“Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.” Albert Einstein

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Coalition for Illinois Midwifery

Want to know more about midwifery laws in the state of Illinois and how we compare to other states? Look here:
Coalition for Illinois Midwifery - Welcome to the Coalition for Illinois Midwifery

EC option for 9/6: Child abuse in Afghanistan - Broadsheet - Salon.com

How does the author of this article comes to the conclusion that women's inequality hurts more than just women?
Child abuse in Afghanistan - Broadsheet - Salon.com

Monday, August 30, 2010

EC option for 9/6: abonly_comic1024.gif (GIF Image, 1024x591 pixels) - Scaled (91%)

According to the way this comic strip (scroll down and click on image to enlarge it) portrays abstinence only programs, what is the nature of male sexuality? How might abstinence only programs be promoting the idea that all men are rapists?
abonly_comic1024.gif (GIF Image, 1024x591 pixels) - Scaled (91%)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Also for EC for 8/30: Public Shirtlessness: The Next Feminist Frontier?

Is it unfair to prohibit women bearing their breasts on a hot day? Read Lori's perspective before you weigh in.