Introduction to Women's Studies with Dr. Holly Stovall
“Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.” Albert Einstein
Monday, April 5, 2010
Required for 4/12: What is woman? Sign your full name.
In A Mercy, Toni Morrison defines woman in relation to man. Is it possible to define woman without referencing man? If so, how? What is a woman and who decides?
How does society define woman? How do you define woman?
When i think of the definition of a woman, i definitely do not think of it this way. A playboy model wouldn't come into my mind at all. This would be an example of the first thing that comes to mind when you ask a man how do you define a woman. I think it is very possible to define a woman without referencing to a man. We don't reference to a woman when we are asked to define a man. No one should have the power to decide who or what a woman is. Men are never questioned, so i don't see why women have to be.
A Playmate is not my deffinition of a women, its the total opposite. I believe a women is independent, classy, nurtering, and educated. I agree with Emily on the definition of a women to most men would be a playmate. You cant define a women all by looks. I belive a women defines her self as a women. The way she acts defines her as a women not the clothes she wears or her body.
When I think of a woman I definitely do not think of her as a playboy model. I think of her was independent, well rounded, able to speak her mind. I think that I would have to disagree with Emily, in her statement “This would be an example of the first thing that comes to mind when you ask a man how do you define a woman,” not all men are pigs and think of women as a piece of meat. Women choose what they want to be. Some women go to school and get an education, some others decide to be a housewife, some decide even decide to be strippers…whatever they do it does not define them as being a women. If you pay attention most women have a cultivation likeness to them, while most men are not as eager to share their feelings.
To me there is no one definition of a woman who and what she is the definition. For the woman on that cover it would be an attractiveness aimed towards pleasing men. For my fiance though it is quite different. Her definition is caring, compassionate, selfless, sensitive, and attractive. So, I feel there should not be one definition for women, but a each woman should have their own.
When talking about women its hard to describe the term. There is no one definition that describes every woman in the world. It is different in every case because there are no two females out there exactly the same. Its just not how people work. So in terms of describing a woman it can be an interesting task. One thing for sure is that the "image woman" above does not even come close to describing the majority of women. Women are built in so many different ways and we are not all gorgeous models even though some of us wish we were.
When I think of a woman, I think she is intelligent, classy, and well-educated. A picture also pops in my head of a well professional classy lady. I think that woman can be a lot more of those things and each woman is different. Each women decides who she wants to be. For the most part though, I think of women as I stated inthe beginning. I think men define women as a playmate, and that is a main reason that the playboy picture came up first. I don't think women should be judged by their outside because inside is what matters.
I think the playboy picture came up on the search because yes she is a woman and Google basically puts random pictures to anything. In reality I honestly do not see a woman like that. I think women play alot of big roles. When I think of a successful woman, the people that come through my head are actresses,and other people like Oprah, Hilary Clinton, Sarah Palin. Those type of people cross my mind when I think of a successful woman. It really depends on the setting if a person were to ask me what a woman is. I agreee with Joey there is not real definition to describe a gender. It depends how people see them. Everyone else has different views.
It's very difficult to describe what a woman is; it depends on your beliefs, I suppose. Since gender is culturally constructed, I'd say what people usually think of as a woman would be one that is motherly, compassionate, humble, strong, and crafty. I don't think you can define woman without man, but the same goes for men. Men and women compliment each other. They compliment each other not only because of sex, but because of their roles, arguably, as well. I believe a woman is defined differently for everyone and each person is allowed to decide for themselves what exactly a woman is.
Women are different from men But will all ways be compared to them. You can define a women how ever you want some would say caring, compassionate, selfless, sensitive. but the women should decided how they want to be defined. some women want to be known as independent and strong willed some want to keep it tradition. it all depends on the culture of the women. Kathryn Turner
I do not picture a playmate when I think of defining a women. In fact it is not even close. However, I think that these images came up because those are the images that are searched the most often. I also think that it is possible to define women without referencing men. It think it was different way back when, but now a days i believe women have their own image and are deffinitely more respected. -Bailey Strand
What is a woman? A woman is a female who can support themselves independently and dependently as much as they can and can also support themselves throughout their lives. A woman is a also a female who respects themselves and show people that they have power and can be and do anything as well as they are pleased. Women all over the world could become anything they want but some of the laws nowadays stops them from doing certain things. Men does not want women to over power them so to some men, women are females who work and clean the home. Basically a housewife. I am not like that or separate anyone from anything so women rules in my book!
I agree with the statement that a playboy model is what men may think of as a woman. However, i think women have different views. Some may define woman as caring, compassionate, and nurturing. Yet, i think some would rather be defined as strong and independent. I think every woman has the right to decide how she wants to be viewed. I think a woman is defined differently among people. For example, culture has a big influence. However, i feel that a woman can now be defined without referencing man. Women have become more independent than how it was in the past.
When posed with the question of how to define a woman, no one specific definition comes to mind. Honestly, I think that it is hard to define woman without referencing man, and on the flip side, I think that it is hard to define man without woman. I think this is the case because both genders rely on each other for so much. I would like to think that society shares a belief similar to this, but I think the media plays a big part in disorting the picture of a woman. The majority of the time, it seems that the media is always trying to portray women as sex objects. I am not saying that I agree with this sort of thing, but I find it difficult to fault them because it is a business and, in this country, sex sells.
I do not think that you can define a woman by looks. Society and media has portrayed them in a false light. A woman is someone who is loving, compassionate, strong and independent. I do not think there is a certain way that a woman should be and act. She is the one to make that distinction by the way that she acts and presents herself.
I do not think that a playboy model defines a woman. When I think of a woman, I think of someone who is well educated, successful, dresses nice, and takes good care of herself. Society has portrayed a woman looking like the playboy model or any type of stick thin model in general. Woman should not solely be judged on their outside and physical appearance, they should be judged on whats on the inside because big boobs and a skinny waist does not define a woman.
To me, I feel that there is no one absolute definition of what a women is. Yes, a women is a gender of the human race that can reproduce and carry children, but other than that definition, a women is anything she chooses to be. Whether that be a classy intelligent women, a sexual desire for men, or a mother, is a women’s decision. Each women is different and unique and it would hardly be fair to place a label on the term women. For me, there is simply no one definition, and I judge on the individual character of a person.
When I think about the definition a women I dont think there can be one definition of women. Every person is going to have their own way of defining women. I think of women as being strong, independent, compassionate, and smart. But there is not one definition of women. I do think that you can define women without referencing men. I also think you can define men without referencing women. All in all there is no right definition of women and everyone has their own way of defining it.
I have really grappled with this concept all week. What is woman? I have thought about it extensively and broached the topic with other women. I can safely say that there was no consensus. My definition of woman is based on my life experiences and beliefs. I think woman is strong, kind of amazing really. A creature that can carry a life within and then nourish it with their own body. A primary care giver in the realm of children (sometimes husbands). An asset socially, politically and economically. I think that women are expected to wear lots of hats within their role as 'woman'. Virgin, wife, mother, gentle, friend, fashion plate, employee, cook, nurse, counselor, sex goddess, maid, bill payer, money maker, the 'fairer' sex, attractive, taxi driver, laundress, feminine, comforting, independent, and on and on. No wonder they are so exhausted. I think that these expectations are placed by society, but are continued by us...the women. We are strong and smart enough to keep many plates spinning in the air, and some of us actually pull it off. I think what it means to be a woman is different for every woman. I don't think it is all based in gender, but rather in integrety, abilities and belief systems.
I don't think there is any 1 definition of woman. Like others have said, I think that every person has their own definition of woman but I think that it is almost impossible to reference woman without referencing man as well. I believe that this goes both ways just because women and men really do need each other so much. But I also believe that women should not be just seen as sex symbols just because they are capable of so much, life being one of them. I just wish that women got more respect then they do now. Every person has their own definition and that should be well respected.
I think that there is no one definition for describing a women. Women have all types of bodies, personalities, expressions, morals, etc.that by limiting it to only one defintion would be hard. There are more regulare women out there then there are models, actresses, etc. so why do people have to think that when someone says women they don't think of the average women. People think of women as sex objects because the most of the famous women want to be thought of that way. Maybe if the famous where to give off more of a christian value that women wouldn't be though of as sex objects,but as regulare humans.
In the older years women to society where the cookers cleans and pleasures. Now today i think women half more say and society gives them a lot more say. Their is no deflection of what a women is every person is different.
I had a difficult time trying to come up with the definition of what a woman is. I don't think that a woman is a playboy playmate, but I don't think a woman is the completely buttoned up CEO type. So I'm going to give the definition of what I believe to be the ideal woman. The ideal woman is someone who is successful enough to not have to depend on a man to be financially stable, has good morals, but still embraces her femininity in a tasteful way.
I really don't know if its possible to not refer to men without refering to men, just as it isn't easy to refer to men w/o refering to men. I feel like a woman, just aswell as a man, is a person who takes care of their responsibilities and plays their roles in each others lives, as well as, their families and with themselves. Society defines women as SEX objects. Were used as a tool to sell products and get messages across. I on the other hand deine a woman, such as myself as, a strong (black) woman taking care of my womanly duties in my relationship for myfiance and I, as well as, for myself!
Its hard to describe a woman, there is no one definition. All women are different. As you can see from the magazine cover, that's one type of woman. Others would describe a woman as feminine, strong, brave, intelligent, etc. You do not have to refer to a man to describe a woman. We are opposite as well as different. A woman can be anybody she wants to be. As long as she is happy, it doesn't matter.
Society defines women to be strong, intelligent, elegant, dependable, nurturing, wife, mother.Sometimes some of these definitions do anger some of us. And to every sense of it, our anger is justified. However, there is no other word to depict somebody who multitasks, than to be strong and dependable, there’s no other word to define somebody that takes care of other people than to be said to be a mother who is caring. And for the strong support that she provides society, she is said to be an ideal woman hence a wife. These words could be used in a mere demeaning manner, but there is no other way of underscoring the importance of the strength of a woman.
When asked to define a woman, there is not specific definition because we have proven that we can overcome anything that is thrown at us. We also take care of the children, the housework, and make careers for ourselves in addition to all of those. Women are always described as sex objects but this isn't the truth at all because we have proven ourselves. There is really no way to actually define woman without referencing man because it was not meant to be that way. It was meant for a man and a woman to work together as a team, we just lost sight of that because men think they don't need women except for sex and to basically be their personal servants and woman these days say that they don't need men because they are independent. Julia Henderson
When I think of the definition, I think of so many words I could use to describe us. I think it is impossible to say this is what a women is, there are so many different people out there, but mainly strong headed, goal in mind, family orientated, her own self. I think that there are so many labels on women that we are expected to live up to, but it is impossible. Women are whoever they want to be. Whether it is a playboy model or a stay at home mom. There is not one definition that anyone could use to describe all women.
I do not think of a playmate when I think of a woman. I think of a human who is strong willed, very straight forward, and yet still caring. The google search couldn't be used as a reference here because we don't know how those pictures are chosen. I do think that this just represents a woman's beauty and that is how she likes to display it. Not just as a sex symbol as many brought up in class. Kayla O'Neill
It is very difficult to come up with a set definition of a woman. All women are different and should not be put into specific sterotypes. I definitely do not think of a playmate when I think about what a woman is. I think women compliment men, but they have different views on many issues. When I think of a woman, one of the first things that comes to mind is putting others before herself. -Keri Plica
I dont think there is a real definition to a woman in general. All women come in all different types. A woman cant be defined with a few words, there are so many ways to explain or describe women. I believe that society has a specific definition of a woman, but most of the time its the wrong preception of a woman, not even a defintion of a woman. All different people in society have different thoughts of women in general, but never define them as individuals, just as a whole. -Shawna Sabo
There is not one specific definition of woman. Every single woman is different in her own way. I feel that society does not see woman as a person but just as a thing that is suppose to be there for her husband. Everyone has different opinions of what woman is suppose to mean. I feel that woman is someone who is suppose to be equal to man but really never is.
I think that there is more then just one defintion to decribe women. The public think of us as sex objects but women hold alot more then just being a sex object. There are so many things that women can do that don't always get recongnised for. The playboy model is not a true definiton of a women. Not every women want to be put under that label that the public sees us as. Women are just as equal as men are but don't always get the same share.
My definition of a woman is someone more than a sex object. A woman is strong, independent, educated, and has the characteristics to do anything a man does. There is no one definition of a woman it can be more then just sex and beauty. i think it is more men that have this image of the playboy woman, but it is also woman who let men categorize them as lower and treat them unequally.
I think society defines a woman as a female of a cetain age with a slim/perfect body type. Who are emotional creatures. I define a woman as soomeone who is independant and mature human being. They are very intelligent,hard workers andmake good decisions.They are sophisticated.We as females decide what a woman is. Since woman areindependant they dont need a man-Altagrace Jean-Francois
i dont think there is a real good way to describe a women but i def wouldnt describe a women as a play boy model or anything of the sort, even though many people believe that is what a women is. That might be how men view what a women is, but it is yourself as a women who figures out how you want to be defined that is why there are so many different types in the world. Kelley Walsh
I believe when defining a women a playboy is not what i think of. I think a women is purely a biological definition. There are women that act like men do (aka tom boys) but they are still a woman. Women do not have to be strong, independent, or a mother to be a woman. Everyone is different and act differently but it does not mean they are still not a women. I do believe the ideal woman is strong, independent, and hardworking but thats my deifintion of the ideal woman, not just a woman in general. I think there are descriptions of women but nontheless they are still women biologically. -kimberly matejka
Society defines women has a weak minded person that all they need to do is please the men, cook clean and make babies. I mean as crass as that is if you look at marketing sex and violence sell who are the major people in those? women. I know their are women out there like myself that are not the social norm we are strong independent women. and it is said with out men women couldn't make it as sad as it is I think its true men hold the ace when it comes to some things that women just don't have. But i do think that men and women could survive with out etcher we both have something to offer and when it comes down to it EVERYONE is different. Kathryn Turner
I dont think that you can define a woman without refernce to man because God created the woman from a man's rib. I think a woman is more than just a sex object, she is more than just a "baby making machine." Women are actual humans & they deserve to be just as equal as men. One couldn't survive without the other because they are both needed; especailly in reproduction. I really can't define a woman because I don't think that there is one set definition but there are many characteristics of a woman. _Toykia Meeks
I really can't find the words to define a women. I think it's because of the hact that there are so many different definitions. All women are different, and all women are not independent and strong just as well as all men aren't. I do think however that it is possible to define a women without using a man, but i dont think it's possible to defne a man without using a women because they all came from a woman.
When i think of the definition of a woman, i definitely do not think of it this way. A playboy model wouldn't come into my mind at all. This would be an example of the first thing that comes to mind when you ask a man how do you define a woman.
ReplyDeleteI think it is very possible to define a woman without referencing to a man. We don't reference to a woman when we are asked to define a man. No one should have the power to decide who or what a woman is. Men are never questioned, so i don't see why women have to be.
Emily Eyler
A Playmate is not my deffinition of a women, its the total opposite. I believe a women is independent, classy, nurtering, and educated. I agree with Emily on the definition of a women to most men would be a playmate. You cant define a women all by looks. I belive a women defines her self as a women. The way she acts defines her as a women not the clothes she wears or her body.
ReplyDeleteWhen I think of a woman I definitely do not think of her as a playboy model. I think of her was independent, well rounded, able to speak her mind. I think that I would have to disagree with Emily, in her statement “This would be an example of the first thing that comes to mind when you ask a man how do you define a woman,” not all men are pigs and think of women as a piece of meat. Women choose what they want to be. Some women go to school and get an education, some others decide to be a housewife, some decide even decide to be strippers…whatever they do it does not define them as being a women. If you pay attention most women have a cultivation likeness to them, while most men are not as eager to share their feelings.
ReplyDelete-Kara Burroughs
To me there is no one definition of a woman who and what she is the definition. For the woman on that cover it would be an attractiveness aimed towards pleasing men. For my fiance though it is quite different. Her definition is caring, compassionate, selfless, sensitive, and attractive. So, I feel there should not be one definition for women, but a each woman should have their own.
ReplyDeleteJoey Guikema
When talking about women its hard to describe the term. There is no one definition that describes every woman in the world. It is different in every case because there are no two females out there exactly the same. Its just not how people work. So in terms of describing a woman it can be an interesting task. One thing for sure is that the "image woman" above does not even come close to describing the majority of women. Women are built in so many different ways and we are not all gorgeous models even though some of us wish we were.
ReplyDeleteKelsey Michelini
When I think of a woman, I think she is intelligent, classy, and well-educated. A picture also pops in my head of a well professional classy lady. I think that woman can be a lot more of those things and each woman is different. Each women decides who she wants to be. For the most part though, I think of women as I stated inthe beginning. I think men define women as a playmate, and that is a main reason that the playboy picture came up first. I don't think women should be judged by their outside because inside is what matters.
ReplyDelete-Jennifer Berg
I think the playboy picture came up on the search because yes she is a woman and Google basically puts random pictures to anything. In reality I honestly do not see a woman like that. I think women play alot of big roles. When I think of a successful woman, the people that come through my head are actresses,and other people like Oprah, Hilary Clinton, Sarah Palin. Those type of people cross my mind when I think of a successful woman. It really depends on the setting if a person were to ask me what a woman is. I agreee with Joey there is not real definition to describe a gender. It depends how people see them. Everyone else has different views.
ReplyDelete-Jason Renacido
It's very difficult to describe what a woman is; it depends on your beliefs, I suppose. Since gender is culturally constructed, I'd say what people usually think of as a woman would be one that is motherly, compassionate, humble, strong, and crafty.
ReplyDeleteI don't think you can define woman without man, but the same goes for men. Men and women compliment each other. They compliment each other not only because of sex, but because of their roles, arguably, as well.
I believe a woman is defined differently for everyone and each person is allowed to decide for themselves what exactly a woman is.
- Emily Janas
Women are different from men But will all ways be compared to them. You can define a women how ever you want some would say caring, compassionate, selfless, sensitive. but the women should decided how they want to be defined. some women want to be known as independent and strong willed some want to keep it tradition. it all depends on the culture of the women.
ReplyDeleteKathryn Turner
I do not picture a playmate when I think of defining a women. In fact it is not even close. However, I think that these images came up because those are the images that are searched the most often.
ReplyDeleteI also think that it is possible to define women without referencing men. It think it was different way back when, but now a days i believe women have their own image and are deffinitely more respected.
-Bailey Strand
What is a woman? A woman is a female who can support themselves independently and dependently as much as they can and can also support themselves throughout their lives. A woman is a also a female who respects themselves and show people that they have power and can be and do anything as well as they are pleased. Women all over the world could become anything they want but some of the laws nowadays stops them from doing certain things. Men does not want women to over power them so to some men, women are females who work and clean the home. Basically a housewife. I am not like that or separate anyone from anything so women rules in my book!
ReplyDeleteThis is Nyles Wortham Sorry Lol!
ReplyDeleteI agree with the statement that a playboy model is what men may think of as a woman. However, i think women have different views. Some may define woman as caring, compassionate, and nurturing. Yet, i think some would rather be defined as strong and independent. I think every woman has the right to decide how she wants to be viewed. I think a woman is defined differently among people. For example, culture has a big influence. However, i feel that a woman can now be defined without referencing man. Women have become more independent than how it was in the past.
ReplyDelete-alexa arent
When posed with the question of how to define a woman, no one specific definition comes to mind. Honestly, I think that it is hard to define woman without referencing man, and on the flip side, I think that it is hard to define man without woman. I think this is the case because both genders rely on each other for so much. I would like to think that society shares a belief similar to this, but I think the media plays a big part in disorting the picture of a woman. The majority of the time, it seems that the media is always trying to portray women as sex objects. I am not saying that I agree with this sort of thing, but I find it difficult to fault them because it is a business and, in this country, sex sells.
ReplyDelete-Chad Altfillisch
I do not think that you can define a woman by looks. Society and media has portrayed them in a false light. A woman is someone who is loving, compassionate, strong and independent. I do not think there is a certain way that a woman should be and act. She is the one to make that distinction by the way that she acts and presents herself.
ReplyDeleteKristine Tume
I do not think that a playboy model defines a woman. When I think of a woman, I think of someone who is well educated, successful, dresses nice, and takes good care of herself. Society has portrayed a woman looking like the playboy model or any type of stick thin model in general. Woman should not solely be judged on their outside and physical appearance, they should be judged on whats on the inside because big boobs and a skinny waist does not define a woman.
ReplyDeleteTaylor Murphy
To me, I feel that there is no one absolute definition of what a women is. Yes, a women is a gender of the human race that can reproduce and carry children, but other than that definition, a women is anything she chooses to be. Whether that be a classy intelligent women, a sexual desire for men, or a mother, is a women’s decision. Each women is different and unique and it would hardly be fair to place a label on the term women. For me, there is simply no one definition, and I judge on the individual character of a person.
ReplyDelete-Carmen Nunez
When I think about the definition a women I dont think there can be one definition of women. Every person is going to have their own way of defining women. I think of women as being strong, independent, compassionate, and smart. But there is not one definition of women. I do think that you can define women without referencing men. I also think you can define men without referencing women. All in all there is no right definition of women and everyone has their own way of defining it.
ReplyDeleteAmanda DeBates
I have really grappled with this concept all week. What is woman? I have thought about it extensively and broached the topic with other women. I can safely say that there was no consensus. My definition of woman is based on my life experiences and beliefs. I think woman is strong, kind of amazing really. A creature that can carry a life within and then nourish it with their own body. A primary care giver in the realm of children (sometimes husbands). An asset socially, politically and economically. I think that women are expected to wear lots of hats within their role as 'woman'. Virgin, wife, mother, gentle, friend, fashion plate, employee, cook, nurse, counselor, sex goddess, maid, bill payer, money maker, the 'fairer' sex, attractive, taxi driver, laundress, feminine, comforting, independent, and on and on. No wonder they are so exhausted. I think that these expectations are placed by society, but are continued by us...the women. We are strong and smart enough to keep many plates spinning in the air, and some of us actually pull it off. I think what it means to be a woman is different for every woman. I don't think it is all based in gender, but rather in integrety, abilities and belief systems.
ReplyDeleteAmy Caldwell
I don't think there is any 1 definition of woman. Like others have said, I think that every person has their own definition of woman but I think that it is almost impossible to reference woman without referencing man as well. I believe that this goes both ways just because women and men really do need each other so much. But I also believe that women should not be just seen as sex symbols just because they are capable of so much, life being one of them. I just wish that women got more respect then they do now. Every person has their own definition and that should be well respected.
ReplyDeleteCaitlyn Parrish
I think that there is no one definition for describing a women. Women have all types of bodies, personalities, expressions, morals, etc.that by limiting it to only one defintion would be hard. There are more regulare women out there then there are models, actresses, etc. so why do people have to think that when someone says women they don't think of the average women. People think of women as sex objects because the most of the famous women want to be thought of that way. Maybe if the famous where to give off more of a christian value that women wouldn't be though of as sex objects,but as regulare humans.
ReplyDelete-Michele Salvatori-
In the older years women to society where the cookers cleans and pleasures. Now today i think women half more say and society gives them a lot more say. Their is no deflection of what a women is every person is different.
ReplyDeleteAndrew Schaad
ReplyDeleteI had a difficult time trying to come up with the definition of what a woman is. I don't think that a woman is a playboy playmate, but I don't think a woman is the completely buttoned up CEO type. So I'm going to give the definition of what I believe to be the ideal woman. The ideal woman is someone who is successful enough to not have to depend on a man to be financially stable, has good morals, but still embraces her femininity in a tasteful way.
ReplyDeleteI really don't know if its possible to not refer to men without refering to men, just as it isn't easy to refer to men w/o refering to men. I feel like a woman, just aswell as a man, is a person who takes care of their responsibilities and plays their roles in each others lives, as well as, their families and with themselves. Society defines women as SEX objects. Were used as a tool to sell products and get messages across. I on the other hand deine a woman, such as myself as, a strong (black) woman taking care of my womanly duties in my relationship for myfiance and I, as well as, for myself!
ReplyDelete_Kendra Owens_
Its hard to describe a woman, there is no one definition. All women are different. As you can see from the magazine cover, that's one type of woman. Others would describe a woman as feminine, strong, brave, intelligent, etc. You do not have to refer to a man to describe a woman. We are opposite as well as different. A woman can be anybody she wants to be. As long as she is happy, it doesn't matter.
ReplyDeleteJackie Golevicz
Society defines women to be strong, intelligent, elegant, dependable, nurturing, wife, mother.Sometimes some of these definitions do anger some of us. And to every sense of it, our anger is justified. However, there is no other word to depict somebody who multitasks, than to be strong and dependable, there’s no other word to define somebody that takes care of other people than to be said to be a mother who is caring. And for the strong support that she provides society, she is said to be an ideal woman hence a wife. These words could be used in a mere demeaning manner, but there is no other way of underscoring the importance of the strength of a woman.
ReplyDeleteSandra Odei
When asked to define a woman, there is not specific definition because we have proven that we can overcome anything that is thrown at us. We also take care of the children, the housework, and make careers for ourselves in addition to all of those. Women are always described as sex objects but this isn't the truth at all because we have proven ourselves. There is really no way to actually define woman without referencing man because it was not meant to be that way. It was meant for a man and a woman to work together as a team, we just lost sight of that because men think they don't need women except for sex and to basically be their personal servants and woman these days say that they don't need men because they are independent.
ReplyDeleteJulia Henderson
When I think of the definition, I think of so many words I could use to describe us. I think it is impossible to say this is what a women is, there are so many different people out there, but mainly strong headed, goal in mind, family orientated, her own self. I think that there are so many labels on women that we are expected to live up to, but it is impossible. Women are whoever they want to be. Whether it is a playboy model or a stay at home mom. There is not one definition that anyone could use to describe all women.
ReplyDeleteAllysa Lybarger
I do not think of a playmate when I think of a woman. I think of a human who is strong willed, very straight forward, and yet still caring. The google search couldn't be used as a reference here because we don't know how those pictures are chosen. I do think that this just represents a woman's beauty and that is how she likes to display it. Not just as a sex symbol as many brought up in class.
ReplyDeleteKayla O'Neill
It is very difficult to come up with a set definition of a woman. All women are different and should not be put into specific sterotypes. I definitely do not think of a playmate when I think about what a woman is. I think women compliment men, but they have different views on many issues. When I think of a woman, one of the first things that comes to mind is putting others before herself.
ReplyDelete-Keri Plica
I dont think there is a real definition to a woman in general. All women come in all different types. A woman cant be defined with a few words, there are so many ways to explain or describe women. I believe that society has a specific definition of a woman, but most of the time its the wrong preception of a woman, not even a defintion of a woman. All different people in society have different thoughts of women in general, but never define them as individuals, just as a whole.
ReplyDelete-Shawna Sabo
There is not one specific definition of woman. Every single woman is different in her own way. I feel that society does not see woman as a person but just as a thing that is suppose to be there for her husband. Everyone has different opinions of what woman is suppose to mean. I feel that woman is someone who is suppose to be equal to man but really never is.
ReplyDelete-Tara Rednour
I think that there is more then just one defintion to decribe women. The public think of us as sex objects but women hold alot more then just being a sex object. There are so many things that women can do that don't always get recongnised for. The playboy model is not a true definiton of a women. Not every women want to be put under that label that the public sees us as. Women are just as equal as men are but don't always get the same share.
ReplyDeletei had the above comment!!
ReplyDelete-Megan Salvatori
i had the above comment
ReplyDeleteMegan Salvatori
My definition of a woman is someone more than a sex object. A woman is strong, independent, educated, and has the characteristics to do anything a man does. There is no one definition of a woman it can be more then just sex and beauty. i think it is more men that have this image of the playboy woman, but it is also woman who let men categorize them as lower and treat them unequally.
ReplyDeleteDanielle Fabian
I think society defines a woman as a female of a cetain age with a slim/perfect body type. Who are emotional creatures. I define a woman as soomeone who is independant and mature human being. They are very intelligent,hard workers andmake good decisions.They are sophisticated.We as females decide what a woman is. Since woman areindependant they dont need a man-Altagrace Jean-Francois
ReplyDeletei dont think there is a real good way to describe a women but i def wouldnt describe a women as a play boy model or anything of the sort, even though many people believe that is what a women is. That might be how men view what a women is, but it is yourself as a women who figures out how you want to be defined that is why there are so many different types in the world.
ReplyDeleteKelley Walsh
I believe when defining a women a playboy is not what i think of. I think a women is purely a biological definition. There are women that act like men do (aka tom boys) but they are still a woman. Women do not have to be strong, independent, or a mother to be a woman. Everyone is different and act differently but it does not mean they are still not a women. I do believe the ideal woman is strong, independent, and hardworking but thats my deifintion of the ideal woman, not just a woman in general. I think there are descriptions of women but nontheless they are still women biologically.
ReplyDelete-kimberly matejka
Society defines women has a weak minded person that all they need to do is please the men, cook clean and make babies. I mean as crass as that is if you look at marketing sex and violence sell who are the major people in those? women. I know their are women out there like myself that are not the social norm we are strong independent women. and it is said with out men women couldn't make it as sad as it is I think its true men hold the ace when it comes to some things that women just don't have. But i do think that men and women could survive with out etcher we both have something to offer and when it comes down to it EVERYONE is different.
ReplyDeleteKathryn Turner
I dont think that you can define a woman without refernce to man because God created the woman from a man's rib. I think a woman is more than just a sex object, she is more than just a "baby making machine." Women are actual humans & they deserve to be just as equal as men. One couldn't survive without the other because they are both needed; especailly in reproduction. I really can't define a woman because I don't think that there is one set definition but there are many characteristics of a woman.
ReplyDelete_Toykia Meeks
I really can't find the words to define a women. I think it's because of the hact that there are so many different definitions. All women are different, and all women are not independent and strong just as well as all men aren't. I do think however that it is possible to define a women without using a man, but i dont think it's possible to defne a man without using a women because they all came from a woman.
ReplyDeleteMeagan Savage