She also writes for Feministing.com. Her most recent post on Feministing is Notes from a bitch…pondering the ramifications… , which is about some Black Women's mistrust of doctors and WHY they have been raised to not trust doctors.
Consider this quote from Sharkfu in her recent Feministing post: "My beloved maternal Grandmother did not trust doctors, hospitals or The Man. She had good reason – she came of age in pre World War II Mississippi, where black women entered the hospital for medical care and left having been given a Mississippi Appendectomy…a hysterectomy that was neither medically necessary, legal or ethical. " In other words, they were sterilized by force and without consent.
Sharkfu continues: "No one ever came right out and said that we shouldn’t go to a gynecologist for a Pap smear or birth control. But, through stories and tone, the message was clear – don’t trust medical care and you sure as shit shouldn’t trust government medical care," The implication being that the government wanted to sterilize women of color or perform some medical experiment on them.
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