“Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.” Albert Einstein
Monday, February 28, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Option for 2/28: More role models

AK Rep Sharon Cissna refuses TSA pat-down of her mastectomy scars
Rep. Cissna says,
What do you make of this situation?“So last night, as more and more TSA, airline, airport and police gathered, I became stronger in remembering to fight the submission to a physical hand exam. I repeatedly said that I would not allow the feeling-up and I would not use the transportation mode that required it.”
“For nearly fifty years I’ve fought for the rights of assault victims, population in which my wonderful Alaska sadly ranks number one, both for men and women who have been abused. The very last thing an assault victim or molested person can deal with is yet more trauma and the groping of strangers, the hands of government ‘safety’ policy.”
“For these people, as well as myself, I refused to submit.”
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
option for 2/28: 2 videos with great women political role modles

Watch these two women stand up for themselves and other women in front of all those judgmental men!
Video | Hot Live Feminist Action!
Comment on how/why these Jackie Speier and/or Gwen Moore are role models.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Updated: Julia Landauer responds to blog post
"We want to know why your parents thought it was important for you to participate in a 'gender-inclusive' sport. What did they not like about the idea of a separate league for women?"
And she responded:
"It was for a variety of reasons, but the most prominent one was that
in everyday life men and women have to interact, and my parents
thought it would be good to be exposed to the opposite sex early on.
I'm really glad they did because I enjoy working with both men and
women, and while there are some benefits to isolating sports by
gender, overall I think I grew as a person by working with and
competing against both."
Hello Prof. Stovall,
My name's Julia Landauer, and I was interviewed by feministing.com
back in January. I saw that you assigned your students to read my
article, (which is incredibly flattering) and it led me to your blog.
I just wanted to let you know that I now follow it, as I find your
posts very interesting reads. It's really cool that you have your
students following those blog sites.
Take care,
Julia Landauer
Stanford University | Class of 2014
Friday, February 18, 2011
Option for 2/28 and REQUIRED reading for Exam 2

Family Breadwinner Finds Her Place: With The Men : NPR
This quote is especially enlightening when trying to understand what male privilege is: The other men on the job told her, "These are men's jobs. You're taking jobs away from men who have families."
What was Dee's response to the men telling her this? And how did the men, in turn, respond to her response?
What does this tell us about the role of understanding other people?
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Option for 2/21: Teens Trying to get contraciption in Texas
Abstinence only education is still alive and well in Texas!
Consider this quote from Gale Collins:
For one thing, it’s extremely tough for teenagers to get contraceptives in Texas. “If you are a kid, even in college, if it’s state-funded you have to have parental consent,” said Susan Tortolero, director of the Prevention Research Center at the University of Texas in Houston.
Plus, the Perry government is a huge fan of the deeply ineffective abstinence-only sex education. Texas gobbles up more federal funds than any other state for the purpose of teaching kids that the only way to avoid unwanted pregnancies is to avoid sex entirely. (Who knew that the health care reform bill included $250 million for abstinence-only sex ed? Thank you, Senator Orrin Hatch!) But the state refused to accept federal money for more expansive, “evidence-based” programs.
“Abstinence works,” said Governor Perry during a televised interview with Evan Smith of The Texas Tribune.
“But we have the third highest teen pregnancy rate among all states in the country,” Smith responded.
option for 2/21: Powerful white men can be victims of sexual abuse
Samhita is the blogger, here. What makes her say Brown's memoir could have a positive effect on others?
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
option for 2/21: Basketball Coach Leta Andews Still Setting a High Standard - NYTimes.com

Basketball Coach Leta Andews Still Setting a High Standard - NYTimes.com
What is it about this area in Texas that produces great female athletes?
for 2/21: Proposed SD law would legalize murder of abortion providers–and pregnant women
Read the short blog post linked above. What do you think about this proposed legislation?
At the end why does Miriam say, "Can we stop calling them pro-life now"?
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Funny: Banned Commercials
YouTube - Feministing's Channel
Why do you think this commercial was banned? (Another commercial, for Trojan Condoms, was not allowed during the superbowl this year.)
Option for 2/14: Slowpoke Comics by Jen Sorensen :: Alternative Political Cartoons and Illustration

Slowpoke Comics by Jen Sorensen :: Alternative Political Cartoons and Illustration
What is Jen Sorensen's message in this cartoon? (You can see it larger by clicking on link above.)
for 2/14: YouTube - Boys Are Like Microwaves (Abstinence-Only Lesson #4)
What point are the makers of this video trying to make?
for 2/14: Ohio “Heartbeat” bill could ban abortion just 18 days after conception
There's a new bill to restrict Repro. rights everyday!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Study reveals gender pay gap in new doctors
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Officials to Weigh Free Birth Control Under Health Law - NYTimes.com
Officials to Weigh Free Birth Control Under Health Law - NYTimes.com
Option for 2/8: House to drop “forcible rape” language in response to advocacy and satire
House to drop “forcible rape” language in response to advocacy and satire
What is the message of of video?
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Why are only 13% of Wikipedia contributors women?
What does Sue Gardner, the executive director of the Wikipedia foundation, want to bring women's representation up to 25%? (It may not be what you think.)