let us where not to be at the wrong time. Rape is a serious matter and needs to be taken more seriously everywhere.
I believe that Western is a little bit safer than most schools because it is a small school. Everyone either knows a lot of people or know of people. But this doesn't mean that nothing bad can happen to a person, a person should always be aware of what their doing and what their drinking even if their with the people they trust. Most rape victims don't report probably because they're too scared or because they don't remember due to excessive drinking. Yet most people don't know that having sex during a high level of intoxication can be charged as rape. This is because if a person isn't coherent enough then they aren't clear minded enough to make a decision if they want to have sex.
I think it is completely believable that rape on college campuses is swept under the rug. The school doesn't want to be known or seen as a place where rape is a common thing or that they can't prevent it. What happened to that girl at UVA is horrible. Too many victims of rape are treated badly. Officers who are investigating a rape accusation should take the up-most care with it. The victim should never be treated as if she or he was lying, even if the victim and the accused were both intoxicated. I think WIU does the best it can to prevent a situation like that. But even in a small town like Macomb, bad things can happen.
I also believe that rape is just swept under the rug on college campuses. No school wants to be pinned as the school who has had rapes. I feel that it is wrong to have rapes swept under the rug like this because this means that the victim is just being ignored basically. The vicitm should never be ignored and should never be accused of lying.
I am not surprised to find out that rapes cases are swept under the rug and most cases are not even reported. I believe that most colleges want to protect their image. And victims do not report, do not do so maybe because of what they will have to go through.
I personally think YES rape is pushed under the rug, and most definately not always reported. People look at rape in all different ways, and rape to one person may not be rape to another person. Also, girls sometimes dont report it, either because they are scared, or dont wanna actually believe they were raped. Some might also be afraid of being judged, even though it wasnt her fault, some might feel they could have stopped it, so in a way it was their fault. I actually think that rape is probably a huge thing in colleges, its just never reported because students feel like in college they need to fit in, and if someone gets raped, they dont want people knowing, or to get that person in trouble. So its definately an issue that might never even be known. Shawna Nicole Sabo
I feel that it is wrong for schools to keep quiet and not report rape. Away frm home in a college setting schools should insure safety for its student. if not why are we paying to be outside of our safety zone. In the article I disagreed how some university dropped rape victims complaint. It seems as if those schools do not care about the well being of student. To me it seems unethical. I know for a fact that WIU does not take rape lightly and takes action.WIU does care about it students which I think is great. All Universities should be run in this way by Altagrace Jean-Francois
I think many woman are scared to report sexual assault, because it often turns in to a she said he said battle. I also beleive UVA is wrong to not take something like this serious. Students should feel safe and protected by its school and dorms, and it should be made clear to report any sexual assult on campus. Danielle Fabian
it is really hard to believe that rapes happens a lot more than any of us really know, but i believe that girls who get sexual assualted on campus' do go with out being known and girls are afraid of reporting it because they are emberessed or dont want to deal with it anymore or talk about it, because once they say something to someone then its an on going battle that you have to deal with instead of trying to forget it with out anyone knowing.
I think universities should take more into the care of their students. As a student at wiu I picked this college and will be spending 4 years here. I want to feel safe at "home" according to westerns
ReplyDeleteRegulations for Student Conduct:
The following actions/behaviors shall constitute violations of the Code of Student Conduct and will subject any student committing a violation to disciplinary sanctions including separation from the University or any lesser sanction authorized by the Code:
1. Violating published Board or University policies, rules, or regulations including, but not limited to, the policies on racial harassment, sexual harassment, campus disruption, and drug and alcohol abuse.& 3.Committing acts of sexual assault (stranger, date, or acquaintance), sexual abuse, or other forms of coerced sexual activity. (Refer to Policy Statement A at the close of this document for the Western Illinois University Policy on Sexual Assault.)
I think through this wiu has taken its students in to consideration. And has really tried to make us feel safe by providing escorts, or other means. This article has giving great advice about college assaults. If I or someone I knew was assaulted I would want the college to provide help in anyway. And if colleges are worried about a assault making them look bad how bad would it look when they did nothing about it and the girl died? Colleges need to take care of their students we picked to go to that school for a reason and if we don’t feel safe then it makes the college look bad.
sorry I forgot me name Kathryn Turner
ReplyDeleteI find it very hard to believe that rape is swept under the rug, and flat out dropping complaints so much at universities. I would want to see a lot more evidence of this, than just the Russell case. Rape is a very serious issue and I doubt many universities would make light of any rape allegation. I know WIUs policy and I like all the help they offer students, such as the drunk bus and escorts to ensure students safety.
ReplyDeleteJoey Guikema
I would to believe that what this girl went through at UVA wouldn't happen at any other university. Obviously this university just isn't really concerned about rape issues on their campus, and they would rather cover it up and keep it under wraps then accept that their university isn't perfect and help protect their students. I personally feel safe here at Western, 1) because its a smaller town so the crime rates aren't as high and 2) i think they do a great job of offering ways to keep the students safe. This article personally kind of shocked me, because you are supposed to feel safe when you go to college, you shouldn't be afraid to go your university to report something that happened to you.
ReplyDeleteEmily Eyler
I don't find it hard to believe at all that 95% of rapes on campus go unreported. This may be a bit personal, but unfortunately, as a freshman, I was sexually assaulted in one of the dorms. I reported this to OPS right away, and went through the frightful process, but I felt absolutely no alleviation from the officers or complex director. There I was, a wreck, traumatized and horrified, and the higher-ups acted as though I wasn't being honest or worth talking to, especially after hearing the absurb story accused gave them (who was unquestionably drunk, but for some reason OPS was oblivious to that).
ReplyDeleteAfter explaining the policies and disciplinary proceedings, and having me explain what happened multiple times (yikes), I finally dropped the charges. It was ridiculous. I was NOT going to go through that experience again, espically in court.
It's fantastic that this issue is being brought to peoples' attentions. WIU definately could use some safer dorms, more effective policies, and empathetic complex directors/residence assistants.
-Emily Janas
I also think that it is hard to believe that rape cases are just "pushed under the rug". It's different when someone chooses not to tell anyone about the incident but I do not think that is the universities fault. I do think that universities do all that they can to keep its students safe on campus. I believe Sexual assault is a very hard thing to convict becasue a lot of the time there is no evidence and its just one person's word agaisnt another. I think though that universities and authorities are trying to make campuses safer for everyone.
ReplyDelete-Bailey Strand
I don't think it is hard to believe that rape goes unreported. Most people who get raped are embarrassed about it and could possibly get judged by the situation. I believe universities do their very best to keep their campuses as safe as possible. If someone does report something then yes the university should provide help for that individual(s). I feel safe here and I think most people do too.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your perspectives!
ReplyDeleteI Believe alot of rapes are swept under the rug at some schools. Here at Western I have never heard of a rape incident...maybe becuase there sweeping them under the rug. My sister attends Depaul in Chicago and I hvae seen flyers letting studeent know a rape had happened and where at and any other important information so they are aware of whats going on. I think that is the right thing to do. What happened to the girl at UVA is rediculous, I dont think a rape victim should ever have to feel like the victim again by the school board or anyone or have to keep quiet about what happened. The school should not give her a hard time about what happened but instead help her.
ReplyDeleteMelissa Steinberg.
I would like to think that rape isn't just swept under the rug but I just don't think that will ever be possible. Someone somewhere is always going to. I, as well, have never heard of a rape incident here at Western and even at Bradley University, where I previously attended had never heard of one. The fact is rapes are always going to be hard to prove because in most cases it's going to be one person's word over anothers. Often times alcohol is used which is just another ingredient being put into the mix. However, I think that it is the schools responsibility to help its students no matter what happens.
ReplyDeleteCaitlyn Parrish
I think that rape is a very big deal. Rape should never be swept under the rug. Most the time if someone is raped, they usually know their rapist. Most often then not, alcohol is connected with rape. I have yet heard about a rape incident here at Western, but it could be going on, but no one talks about or wants to believe that it is happening. Schools should help their students if this were to happen and not turn them away as if its no big deal.
ReplyDelete-Michele Salvatori-
Sexual assult is a very serious matter. When someone has to go though such a trama in their life, it always helps to know that their school is there to back them up. I have not heard of a rape that has happened here at Western Illinois University but we are not notified if there was such an action. I think that Western should notify their students if a rape were to happen to keep everyone aware of what is happening. Rape is a crime and should not be taken lightly.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to put my name
ReplyDelete-Megan Salvatori-
I would hope rape is not pushed under the rug. I have never heard of a rape at Western. But it could happen anywhere and anytime. I have seen guys be "pushy" at parties and the bars especially when they want to hook up with girls so something like that could end up in a rape. Rape would be hard to prove because there are two people with two stories...so who do you believe?? I think that college campuses are trying to make things safer for every one. At western, if we feel unsafe we can call ops to walk us to our dorm and at UofI they have something called a rape wistle where every girl on campus goes to a rape meeting at the beginning of the year and they tell you how to use the rape wristle and if you feel unsafe you blow it. I do not know how good this may work, but it is something yhst colleges are doing to make their campus safe.
ReplyDeleteTaylor Murphy
I believe that many rapes do go unreported. Rape is something that can change your whole life. Most times people who have gotten raped can not even talk about it without having terrible flashbacks. I feel like rape should be reported and taken very seriously. I feel safe at Western especially because we have emergency buttons all over the campus. You have to be smart about the people your around and most of the time you can't trust anybody. No one should feel like there rape should be swept under the rug if it happen to you. I feel like Western is a safe campus and I have yet to hear about any rapes here.
ReplyDelete-Alex Figura
I agree with many of the previous comments and I, too feel like rape should not be put under the rug. It is a very serious and traumatic experience. I have heard that there have been rapes here at Western in the past but no one ever knows about it. It is not certain if they are true or not or if it is hearsay. I think that college institutions need to make support groups or facilitate some program to serious issues like rape more approachable and helpful so that way people who have been victims will feel more comfortable to come forward and speak on it.
ReplyDeleteKristine Tume
I agree that a lot of rapes do go unreported. Rape can be hard to convict and the victim feels a lot of fear or embarressment. Also, there is lack of help from officials sometimes. This is sad because rape is such a serious matter. Not only the physical factors, but a person has to go through the rest of their life dealing with the tramatic emotional effects. It should not be swept under the rug. You should be able to feel safe and comfortbale on your college campus. I feel that WIU offers good safety services.
ReplyDelete-alexa arent
I feel like some points made in the article was ok, whereas, other points i just didnt agree with. yes, women are mainly victim's of rape, but men can be as well. i feel like as a world we should unite and help our people learn and teach eachother about ways to protect themselves and get out of avoidable situations. i feel like sometimes we put ourselves into situations that could be avoided. rape is not ok but like many other crimes it is something that happens, and its mainly by people who know eachother and put themselves in dumb situations. i feel like some things will never change they can only get worse or better, and if noone shows an interest in helping then whats the point?
ReplyDelete_Kendra Owens_
I think that the fact that this is happening is crazy. As students, we know the statistics about rape, sexual assault, etc on campus because they have been talking about it for the longest time. One of the reasons why students get hurt on campus is because they walk around campus by themselves. Personally, when my friends and I go out, I expect for all of us to come back together. Many people go to parties and get togethers with many people, but then they come back to the dorm by themselves or with a dude whom they met at the party. Then they wonder why they get hurt. It's because they are not making the correct decisions.
ReplyDeleteJulia Henderson
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIf sexual assault cases, such as the Russell case are occurring at universities, we would have to rethink rape statistics altogether. I don’t find it hard to believe that certain Universities would keep sexual assault complaints a secret. If all of those reports did surface, it would mean a bad reputation for university, and would be less appealing to tuition paying students and parents. I do agree with the other comments on how WIU has tried to create a safe environment for students.
ReplyDelete-Carmen Nunez
I really think Universities should be very concerned by rape. I think schools should be there for the women who get raped and not push them under the rug. I think some universities do keep some sexual assaults a secret for sure. I have to agree that it would give universities a bad reputation if there were so many sexual assaults then no one would want to go there. But I do think schools should have some type of support for people who are involved in a sexual assault hands down.
ReplyDeleteAmanda DeBates
This report did not shock me as much as it has shocked the other commenters. I do not find it hard to believe that the university would try to undermine the trauma of rape to save their good name. Ultimately, a university is a money maker. People have these wonderful notions that residence hall staff does all that they can to make their residents feel safe and at home because they care about the students. And I'm not saying that they don't care about the student's safety because they do. But if they didn't do this, and many students heard about multiple rapings happening in their dorms, then would students be returning next year and paying more money to live there? Probably not. It is in the university's best interest to look out for themselves and keep all instances of rape very hush hush. What I took away for this report was that if I were to be sexually assaulted, I would call 911 and not OPS. It is best to have the actual Macomb police, who have no affiliation with WIU, to deal with such a delicate matter. That way, it will be treated like a rape case like any other, and not one affiliated with the university.
ReplyDelete-Angie Marini
Rape is and issuse that should be reported more. Rape is an event that can haunt a person. And not only that but mess with their everyday life, mental status, and self of steam. I beleive here at westrn women and men are safer then other schools.
ReplyDeleteAndrew Schaad
I agree with Angie in her recognition of universities being a business. They are. They want to make money (who doesn't?) They indeed generate revenue, and do so by attracting students...especially athletes. This article covered a lot of different facets. I find the notion of a university operating outside the jusrisdiciton of the law, and self governing a bit frightening. It scares me because academia is its own entity to begin with...the bureaucracy and politics alone are suspect. I think that often times, even on the high school level, athletes are treated with preference overall.
ReplyDeleteI am not surprised that many of these types of cases are brushed off. It is bad for business, so to speak. I also think the idea of facing the man that raped you in a mediation is horrible! Having to retell your story to persons of authority is awful too...as if you hadn't been through enough! I am sorry for what these and other victims have been through. I hope that these types of articles help improve the systems that are currently in place.
Amy Caldwell
It was hard to believe that the university seemed to not care as much about the rape issue. They would rather have the victim just see a mediator to solve their problems. Rape is a serious issue and it is a very serious crime. I think UVA should have done a better job protecting its students and should have done a better job in trying to catch the perpetrator. All rape victims should be treated fairly as well as anyone else. They should be taken very seriously and not leave the situation idle.
ReplyDelete-Jason Renacido
I was suprised that the university did not take the rape issue that serious. A lot of people who are victims of rape always feel betrayed and alone, and this univeristy is doing nothing to help. A lot of rape reports will have an effect on admission in the college and could definately hurt the college. I think tho that is should be taken serious and no rape issues should go unnoticed. Rape can affect a persons entire life if let alone and not taken care of.
ReplyDelete-Jennifer Berg
I dont think that Western rapes are swept under the rug, however i think many rapes are unreported just because of all the things the rape victim has to go through. usually rape victims have to tell their story numerous times and the people they tell it to usually look for a change in their story so they can just tell them they are lying about the situation. also by telling the story over and over it makes the victim relive the traumatizing situation many times. i think many people dont report rape is because they were drinking. if there is alchol involved many people dismiss the story and just think they werent sober so they dont have a good recallection of what happened.
ReplyDeleteKimberly Matejka
I don't feel that rapes are swept under the rug, but rather just not talked about. Many victims don't report them for various reasons like being scared and lack of help. I feel that Western has done a decent job of letting us all know that there are safety precaustions for us to take and let us where not to be at the wrong time. Rape is a serious matter and needs to be taken more seriously everywhere.
ReplyDeleteI forgot my name.. Allysa Lybarger
ReplyDeleteI believe that Western is a little bit safer than most schools because it is a small school. Everyone either knows a lot of people or know of people. But this doesn't mean that nothing bad can happen to a person, a person should always be aware of what their doing and what their drinking even if their with the people they trust. Most rape victims don't report probably because they're too scared or because they don't remember due to excessive drinking. Yet most people don't know that having sex during a high level of intoxication can be charged as rape. This is because if a person isn't coherent enough then they aren't clear minded enough to make a decision if they want to have sex.
ReplyDeleteMontserat Perez
I think it is completely believable that rape on college campuses is swept under the rug. The school doesn't want to be known or seen as a place where rape is a common thing or that they can't prevent it. What happened to that girl at UVA is horrible. Too many victims of rape are treated badly. Officers who are investigating a rape accusation should take the up-most care with it. The victim should never be treated as if she or he was lying, even if the victim and the accused were both intoxicated. I think WIU does the best it can to prevent a situation like that. But even in a small town like Macomb, bad things can happen.
ReplyDeleteJackie Golevicz
I also believe that rape is just swept under the rug on college campuses. No school wants to be pinned as the school who has had rapes. I feel that it is wrong to have rapes swept under the rug like this because this means that the victim is just being ignored basically. The vicitm should never be ignored and should never be accused of lying.
ReplyDelete-Tara Rednour
I am not surprised to find out that rapes cases are swept under the rug and most cases are not even reported. I believe that most colleges want to protect their image. And victims do not report, do not do so maybe because of what they will have to go through.
ReplyDeleteSandra Odei
I personally think YES rape is pushed under the rug, and most definately not always reported. People look at rape in all different ways, and rape to one person may not be rape to another person. Also, girls sometimes dont report it, either because they are scared, or dont wanna actually believe they were raped. Some might also be afraid of being judged, even though it wasnt her fault, some might feel they could have stopped it, so in a way it was their fault. I actually think that rape is probably a huge thing in colleges, its just never reported because students feel like in college they need to fit in, and if someone gets raped, they dont want people knowing, or to get that person in trouble. So its definately an issue that might never even be known.
ReplyDeleteShawna Nicole Sabo
I feel that it is wrong for schools to keep quiet and not report rape. Away frm home in a college setting schools should insure safety for its student. if not why are we paying to be outside of our safety zone. In the article I disagreed how some university dropped rape victims complaint. It seems as if those schools do not care about the well being of student. To me it seems unethical. I know for a fact that WIU does not take rape lightly and takes action.WIU does care about it students which I think is great. All Universities should be run in this way by Altagrace Jean-Francois
ReplyDeleteI think many woman are scared to report sexual assault, because it often turns in to a she said he said battle. I also beleive UVA is wrong to not take something like this serious. Students should feel safe and protected by its school and dorms, and it should be made clear to report any sexual assult on campus.
ReplyDeleteDanielle Fabian
it is really hard to believe that rapes happens a lot more than any of us really know, but i believe that girls who get sexual assualted on campus' do go with out being known and girls are afraid of reporting it because they are emberessed or dont want to deal with it anymore or talk about it, because once they say something to someone then its an on going battle that you have to deal with instead of trying to forget it with out anyone knowing.
ReplyDeletekelley walsh- to last post