For up-to-date information about opposition to contraception in the US and world-wide visit
RH Reality Check.
Colorado Bill would make pill illegal
"According to Leslie Hanks, one of Amendment 62's authors, it would make certain forms of the pill and other contraceptive devices illegal: 'Many of the oral contraceptives have an action that makes the womb inhospitable to a developing embryo and, hence, the new living, growing baby is prevented from residing where his or her creator intended until birth.'" (http://maddowblog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2010/09/29/5200358-gop-for-big-government-in-a-small-uterus?pc=25&sp=25)
For examples of State and federal government representatives obstructing access to birth control:
http://feministing.com/2010/11/18/opposing-birth-control-coverage-should-be-as-ridiculous-as-hating-puppies/ (Go right to paragraph 2--there's links there)
White House list of free preventative services won’t include birth control:
27 States require insurers to cover birth control:
Something to consider:
49% of pregnancies in the U.S. are unintended?http://feministing.com/2010/06/24/nearly-half-of-u-s-pregnancies-are-unintended/
For public opinion on birth control and abortion, here's the latest:
Campaigns to tarnish birth control:
Stigma against birth control in other countries: