“Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.” Albert Einstein
Friday, January 29, 2010
Class discussion on abortion
Not everyone in class who wanted to say something today (Friday)had a chance, and some wanted to say even more. Well, here's your chance. The discussion started with my question of how you felt about the fact that 35% of women will have an abortion by age 45, and what might be a more ideal, but still realistic percentage.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Teen pregnancy rate increases after decade-long decline
Teen pregnancy rate increases after decade-long decline
I'd be interested to know what you think about this story. Should we be encouraging teen pregnancy or trying to prevent it?
I'd be interested to know what you think about this story. Should we be encouraging teen pregnancy or trying to prevent it?
Dictionary banned because defines words related to sex
CA school district bans the dictionary. Seriously.
FYI. This is not required, but I wondered if you had strong feelings about it.
FYI. This is not required, but I wondered if you had strong feelings about it.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Required for 2/1 (chose to comment EITHER on this one OR the post below on Fri. Night. Lights)
Take Action re: Superbowl Ad
Read the above link and answer: is it consistent with Superbowl policy to air an Anti-choice ad? Should the Superbowl run this commercial? Make sure to speak specifically to the original post on Feministing.com.
Or, you may comment on this quote from the same link:
"Watching the Superbowl is seen as a celebration of American masculinity. But in reality, it is the glorification of one VERY particular, very narrow, definition of what it means to be a man. According to the CBS approved Ads, being a man means this is your thought process: Grunt. Beer! Grunt. Sex with hot chick! Grunt. Grunt. EAT MEAT! Grunt. Wife annoying! Frankly, I think these ads are sexist toward men AND women."
Read the above link and answer: is it consistent with Superbowl policy to air an Anti-choice ad? Should the Superbowl run this commercial? Make sure to speak specifically to the original post on Feministing.com.
Or, you may comment on this quote from the same link:
"Watching the Superbowl is seen as a celebration of American masculinity. But in reality, it is the glorification of one VERY particular, very narrow, definition of what it means to be a man. According to the CBS approved Ads, being a man means this is your thought process: Grunt. Beer! Grunt. Sex with hot chick! Grunt. Grunt. EAT MEAT! Grunt. Wife annoying! Frankly, I think these ads are sexist toward men AND women."
Required comment for 2/1: Friday Night Lights takes on abortion
iFriday Night Lights/i takes on abortion
Read the above link to a post on Feministing.com (Read the text on the linked page--it is optional to click on "continue reading.")
What do you think of Jos's analysis of the abortion episode? Say why you agree or disagree.
Read the above link to a post on Feministing.com (Read the text on the linked page--it is optional to click on "continue reading.")
What do you think of Jos's analysis of the abortion episode? Say why you agree or disagree.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Rape Victim in Saudi Arabia Scheduled to be Lashed 100 Times
Rape Victim in Saudi Arabia Scheduled to be Lashed 100 Times In Saudia Arabia, a woman who is raped is both victim and perpetrator of a crime, and will be punished. What is your reaction?
Is it okay for a politician to offer up his daughters on National TV? Watch the clip.
Is it okay for a politician to offer up his daughters on National TV? Watch the clip.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Do feminists love sex?
Watch this video of Shannon Boodram about her book, Laid, about the sexual experiences of young adults. What do you think about the microwave burrito metaphor?
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Women and the U.S. Senate

Should women candidates who are feminists hide their feminism or play it up? Read this Feministing.com post about Martha Coakley who is running to fill a Massachusetts Senate Seat today. According to the Feministing.com post, what are the implications of her potentially winning? Why is gender an issue in this particular election even as Coakley says it is secondary?
Monday, January 18, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Should woman have to pay $9000 for a medically necessary abortion?
A woman is devastated to find out that her fetus will have no brain and cannot survive outside the womb. She has lost a child she desperately wanted. Her doctor said an abortion was necessary, then she found out her insurance would not cover the $9000 required for the abortion. Is it okay for health insurance to cover only some of women's health issues?
Who gets to pick and chose how tax $$ are spent?
This is a creative and very articulate video questioning the philosophical basis for the Hyde and Stupak amendments, two policies that seek to prevent tax dollars from being used for legal abortions. Watch the video, then answer this questiosn: if you could pick and choose how your tax dollars are spent, what would you NOT want to see your tax dollars going to?
Finding common ground on abortion

This is a really sweet story about 2 friends--one pro-life and other pro-choice. One lesson I take from this piece is that we should not make abortion the primary issue when choosing who our friends are or who we vote for. As a pro-choice activist, it is important for me to find common ground with those who take a pro-life position. What is the common ground among the two friends in the linked story?
Friday, January 8, 2010
Required comment for 1/25: Sex in the dorm
Read this article on universities officially banning sex in the dorm when a roommate is present. Are student brains not "formed enough" to make good judgment with regard to this issue? How should sex in the dorms when a roommate is present be handled? Does the university have a role?
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
News between Jan. 20 and 25
For this week, please comment on this post about the USO sending makeup and Cosmo to female soldiers. Read the whole post, then weigh in with a 50-word or longer comment. You may also respond to other comments. Comments must follow the Comments Policy as outlined on the first page of the Blog. Posts must be dated before 1/25/10. Have fun!
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