The pro-choice movement would fail without young women
Answer these 2 questions: What is Jessica, who wrote this blog post, mad about? As a young woman, who do you think should be making the decisions about when you have children and how many you have?
As a young woman, are you capable of making moral decisions about your own body and your life plans?
Sign full name.
I would have to say that a teenager still at home is too young to make these decisions. In the article though it mentioned about the youngest speaker at one event being 30 and that was just to read off names. I think that is where the problem is. Yes, teenagers probably should wait until they get more education on the subject before making major decisions like whether they want kids or how many. Woman though who have moved out of their parents, who have been educated, and experienced the real world are very qualified to make these decisions whether they are 21, 30, or 50. They have grown up by then and should be treated as so.
ReplyDeleteJoey Guikema
The last comment is from... Melissa Steinberg
ReplyDeleteJessica is mad becuase young women are not given as much credit as older women in the pro-choice movement. AS a young women i think it should be my choice when i have children and how many no one else should be concerned with that choice that i will make. Yes, as a young women i do just fine making my own moral decision and plans for my life. Elders belive they know more about whats right and wrong and good and bad for younger people but they dont know whats good and bad right and wrong in this time maybe in there time but not in this time. We should get more credit.
ReplyDeleteJessica makes it obvious that she's mad about the fact that young woman's thoughts about pro-choice movements are being ignored and not considered.
ReplyDeleteThe question about who should be making the decisions about when you should have a child and how many should obviously be up to the woman. No one else have a right to say what you can do with your body besides yourself.
As a young woman, I think i am perfectly capable of making moral decisions about my own body and my life plans. I know what's best for me and when i'm ready to do certain things. No one else knows that better than me.
Emily Eyler
Jessica, who wrote this blog post,is mad about people being apathetic. And as a young woman, I think its both parties decisions on how many kids, when to have them or even if you want kids at all. cause its takes 2 people to make a baby. As for being capable of making moral decisions about my own body and my life plans? Yes I feel like I am capable of doing that. of course it is MY body, I can do what I want with it, If I want to cover it with tattoos or piercing that's my decision, Some people my not agree with it but what can they say or even do. If you don't like tattoos then don't put them on your own body. some people may not agree with pro-choice but thats their own decision, and why they feel that way may be due to several reasons. Everyone has different views on everything and I feel like its your choice on what you do. and if you get burned, then you learn...
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments!
ReplyDeleteIn this article, Jessica is made that young women today are being ignored and given no recognition on thoughts of pro-choice as well as advertistments about pro-choice. A lot of older women all think that young people don't have a say in any of it because they are young and are not matured enough. Well, I think that young women have a right to make their own choices and when to have children. Many young teens have the right to make their own decisions but I do think that some of them are very young at making the decisions they choose, and realize it with years to come. Overall though, I think every woman has their own choice on what they do.
ReplyDelete-Jennifer Berg
Jessica is angry because there is a wide belief that young women care less about abortion rights than older women. This is incredibly false, since there are plenty of examples where young women engage in rallies, marches, protests, and the like.
ReplyDeleteIt is solely up to the woman who has every right to decide if she wants children in the first place. After that, if she decides she does want children, it becomes an issue for both the woman and potential father.
If a father is present and of sound mind, it should be up to the mother AND the father to make decisions about the future of the child. After all, it is his child, too.
As a young woman, I do not believe I am capable of making wise decisions about my body and life plans. It has been proven time and time again that our brains aren't fully developed until age 25 or so, even though society believes we are adults at age 18. I refuse to make any life changing decisions until I am truly an adult.
-Emily Janas
I believe Jessica is mad about the fact that older woman have a bigger say so over the pro-choice movement, and she feels young women should have just as much voice as the older women. Everyone's elder/parents will always have something to say lol and its no way around it. For me, as a young engaged woman, I feel as though my fiance and I should have the say so over when we want to start having children and how many we'll have, but to him and ultimately I should and do have that say so! I also feel that YES, I am capable of making my own decisions in life no mattter what they are. Though everyone is entitled to their own opinions, I feel that anything pertaining to me and my body is my decision!!!
ReplyDelete.Kendra Owens.
I think jessica is mad because younger women who agree with pro-choice are not accounted for at various public events. It it obvious that there are many older women who feel that they have more contol, power, and voice over these decision, which is not true. I think that younger females, such as ages 20+, should have a say in public events. I do believe I am old enough to make decisions about my on my own because it is only my future in my hands. If it came down to it, I would have to weigh out the consequences, on my own, to decide what is best.
ReplyDelete-Keri Plica
I believe that if a young woman is educated on the subject and actually knows what they are getting into then there is no reason for someone to try to tell her how many if any children to have. Granit there are some women that cannot afford to take care of the children she already has so then I would think that someone should probably step in and say something. However the question is what can be done? The government cannot just waltz in and tell who can and who cannot have children because they believe that she would be an unfit mother.
ReplyDelete-Kara Burroughs
From the very beginning, it is obvious that, Jessica, the author, is very unhappy about the fact that the efforts put forth by young women towards the pro-choice continue to go unrecognized. Prior to reading this article, I never realized how under-represented young women are in this movement. After reading Jessica's article, I also agree that it would be really interesting to see what would happen if the young people working behind the scenes went on some sort of a strike. However, maybe it would actually take this sort of thing to open up the eyes of those leading the organizations. As for the decision about when to have kids and how many to have, I think that this decision ultimately needs to be left to the two people (man and woman) that plan on having the child. In my opinion, I would want to wait until I was at least somewhat settled and knew which direction my life was going before I considered kids. However, given certain circumstances, it is not my position to judge whether or not another young person has the capability to make a moral decision about their body and life.
ReplyDelete-Chad Altfillisch
Jessica is mad because young women are not getting the credit and recognition they deserve in the movement. People are not considering their efforts to be important. I feel that a young woman's view and opinion should be heard when it comes to these situations; however, i feel that age and maturity should be considered in the final decision. Sometimes I doubt my capability to make crucial life changing decisions. Therefore, i feel that the advice and opinion of older people should be used. Yet, older people should still listen and consider the thoughts and views of the young women. Neither side should be ignored.
ReplyDelete-alexa arent
Jessica is mad because many younger women are working extremely hard to help their organizations to become stronger but are not being given credit or acknowledge for their part. For the next question, I believe that every woman should be able to make the decision for herself when she should have kids and how many. I believe this because everyone's circumstances are different. Even though some girls want to have children at younger ages this shouldn't be looked down up because they may have the support and sorrounding family to give a successful future for their child. This choice should be for the woman herself and noobody else.
ReplyDelete-Bailey Strand
The author is upset because some of the leaders in the feminist movement are reluctant to give credence or credit to it's younger contributors. I think that women, of any age should be able to make their own reproductive choices. With that said, I am not a huge fan of teenage pregnancy and hope that young women in that position get the information and support they need. On the other end of the spectrum I find it interesting that a friend of mine inquired about a long term UTI birth control, and was told that they would prefer if she were over 27 & already had children. Those same sentiments were expressed when asked about getting her 'tubes tied'... Some people think that young women are too young to make important reproductive decisions, and that childless women are incapable as well.
ReplyDeleteAmy Caldwell
Jessica is upset because the current leaders in the feminist movement are not giving credence, or maybe good leadership to the younger participants. They should be encouraging them and grooming them to take their place. I think that women of any age should have control over their bodies, particularly reproductive choices. I think that teenage motherhood is a concern, and hope that those in that situation find the information and support they need. On the other end of the spectrum...friends of mine in their mid 20's to mid 30's have been seen recently for UTI birth control and tubal ligation. Both were told that they weren't old enough, and they (the physician) would prefer to wait until after they had children. It's as if we as either young or childless women are incpable of making these decisions for ourselves.
ReplyDeleteAmy Caldwell
I think Jessica is upset because older women get more of a say over the pro choice movement. She is also mad the younger women are being ignored in the pro choice movement and are not given as much recognition as the older women. I am a young women and i think it is my choice whether i want to have a child or not and I think every young women should have the choice whether they want to have to children or when to have children. I think as being a young women, i am capable of making moral decisions. I think that younger women should listen to what the older women have to say but I also think that the older women and society should start listening to what the younger women have to say.
ReplyDeleteTaylor Murphy
Jessica is mad about not being recognized as a young woman in the movement towards pro-choice. I can completely see where she is coming from and it makes sense on both ends as to why it is the way it is. I can see why the older women are in power of these organizations and that probably comes down to experience but these organizations should really think about putting more people in our generation into the fight as well. I consider us to be very passionate individuals who can give a lot to any organization.
ReplyDeleteUltimately I think that any decisions that have to do with my life and my body are up to me (and my significant other). Every young woman should take into account other opinions as well, just to make a more educated and thorough decision.
Caitlyn Parrish
The reason why Jessica is upset is because young women are not getting the credit they deserve in the Pro-choice movement. They are not getting credit for putting together movements and doing all the work that is underpaid or not paid at all. I think it should be my own choice on when I have children and how many I have. I think it is my own body and no one should tell me what to do with it. But I'm also 22 years olds and well educated. With someone who is younger then me (like in their early teens) might need a little more guidance in making decisions. But overall I think it is your own decision about when to have children and how many to have. At this point in life I think I'm very capable of making my own moral decisions and making my own life plans. I know what I want and I need to be the one who figures things out, not someone else doing it for me.
ReplyDeleteAmanda DeBates
Jessica is upset like many of the above comments point out because she feels that young women are not being considered and their voices are not being heard. I do feel that society says young women are not capable of making their own decisions and/or that their choices are wrong. But, I feel it is her body and her choice to do what she wants, if she has the proper support and help from those close to her that is all that matters. I also think it has to do with maturity levels too. Just because you are in college does not mean you are mature enough to make the proper decisions especially about children, but then some girls may be very responsible, be mature and have all the necessary support to make that decision. It all depends on the woman and situation.
ReplyDeleteKristine Tume
Jessica is mad because young women do not get as much credit as older women in the pro-choice movement. I believe it is entirely my choice when i want to have children and if so how many i would like. I feel i am fully capable of making my own decisions. Older woman usually think because they are older and have "more experience" they know more. I find this untrue. A lot of us at this age have already had many experiences that we had to over come or things we had to deal with. Both sides should be heard but we should be getting more credit.
ReplyDelete-Alex Figura
Jessica is mad because women are not getting the credit. I feel like young women never get to speak their mind because people seem to think that young women do not know what they are talking about. I feel like yes young women sometimes can't make decisions on their own and they need older people to help them out, but with me it seems like older people never want to listen to what I have to say.
ReplyDelete-Tara Rednour
Jessica is mad because young women are not recognized as a part of the movement, the only women being recognized are the older women. She is also mad that the only women who got to talk was under 30 and she just listed the places the movement had been. I think the choice of when and how many children to have is up to the women, however if a woman is still living at home and unable to support herself, i believe her parents should have some type of say considering they will probably be helping her raise and support her children.
ReplyDeleteKimberly Matejka
Jessica is mad because young women’s voice is not being considered or recognized in pro-choice movements. And the fact that older women in the movement are not ready to let the younger generation continue with their work. The decision about when to have children, i think should be made by a couple but the woman's choice here should be very well acknowledged.
ReplyDeleteSandra Odei
In this article Jessica is just really upset that young people are over shadowed by their age. Young people are looked at like they cant make their own decisions to a certain extent. I think that maturity is a huge issue with these kind of decisions, but I believe a young girl knows whether or not they are equip to raise a child. Older people, such as parents and or doctors should consider the younger ones thoughts and decisions. Nothing should be covered up or ignored.
ReplyDelete-Shawna Sabo
Seeing as I am in fact still a teenage woman, I feel that we should have some say so in the pro-choice movement because most of the "accidental pregnancies" are occurring in my age range. Many people talk to us like we are still babies. Some teenagers, like 18 and 19 year olds, are very capable of taking care of a child. The movement wouldn't in fact be a success without us because no adult usually gets abortions. At that age, they are most likely trying to have a child.
ReplyDeleteJulia Henderson
Jessica is mad because young women who are pro choice are not getting what they deserve. They should be getting heard but barely anyone is listening. People have to consider their efforts. I feel that young women have their own choice if they want to have children and how many but also they have to understand the responsibility and everything they have to give up. I am in college and I still have trouble making the right decision so how are these girls suppose to.
ReplyDeleteJessica is mad about the fact that an article says that young women do not care about their bodies. She is also mad at the fact that older woman do not give younger woman the credit to being involved with abortion rights. I feel the article on Roe is one sided which is the older woman point of view. I feel that the individual that wants a child decides when they will have one. Not only that but how many they will have. I think that young woman are capable at making moral decisions while some are not. It depends on the person and they way they think and how they were raised-Altagrace Jean-Francois
ReplyDeleteJessica is mad because young woman aren't getting the credit they deserve for all there hard work with the pro choice movement. Jessica explains how if it wasn't for them everything would fail, because a lot of the work is behind the scene, or it is voluntary. I think it is the woman who should be in control of her body and the choices she decides to make should be hers. I understand there can be limitations of how capable this woman is of making a life changing decision. So i advice from both sides should be heard.
ReplyDeleteDanielle Fabian
The blogpost here reminds me of the movie "iron jawed angels". In the movie Alice Paul frequently disagreed upon the right actions to get suffrage recognized and changed. I think that it is important for young and old women to talk about these issues together and fight for what they believe in. No matter how old the woman or young woman, it is important that both receive the opportunity to decide what to do with their own body.
ReplyDeleteJoe Womack
after reading this article it is obvious that jessica is mad that young women are being overlooked in the prochoice movement and are not getting the credit they deserve. I think that young women should be able to make their own decision when it comes to having a baby and how many they decide they want. no matter how old you are you need to do what is right for you, not everyone else.
ReplyDeleteKelley Walsh
I think Jessica is mad at the fact that younger women dont get recognized when it comes to the pro choice movement. Younger women tend to get over looked because of the fact that older women are the ones that actually are in charge of the organiations. i think everyone women or man should be able to make thier own decisions when it comes to thier bodies. That just something personal, no one knows you body better than you do. As a young women myself i think that i am able to make my own choices when it comes to my life plans and my body. No one knows me or my body better than i do and thats that.
ReplyDeleteMeagan Savage