Read this article by Jessica Valenti (pictured left):
For women in America, equality is still an illusion - washingtonpost.com
What examples does Valenti give to support her argument that women have not achieved "equality" in the United States? What is the greatest threat women serving in Iraq face?
Pay particular attention to the way that U.S. women's problems are different from those of women in other parts of the world.
Why is feminism needed?
Don't forget to sign your full name and to enter your comment before class Monday.
Valenti gives such examples as rape, illegal trafficking, and intended murder of women to support her argument that women are not equal in the United States. Because rape and these other acts of violence against women continue to happen, we still need feminism.
ReplyDeleteI was shocked to read that military women serving in Iraq are more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than killed in battle. It's remarkable that rape is equated to death in this article.
Although, yes, women in the USA have it "better off" than those in many other countries, it's no excuse to say that feminism is no longer needed. From the 76 cents to a man's dollar issue to the vast amount of violence against women - it's clear that the goal of feminists has still not been reached.
-Emily Janas
This article really makes women realize that we have come a long way, but there is still so much more to be done. I myself thought that woman were doing a pretty good job in the past few years at making a name for themselves, but there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes that is missed.
ReplyDeleteThe examples Jessica Valenti uses are great, she uses examples from the war overseas, and women in politics, and just ever day things that happen to women for no reason.
We are doing much better than several years ago, or than the woman from other countries, but this doesn't mean that everything is perfect in the US for women. It's not right for people (mostly men) to say that we have nothing to complain about, because women have not been treated as equals since way before my time.
Emily Eyler
I thought the article was very interesting. It is pretty crazy that things like trafficing and rape are still happening when we all think that women are equal. What really got me though was when Valenti said how a women serving in the army was more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than be killed in war. I could not believe that this was happening. I deffinitely think something needs to be done about this, because this is crazy. Women in the United States may not have as many problems as those in other countries, but these types of things should not be happening.
ReplyDelete-Bailey Strand
The answer to the woman greatest threat in Iraq is rape and sexual assault by soldiers. The reason for this which, is failed to be mentioned is that women are not allowed in the infantry, and other combat arms units. So of course being killed in Iraq is going to be low, since they are not the infantry on the ground. Yes, I know woman have killed in Iraq especially MP's, but they are not nearly as exposed to combat as the men in the infantry.
ReplyDeleteJoey Guikema
THANK YOU Joey for pointing that out. I was like okay you have to be kidding me, another fact left that was left out until I read your post. This article is true however it only showed one side and tried to make our minds think that men and woman are both in the infantry. Duh the number is going to be lower of woman killed because they are usually not put in that situation. It is sad but true that women get rape in the military, but that also happens here on campus more than we know about. (which by the way it is sexual assault now not rape…) Feminist still need to be around to keep pushing for equality with men being paid more money for the same work that a woman is doing is completely unfair, however sadly it still takes place.
ReplyDelete-Kara Burroughs
Upon reading Jessica's article the example that really bothered me was the fact that women were getting targeted in murders and shootings. This is an absolute atrocity. This just struck hard in my head because its not enough that women get mistreated enough in their lives, but they also have to worry about jerks out there just thinking they can kill women because they are "weaker", which we know they are not. Overall the article was very well wrote and included a ton of crazy facts about how equality truly is not present in the United States when it comes to gender equality. Granted in some circumstances American women have it better than some other countries, I believe its important to help OUR women before we ship off tons of cash to other countries.
ReplyDeleteJoe Womack
I thought that this article was very interesting and it really opened my eyes to some things that are still going on that I had no clue were going on. I had no clue that trafficking was still going on. The fact that there are people out there that are trafficking women as sex slaves disgusts me. I thought that men and women are equal but I guess others seem to have a different opinion on that.
ReplyDelete-Tara Rednour
I really loved this article because it's explains so much to why women should be careful on the certain little things they do. Seductive motives plays a big role into this because the article explains about women's unequality with men and the things that women goes through such as rap, illegal trafficking and other things that makes some of the women's rights illegal. I think women should really take a look at this and see how they would react about this issue the article explains about them.
ReplyDeleteNyles Wortham Sorry Lol
ReplyDeleteI think this article was interesting, But after reading it and the above comments to be no matter how powerful us women get we will never be seen as the same level as a man. as sad as it is its true. we have come so far with women rights but has it really done anything of how we are thought of? we are still consider weak, even if we are strong, unfit to do a man jobs when we can do the same thing. Im sure we would all like to see equal rights but I dont think it's ever going to happen.
ReplyDeleteKathryn Turner
I feel like the article was giving good information, as far as, women bettering themselves when it comes to tragic accidents, but i feel like the article was one sided. As a people we have come a long way in society. Not only just women,but as a African American woman i feel like we are equal and have come the farthest when you think about the positions we can have today. i mean our 1st lady and president is black african americans for God sake. that makes me feel very equal not just as a woman, but as a african american period. as far as, the rape and stuff goes, i feel like we as women and individuals have to besmart about the coices we make and predicaments we put ourselves in because some things can be avoided. as far as, other things go its apart of life and things happen!?
ReplyDelete_Kendra Owens_
To Kendra,
ReplyDeleteI think that's a good point that Black women have come a long way, and probably a longer way than white women, who have not have the cards stacked against them so much.
Dr. Stovall
I thought this article was very intersting. I did not realize that traffiking in women was still going on. I thought that women were equal, but this article definatly tells that we are far from being equal. It is pretty sad that women who are out serving our country in Iraq are getting raped there. I think something needs to be done about this and it is terrible to think that this actually happens.
ReplyDeleteJennifer Berg
Overall, I thought that this article was very interesting. I think that Valenti discussed a lot of really important points and opened our eyes to a lot of problems that still need to be overcome. First of all, I was really surprised when I read that more women in Iraq are being raped by fellow soldiers than by enemy fire. After reading Joey's comment above, though, I can now see how this sort of thing happens. Even though the fact that this happens is absolutely awful, I still think that Valenti's argument was a little one-sided in some situations. While the number of murders and rapes is staggering, I would assume that just as many men are murdered each year. However, I think it is ridiculous that women only make 76 cents to a man's dollar. This makes no sense to me because nine times out of ten, women are capable of doing the same work as a man. All things taken into consideration, this article helped me realize that this country still has a long way to go to achieve equality between the sexes. However, I agree with Kathryn about being skeptical that it will ever really happen.
ReplyDelete-Chad Altfillisch
This article is actually pretty interesting. It brings up a valid point that equality between sexes is not yet achieved, although it has become considerably better. She states that women serving in Iraq are more likely to be raped by their own troops then to be hit by enemy fire. I agree with the above statements about the article being one sided, but it did point out very strong ideas. One example is how people still traffic women. Before reading this article I thought thait had stopped, but I was wrong. If it hasn't stopped by now, I don't think there will ever be a time when it does.
ReplyDelete-Keri Plica
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment. I want to add that I don't think Valenti is not trying to say that more women are murdered than men; rather, she's saying that women are sometimes murdered specifically because they are women, while men are not murdered for being men, but for other reasons, like drug deals and bar fights.
I think this article made me more aware of the unequality towards women still around today. Many people think that women are only being mistreated in foreign countries; however, there is misogyny right in front of us. We should be able to fight for our own rights while still trying to help women internationally also. One shocking fact is that a leading cause of death for pregnant women is murder by a partner. Also women serving in the military are more likey to be raped by a fellow soldier than be killed by enemy fire. Women are being led to think that everything is fine. A few other examples are women making less money than men, being raped, trafficked, violated, and discriminated. Feminists are important because they are taking on the issues that most people are settling for.
ReplyDelete-alexa arent
I really liked this article. She touched on some really important issues. It was kind of sad reading some of the stories of how women have been targets of murders. Examples she gives to support her argument that women have not reached equality are issues of rape, murder, shootings, sex trafficking, and also a point she made about women making 76 cents to a man's dollar. The greatest threat that women serving in Iraq face are being raped by a fellow soldier. Feminists being up the issues and push for equality of women where they would otherwise not have a voice. I realize that we as a whole country have a long way to go to bridge the inequality gap between men and women.
ReplyDeleteKristine Tume
I was shocked by some of the facts given in this article. It is more likely for a women to get raped by a fellow soldier then shot and that a third of women murdered are murdered by a husband or boyfriend is really disturbing. Im sure there are some shocking facts about men being murdered or raped to that we dont look at as closely as we do the ones of women. I think women are doing pretty good, and I myself dont feel discriminated by men or places of employment for bieng a women. I do think there is still a gap when it comes to certain circumstances and certain people but i dont think that gap will ever be fully filled. Altough i dont agree with all feminist point of views i dont think women would be this far without feminism.
ReplyDeleteTo the last comment..Melissa Steinberg
ReplyDeleteValenti uses numbers and statistics in an effective manner to illustrate her argument. Most people identify with numbers more easily than emotions. It just seems as if there is an undercurrent of the acceptance of rape/sexual assault/lower pay/discrimination in America. The most troubling part is that women participate in this practice. Women don't support feminism...how crazy is that? I find their dismissive attitudes sad and troubling. I don't think that rape/sexual assault, et al are necessary symptoms of the human condition. It is not "normal" to be raped. It shouldn't be a milestone for a girl. Discrimination and violence are direct assaults to women, simply for being women. This simply is not okay. This is not acceptable. This is not eqaulity. There are other countries, that have female presidents...for example Finlnd. There are certainly less progressive countries where women are mutilated because of their gender, and their lives warrant change as well. I think it is important to think globally, but act locally.
ReplyDeleteAmy Caldwell
Valenti argues that women are still being discriminated against in United States. She points out that many women are still being raped and killed by their partners. Valenti also states that women in Iraq are more likely to be raped by a soldier than killed by enemy fire. According to Valenti, feminism is needed to achieve higher power and equality in the country, than just basic rights of representation. I do agree with Valenti's opinion that women are not fully aware of the inequality of their place in society.
ReplyDelete-Carmen Nunez
I thought this article was interesting. I agree with many of the things Valenti pointed out, such as the fact that women are still discriminated against in the United States. Womens' situation in the United States may be ideal compared to other countries, but that doesn't mean women should be completely satisfied by this. Therefore, I agree that women are blinded by the inequality we face every day.
ReplyDelete-Laura Curtin
The article makes some really good points. Women have come a very long way in many years, but there is still that inequality between men and women. Valenti brings up examples of rape, illegal trafficking, and intended murder of women. It said that one third of all murders of women are done by a partner. Again thats showing the inequality between men and women. She also brought up how women in the military are more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than killed by enemy fire. I think that is just crazy! I was shocked to see that, I would have thought it would be the other way around. I think women in the United States are a lot closer to equality then other countries, but that doesn't mean we should stop fighting for equality here in the United States. I really do think that if we get more equality in the United States it will help other countries realize that it is possible to get equality. We still need feminism in the United States because we need a voice for equality for women. Hopefully one day we can all be equal.
ReplyDeleteAmanda DeBates
Women have come a long way in history but Valenti is right, there is no inequality between men and women regardless of how far women have come in history. Valenti gives statistics and facts that women are still raped, illegal trafficking and murder of women. We are worried about these things in other countries when really we need to be worried about these things in our own country. I was surprised by some of the facts that Valenti gave such as a third of women murdered are murdered by a husband or a boyfriend. Feminist have a huge part in trying for equality between men and women but realistically it will not happen...at least in our life time.
ReplyDeleteTaylor Murphy
As a woman, the most terrifying statistic in the article was how out of all the women who have been killed in the U.S. have been killed by their husbands or boyfriends. That is a terrifyingly large amount. That is someone we trust and love. This is one of Valenti's many examples. The other one that is just as terrifying is the fact that women serving in the military or more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than killed by enemy fire. This shows how little other countries care about their women, I think. The U.S. seems to care about their women and before reading this article I had really thought that we had come along way but now I can see that it is all really an illusion. Without feminism no one would see any of these issues and would not be aware of how women really do get treated in the United States and other countries as well.
ReplyDeleteCaitlyn Parrish
Both men and women look at successful women and think that they've showed that women can do it too. So the artical show that there is successful women out there but the quality thing is missing. The artical states that a women makes 77 cent to the dollar compared to men. Women in Iraq have a higher chances of getting sexually assuallted then getting shot in battle. Feminism is needed because in one point men are going to go back to women stay at home and do house work. Feminism brings a fighting chance to have women's equal rights.
ReplyDeleteMontserat Perez
This article was very interesting. What really caught my eye was the amount of female soldiers getting raped by fellow soldiers than by enemy gun fire. Another that caught my eye was the amount of women being murdered by a boyfriend/husband. That is really scary to think about. That is someone we are suppose to trust. I don't agree with how women tend to only make 76 cents to every dollar. That is not fair. Most women are smarter than men and most women can do better at some jobs then men. I think it should be equal pay throughout the U.S. I just amazes me that you think women have come a long way and yet we still have so much that we need to catch up on. If we don't start trying to make it equal now, then when will we?
ReplyDelete-Ashley Gabelmann
As a girl this may be weird, but i kind of disagree with this article. I feel more like she is just trying to complain more than anything. I think women have come a long way and aren't being disrespected anymore. I think we are treated as equals in most cases and we are able to voice our opinions now a days. Just as this woman did in her article. She gave facts of how many women serve our country but I don't think she gave enough info to support her claim of how we are subjected to sexism. I do understand we are raped and violence is put upon us but one that happens everywhere two there will never be an end to it, and third men are also the victims of many violent acts.
ReplyDeleteKayla O'Neill
After reading the article I believe that there are alot of women that are as equal or greater than men. I think any woman can be greater than anyone else man or woman as long as they work hard at what they are trying to achieve at. I also believe many men should calm themselves down, they have too much testosterone flowing through them. They should respect woman as they respect their own mother or sister.
ReplyDelete-Jason Renacido
After reading this article it first off amazed me how there are murders out there who would specifally target women. but other than that i do think that women have def came a long way over years and i think it is only going to get better because of all the women actually doing something about it. I also didnt like the part of the article that said that women in iraq are getting raped by soldiers, that is so sad and just horrible to even think about that and that men can have such a power over some women especially in other countries.
ReplyDelete-Kelley Walsh
This article was very interesting because I never thought that the discrimination against women was happening in so many places. We have come so far but there is still so much women need to accomplish in order to be treated the way we are supposed to be treated. I was surprised when I heard about the women getting raped in the military at gun point. That is just ridiculous to think that women aren't even safe in government jobs. We need to get better at womens' needs and then we can move on.
ReplyDeleteJulia Henderson
i think the article showed that women have come a long way, but there is a long way to go to. i think it is horrible that women get raped by fellow soldiers while they are in the army... they are serving our country and that should not happen. i was shocked by the number of women intentionally killed because they are women and that many women are killed by a husband and boyfriend. That is really scary because when women start a relationship you dont think someone you ove would do that to you.
ReplyDelete-kimberly matejka
I feel that this article made a lot of valid points. In no way are women completely equal to men, and I'm not sure if we ever will be. I do believe there is still a need for feminism, and I don't understand why anyone would think that there isn't. This article made it seem like people are blind to the inequality of women. In no way do I personally feel like women have it made here in the states. Sure, things aren't as bad as they are in Egypt, but how can people feel that the small amount of equality women have in the US is acceptable for such an advanced country? I don't believe people are pulling the wool over their eyes when it comes to female inequality. Instead, people think that this is as good as it's going to get and learn to live with it.
ReplyDelete-Angie Marini
Valenti gives numerous examples of how women have not reached equality here in the USA, such as: illegal trafficking, rape, and the singling out of women to be murdered. She also informs us that the main threat women face in the military is rape by a comrade. Because of all these examples, the US still needs feminism.
ReplyDeleteI think this article was really well written and informative. Even though it is true that women are not in the infantry, the fact that they even have to worry about rape is appalling. The military is suppose to be filled with America's finest people, men and women included. The last thing women should have to worry about is being raped by a comrade. I thought it was also disturbing to read that some people, women included, thought that women should stop fighting for equality. Yes, it is true women in the US might be more free than women in other countries. But that shouldn't mean we should just stop fighting for our rights. Feminism is still needed.
Jackie Golevicz
some examples she uses such as women being killed, raped and illegal trafficking as "equality". I found it shocking that girls were killed in school shooting for no reason. while men we let free now where is the equality from this. the answer is their is none. Woman like Hilary Clinton and other fight to get their position on to be pushed back. A women biggest threat in Iraq is being raped by a fellow army mate that killed in war. This article shocked me but was very informational.-Altagrace Jean-Francois
ReplyDeleteI think that this article was very interesting to read. Valenti gave many examples of how women have been treated. It is sad to know that so many women have been raped and/or killed by people they knew, such as ex husbands or spouses. I think that it is unfair that women get treated as if we are lower than men because I feel that we all play an equal part in society. No one person is better than the other so I don't know why it seems that way. Men have made contributions to this world just as well as women. And as far as the woman getting raped at gun point, I think that is just ridiculous. No man should ever have to threaten to kill a girl just to get sex out of her.
ReplyDelete-Toykia Meeks
Equality is still an illusion! I argued in class on friday that even though we would love to have women and men to be equal it is just not going to happen. I still would like to see equal pay and things improve for women but i also think that people need to be realistic about it.
ReplyDeleteI think that Valenti gave a lot of examples of how women have been treated. It is very sad that equality of men and women is still not even. We are all the same in the human sense. I believe that women should be treated with equality just as much as men.
ReplyDeleteMegan Salvatori
Unfortunately things aren't always equal. Many people believe that things between men and women should be considered equal. For example, looking at equality here at wiu. We had an lawsuit a couple years ago about Title 9. Well in fact nothing ever was truly resolved with the lawsuit.
ReplyDeleteMichele Salvatori
Things are not equal in everybodys eyes in society. Valenti shows how women are being treated as to his own personal experience and statistics. Women want to be treated equal but thats why men should consider them equal because they are.
ReplyDeleteChance Hill
From my understanding of this article woman have not attained the same equality as men in the U.S. This i believe is true, and as it mentions most woman are okay with it, or simply don't think about their status to men. I do think that here in America we are a lot better of then other countries but that still doesn't make it appropriate. And also woman have come along way in gaining power and status, and i believe it will only continue to grow with time.
ReplyDeleteDanielle Fabian
I think that Valenti has a lot of valid points. Things are not always equal to everyone. Everyone has a different view on their equalities. This article is mainly on personal experiences, and some kind of statistics, but others could look at these things and disagree that it was not equal.
ReplyDelete-Shawna Nicole Sabo
I agree with Valenti, women in the United States should not be satisfied with the basic rights of representation we are given. We need to stop comparing our progress to that of women in other countries, and start focusing on the progress that we COULD be making instead. Feminism is definitely something that is needed for us to move forward. I found many of the examples and statistics she gives to be shocking, and an eye opener for readers.
ReplyDelete-Susana Campos
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Keto SLIM Max; They found that, with the exception of high cholesterol levels, all of the other vascular risk factors were linked to greater brain shrinkage, less grey matter tissue found mainly on the surface of the brain and less healthy white matter tissue in deeper parts of the brain. His cholesterol and blood pressure are now within a healthy range. There is growing evidence that plant-based eating could be the solution for a prescription-free, healthy mind and body. The underlying point of MyHealthEData is to encourage healthcare organizations to pursue interoperability of health data as a way of allowing patients more access to their records.We now have evidence suggesting that radiation exposure may also lead to increased risks of hypertension, cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular disease, as well," said Tamara Azizova, M.D., lead author of the study at the Southern Urals Biophysics Institute in Russia. Healthy adults should consume less than 300 milligrams of cholesterol daily, according to the American Heart Association. The Lavakis decided the whole family, including five children ranging in age at the time from 10 to 18, would strive to become healthier together.As well as educating the under-nourished people in the region, Gordon formulated dietary plans to help manage medical conditions including chronic nutrition-related diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension. A study published in the "American Journal of Epidemiology" in 2002 found that current coffee consumption, as well lifetime caffeine use, may be correlated to better performance on cognitive tests among women. Researchers in the study found that those who regularly consumed vinegar exhibited lower systolic blood pressure levels.
Ultra Test XR A recent study, which was published in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications in 2018, found that mung bean protein can offset the weight gain associated with a high-fat diet. Today's Dietician points out that eating high amounts of fiber can reduce appetite by up to 5 percent and food intake by 10 percent. Medical Xpress is a part of Science X network With global reach of over 5 million monthly readers and featuring dedicated websites for hard sciences, technology, smedical research and health news, the Science X network is one of the largest online communities for science-minded people. Evidence suggests that vitamin K helps cut the risk of bone fractures, especially in postmenopausal women who are at risk for osteoporosis, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Since your baby is fully dependent on you for sustenance, a proper diet should promote optimum health and nutrition in your body, to prepare you for delivery and for nursing after the baby is born. Citing the sole reliance on raw foods of our distant evolutionary ancestors, the raw food diet comes with claims of a host of health benefits attributed to this more "natural" way of eating. Diet , too, through the choice of foods contributes either to good or ill health. In 1997, the Food and Drug Administration FDA agreed that foods with high levels of rolled oats or oat bran could include data on their labels about their cardiovascular heart benefits if accompanied with a low-fat diet. To avoid losing too much of the flavonoids that give dark chocolate its healthy name, Righteously Raw takes the term minimally processed” to heart. Due to consuming nutrient dense foods, most people notice a marked improvement in their energy levels early on. Vegetables and low fat proteins need to be the centerpiece of a balanced, stress-reducing diet plan. Nowadays, this kind of therapy and the chelating agents that go along with it are able to remove arterial plaque from your body in order to greatly reduce the risk that you may have of heart attacks and strokes. The high cacao content means the bars have a good dose of flavonoids, which have beneficial effects on blood pressure, insulin resistance and the blood lipids that influence risk of heart disease.
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