“Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.” Albert Einstein

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Also for EC for 8/30: Public Shirtlessness: The Next Feminist Frontier?

Is it unfair to prohibit women bearing their breasts on a hot day? Read Lori's perspective before you weigh in.


  1. For me personally I think making it legal for women to go shirtless in public is acceptable. In other regions of the world it is considered the norm (example: St. Barts/Martineque/even Mexico). Currently in the U.S., I personally only know of one place where it is accepted practice to go topless-in fact complete nudity; and that is a nudists' colony near Morrison, IL. Societal norms of years' past have dictated that women stay covered; but if you visit the many beaches here in the U.S., you will find women wearing thongs, that expose their buttocks. I have seen and read throughout the year's, about some women who have "bucked" the social norms; not to provide shock-value, but in their fight for equality for all women.
    Marje Hood

  2. I disagree with this blog,If a women is going to go topless it should be an issue.Women have breast that iam sure everyone is not comfortable with showing.It is not normal for me to see a women with no shirt on.Certain parts on a male and female body should be coverd up,cause thats the way society made it.The only way it will be okay if the women is not showing to much skin.If she is going swimming or working out than yeah a swimsuite or workout clothes whold be suitable.Now if majority of women wont to expose themshelf than iam fine with it,iam just not.
    Kierra Randle

  3. I agree with this blog because women should be able to have the same rights as men. I would see if women were walking around without their shirt AND bra then maybe it would be somewhat of a problem but they have on a bra. What makes it legal for them to walk around the beach/swimming pool with their swimsuit top and bottom on but can't jog around the corner or play sports in just their sports bra!? I feel that if men could do it then what can't women! Women are still covering up their breast while wearing a bra unlike men who just have their chest out; seeing men with their shirt off could cause sexual acts as if it was a woman.
    Shaletta M. Hanson

  4. In our society no matter back in the 1800 or the 21st century women will always be looked down upon for doing something out of the norm. Women can do just the same things that men can. I dont think that it should be prohibited for women to walk around with their shirts off, its the same as wearing a swimsuit. If men have the right to do it why can't we. We all live in America and every man/women are equal.
    Allie Deyo

  5. I think that is a woman wants to walk around with just a bra on it should be fine. I know though personally some people don’t agree with this because last year me and some other cross country girls had some town people complain that we were running with our shirts off. The cross country boys though who always run with their shirts off did not get into trouble. I didn’t think this was fair but it didn’t affect us we still run on a hot day with our shirts off. I think women should have the same right s as males but I personally wouldn’t be comfortable walking around in public with no shirt or bra on but if someone did feel comfortable with this then they should have the right to because men do.- Danyelle Ehredt

  6. I agree that women should have the same rights as men. I'll admit that I have been envious of a man who can take his shirt off to cool himself, while I sweat in my clothing. I also believe that if it were made legal to be bare-breasted that I, and probably many other women, would never be comfortable with walking around with no top on. I believe it is important to think about the differences in anatomy; a woman is different than a man. I also think that even if it were legal, it would either be more cause for name-calling, and even worse actions such as rape. When a woman is raped, she is usually already blamed by society, it somehow becomes her fault. This would be even more the case if she were partly naked. Even though it may be wrong, we have adapted to what society expects of us; we take showers, adapt our language in public, and are expected to dress appropriately. Even breast feeding, in my opinion, should be a private matter. Parents are very sensitive about their children, and I know if I had a child I would not want to take a walk in the park and have him/her see a woman's private body parts and be forced to explain her actions and have a sexual discussion with a young child before I was ready to. I disagree, but I do understand why others would agree, and I think it is great that people are courageous enough to fight for what they think is right even when many look down upon their views.

    -Jennifer Park

  7. I do not have a strong agreement for either side of this blog. However, I am all for the equality between men and women and stand strongly for that. If men can go shirtless women should be able to as well. I am against gender discrimination in society. In all actuality though, I know that I would not be comfortable with shirtless women walking around outside in public. The fact that it is not a social norm to anyone in our culture would cause a lot more controversy I feel. Men do have restrictions on what parts of their body shouldn’t be exposed, so it’s not totally wrong to say that women have to cover up some areas as well.
    (Meghan Vold)

  8. These are all good comments, but please read the blog carefully--she's saying that women should be able to expose their breasts, just as men can.

  9. Now I am all for women's rights; and if these women feel okay with going bare breasted; here's to them. But have they looked at the male aspect yet? Yes, over the last century or so breasts have become a sex symbol; so if women were to go completely topless now, men are going to stare... also do you know the feeling of getting your butt grabbed at a party.. now imagine walking down the street topless, men are going to grope your boobs; maybe not all of them but the jerks are going too... its just something that is unavoidable.. Personally if it were to become legal, i dont think that i would partake in the event... but i will support it

  10. What if it were common, as it is in some cultures? Would it not be as exciting, then?

  11. I believe that going topless shouldn’t be something that causes a problem in our society. Men are allowed to walk around topless and like someone previously stated, and therefore I think that women should be allowed to lay on the beach topless. What I don’t think is acceptable though would be women walking around topless for no reason, just because it’s hot outside isn’t a good enough reason for me to take my shirt off, so I don’t think that it’s necessary for any other woman to take their shirts. A man working out without a shirt on is much different than a woman working out without a shirt on.

    Michelle LaRose

  12. I Disagree with this blog. I believe that woman should not be able to walk around topless. I am all for womans rights but i dont think this is somthing that is essential for a woman to feel that she has equal rights to a man. Yes men are aloud to walk around topless but woman and men have different body parts.

    Tracy Wagner

  13. I feel that woman walking aorund with their tops off would be like men walking around with their pants off. Women should not be able to expose their breasts in public as men do.

    Tracy Wagner

  14. I disagree with the blog because we have been taught that showing our breasts is wrong. Showing your breasts is not a way to show we are equal to men by any means. Being able to show our breasts would most likely make men happier and they would concentrate on our breast rather than our intelligence and other aspects of ourselves. Being equal should not be a contest on who can have less clothes on, it should be about what we can make out of ourselves and having no limits on what we as women want to do. There are a lot more things women can do to show there equality, taking their tops off and walking around does not prove anything besides that they are comfortable with themselves.

    Julia Farnesi

  15. I have mixed feelings regarding this issue. I believe that women should have the right to bear their breasts if they want to, but I also think that it will be a while, if ever, before it would be considered socially acceptable. In truth, women's breasts are not much different then mens, but our society has completely different views on this topic. Today, women's are judged based on their cup size and what their breasts look like. With women being judged based on the size of their breasts with their clothes on, I can only imagine how bad things would get if they were allowed to walk around topless. I just do not see this phenomenon ever being able to fully become acceptable in our society.
    -Heather Gaulke
